:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Fifty-Two, Part One

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             “Ten… Nine… Eight…”

            The tension in the air was nearly palpable.

            “Seven… Six… Five…”

            Lance nudged me roughly in the side with his elbow, earning a squawk of surprise from me. Nobody seemed to notice though.


            I sat a little straighter in my seat, my eyes glued to the clock. For the last three numbers, I found myself counting out loud along with the rest of the class. “Three… Two… One!”

            Immediately the room was filled with applause and cheer. Instead of joining them, I sunk back into my desk with a long sigh of relief. Even though it was only a half-day, the day had gone by incredibly slowly. But at least now it was over. Finally, I was finished with high school. No more waking up early every day. No more taking unnecessary classes to collect enough credits to graduate. No more worrying about grades for college. No more crappy school lunch…

             And almost no more hiding my relationship with Chris.

             Students began filing out of the room quickly; calling a quick goodbye to Chris with a promise they’d see him later. I stayed where I was, pretending to search through my backpack for my car keys. Lance hopped up from his desk, giving Lexi an overdramatic kiss on the lips before shooing her away. I was surprised he wasn’t running out of here with her. “What are you waiting for?” I inquired.

             “I need to have a man-to-man talk with Heywood,” he declared, giving me a pointed look. “Leave.”

             My jaw dropped. “What? You can’t just tell me to leave—”

             “I can and I did. Now get out of here for a moment so I can talk to him in private.”

             I glowered at him. “Lance!”

             “Holly,” Chris interjected, “just step outside for a moment.”

             Turning to face him, I frowned. “But—”

             Lance rolled his eyes. “It’s just a minute. It’s not like you’re going to die because you’re not with him.”

             “Whatever,” I grumbled, marching toward the door. “Sorry I wanted to spend my first few moments as a graduated senior with him, Lance…”

             “Almost graduated,” Chris corrected me. “You still have three more days until you get that diploma, Holly.”

             I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. “Fine. If you think of it that way, you’re still a grown man… dating a high school student.”

             A grimace passed his face and I smirked in return before sauntering out the door. As much as I wanted to stay and listen to what Lance had to day to Chris, I decided to give them their privacy. It was what a good friend would do.

            And Chris would probably tell me later anyway.

            Resting my back against the wall next to the door, I gazed out the glass doors on the other side, watching student’s speed out of the parking lot like they usually did after school. Obnoxious horn blaring came from cars driven by seniors— a tradition started way before I arrived at the high school. A smile crossed my face as I remembered a few of my teachers from years before growing increasingly frustrated with the unneeded noise.

             “Hey, Holly.”

             Jumping in surprise at the sound of someone speaking, I twisted around to see Aaron trudging toward me, an unhappy expression on his face. “Hi, Aaron. How come you haven’t left yet? You raced out of the room…”

             “I don’t have a prom date,” he said flatly, ignoring my question.

             I smiled. “Neither do I.”

             “At least you have a boyfriend,” he pointed out, folding his arms over his chest. “Everybody is so excited over tonight. But what’s the point of prom without a date? Seems like a waste to go.”

             “It’s not a waste!”

             “Yes it is.”

             I shook my head. “Lots of people go single!”

             “Yeah, losers.”


             Sighing, he fell against the wall next to me. “I guess if I go alone that means I can dance with whoever I want.”

             “You should have asked James,” I said teasingly.

             “He’s cute, but not my type.”

             “What is your type?”

             He grinned wickedly. “You and Mr. Heywood. Maybe like, if we put you two together…”

             I rolled my eyes. “Chris and I are like, total opposites.”

             “They do say opposites attract.”

             “They say that, but usually they don’t. It’s just that Chris and I have been through a lot together.”

             Aaron nodded. “So I’ve heard. You should write a book about it so I could read it. I’m curious about what went on with you and Shawn before I met you. He really did never tell me.”

             I snorted. “Besides you, who would read a book about a student falling for a teacher who is an ex-gangster? Sounds like the worst story plot ever.”

             “I bet it’d get about sixteen million reads…”

             We both stared at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. “Yeah, right,” I said. “Besides, I’d rather put that all behind me and never remember it.”

             “You’ll tell me one day though, right?”

             I frowned at him. “I really don’t want to…”

             “It’d give me closure about Shawn…”

             “Maybe one day. You’re really different now than when I first met you,” I told him, my eyes returning to the world outside. “I like you now.”

             He shrugged. “I guess that’s thanks to you.”


             “You’re the one who showed me what Shawn was like. And you’re the only one who decided to actually try to help me understand that, instead of just want to punch me. Imagine if I hadn’t targeted you. I probably would be in jail like Shawn right now.”

             “I did punch you.”

             “Well, besides that. You helped. So… Um…  Yeah, whatever. Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

             “Aw, are you trying to thank me?” I cooed, nudging him in the shoulder with my shoulder. “You’re welcome.”

             “I wasn’t,” he muttered, keeping his face turned away from me.

             “Yes you were—”

             “What are you doing out here anyway? Mr. Heywood kick you out?”

             Smiling at his evasiveness, I nodded. “In a way. Lance said he wanted to have a man-to-man with him. Whatever that means.”

             “Oh, you know what that means.”

             I furrowed my eyebrows. “No?”

             He thrust his hips.

             My face reddened. “Aaron!”

             Snickering, he avoided my attempt to smack him. “I’m kidding, Holly. Lance probably just wanted a condom to bang my sister—”

             “God, Aaron, get your mind out of the… oh my God. You could be right.” My stomach dropped at the realization. That was more than possible.

             Aaron nodded. “Yup. That or pointers. I’m sure Mr. Heywood had tons of action back in his days. He’d be much more experienced than Lance in the field. And trust me, when it’s your first time, it’s better not to seem like it is your first time. When you’re a guy, at least.”

             I blinked at him. “Are you a virgin?”

             “What do you think?”


             He gave me a pointed look.

             “Okay, no, but you’re gay so does that mean…?”

             “No, my first time was with a girl,” he informed me. “Last year. I was with an experienced girl though, so it all worked out for me. And I’m bi, by the way. What about you?”

             Once again blood rushed to my cheeks. “Oh, you know. I’ve been around the block a few times.”

             He didn’t look convinced. “Really? Pretty sure you’re a virgin.”

             “How can you tell?”


             I held up my hand. “Actually, don’t say it. I have a feeling it’ll just make me depressed.”

             “You shouldn’t be ashamed of it,” he told me in a surprisingly caring tone. “I think it suits you.”

             Dropping my gaze to the floor, I stayed quiet and fiddled with my pointer fingers. “Yeah, I guess.”

             “It’s tonight, right?”

             I looked back up at him. “What?”

             His eyes flashed with a knowing look, a playful smirk appearing on his face. “Don’t play dumb. You’re finished with high school. It’s prom night. Surely you and Mr. Heywood been waiting for this day for a long time?”



             “Shut up Aaron!” I demanded, completely embarrassed. “It’s none of your business!”

             He slung an arm over my shoulder, sighing deeply. “Holly, Holly. You’re entering a new world. You’re nervous, I understand.”

             “Shut up!”

             “But trust me. It feels amazing.”

             “Aaron!” I cried.

             He grinned evilly. “If the guy knows the right technique.”

             I glowered at him. “Stop talking!”

             “You’re so celibate and pure it makes me a little jealous I’m not your first,” he admitted regretfully. Suddenly, his eyes looked hopeful. “Unless—”

             “No,” I said flatly. “Go die, Aaron.”

             “At least if I died now I wouldn’t die a virgin.”

             “I’m not afraid to punch you.”

             He cracked his knuckles before waving me toward him with his right hand. “Bring it on. Virgin.”


             The door to Chris’s room suddenly swung open and a scowling Lance stuck his head out. “Would you two gits shut up for five seconds?”

             Aaron flashed him a flirtatious smile. “Only if you shut me up.”

             “Aaron, stop teasing Holly,” Chris ordered appearing next to Lance, his face looking like he aged five years in the last five minutes. “That’s my job.”

             “So what were you talking about? Sex?”

             Lance’s face flushed. “No!”

             Aaron stared at him. “You’re just like Holly…”

             I kicked Aaron in the shin. “Seriously! Shut up!”

             “Don’t worry, Mr. Heywood. I’m on your level,” Aaron commented, patting my boyfriend on his shoulder. “Now, I’m leaving so I can go find a last minute tux.”

             “Last minute?” Chris echoed.

             “Yep. Holly decided to be my date, so I’ve decided to go.”

             My eyes widened. “What?”

             “She’s a doll,” he drawled, waltzing past us. “See you all tonight.”

             As he walked away, Chris scowled. “What a brat. What was he talking about? You’re taking him?”

             I shook my head vehemently. “No way! He decided that himself!”

             “I think you should go with him,” Lance said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “It’s better than going alone, right? And you can’t go with Heywood.”


             A grumpy expression crossed Chris’s face. “Maybe Lance is right. They take pictures as soon as you enter the building. You don’t want to be alone, right?”

             “I want to take a picture with you,” I mumbled.

             “Oh, you’ll be able to,” he grumbled moodily. “I’ve been placed in charge of the photo booth for an hour.”

             Lance grinned. “Ah, so that means all your little admirers will want to take photos with you.”


             “Too bad they don’t know he’s taken.”

             Chris smiled a little bit. “Is that some jealousy I sense?”

             I chewed on my bottom lip, cupping my elbow with my left hand. “Well, now that they’re all probably eighteen and not high school students, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”


             Lance held up his hands. “Wait. I don’t want to hear mushy crap. Heywood, remember what I said to you.”

             Chris let out a little sigh. “I will.”

             “Tonight then.”

             “Can’t you… Never mind,” he responded quickly, seeing the death glare on Lance’s face. “Fine. But don’t expect any other favors from me for a long time.”

             Lance gave him a fake smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Bye, Holly. See you later!”

             I waved. “Adios.” When he turned the corner at the end of the hallway, I turned to Chris, tilting my head to the side curiously. “What does he want?”

             “Nothing,” Chris responded dismissively, his tone wary. “What does your dress look like?”

             I puffed out my cheeks. “Don’t change the subject; I want to know.”

             “And I want to know what your dress looks like.”


             “So I can mistakenly match my tie to it.”

             Grinning, I pushed him back inside his classroom and shut the door behind us. “Well, since Casey forced me to go dress shopping with her yesterday, I got a new one.”

             “Ahh,” he replied, brushing a loose strand of my hair out of my face, the tips of his fingers gently grazing my cheek. “That’s why you didn’t call me back last night.”

             “It took an unbelievably long time. I’m glad prom only comes once.”

             He nodded. “So what color is it? I’ll have to run to the mall quickly.”

             “Can I…” I trailed off, my smile faltering. “Oh, never mind. I can’t.”

             “A lot of students are probably going to be there for last minute things,” he stated, voicing my thoughts. “Like nails and hair. So that’d be a little too risky. Sorry.”

             I shook my head. “Don’t apologize. It won’t matter in three days anyway.”

             “Right… So what color is it?”

             I tapped my finger to my lips. “Hmm, I don’t remember.”



             “Tell me,” he demanded.

             I hesitated, scrunching my forehead up as I feigned thinking about it. “Seriously, I can’t remember.”

             “If you don’t tell me in the next three seconds, you’re not coming over tonight.”

             My façade dropped. “Blue. It’s blue. A sapphire blue.”

             Chris’s face lost all of its humor. “I was going to ask if you were sure about tonight, but I suddenly get the feeling you are.”

             “I am,” I mumbled, unable to meet his eye. My heart hammered a little harder in my chest. “I’ve been sure for awhile.”

             “Teenagers these days,” he murmured, bringing his hand to my chin and lifting my face up so I was looking into his eyes. A grin split across his face. “Too hot to trot.”

             I stared at him blankly. “What?”

             “Too lecherous,” he tried again, rolling his eyes.

             “Hey! Lecherous is used to describe old men! Kind of like you!”

             His eyes flashed. “Oh really?”


             “Can old men do this?”

             “Do wha— what are you doing?” I demanded, slowly backing away from him as he advanced on me.

             He smirked evilly. “Just… This!” Without warning, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me over his shoulder forcefully.

             “H-hey!” I cried. “Put me down!”

             “Not happening,” he responded casually, carrying me toward the supply closet. “I’ve decided you’re going to stay here until the dance.”


             “You heard me.”

             I started beating on his lower back and backside. “Put me down! Stop!”

             “I always knew you liked touching my gluteus maximus and external obliques.”

             “Your fancy terms aren’t funny!”

             Easily shifting my body so that he could hold me steady with one arm, he opened the supply closet door with his free one, slipping inside. Moving all the way to the far end, he finally placed me back down on my feet. “Now stay.”

             “I’m not a dog!”

             Before I could have a reaction, he bolted for the door. Angrily, I chased after him. “Chris! Don’t you dare!”

             Instead of closing the door like I’d been expecting, he came to a dead stop, twisting on his heel and holding out his arms. When my face mashed into his chest, it felt like I’d hit a brick wall. His arms wrapped around me, holding me in place. “Gee, Holly. If you wanted me to hug you that bad, all you had to do was ask.”

             “Let me go,” I mumbled, my eyes stinging from the pain in my nose. “I think I broke my nose.”

             Pulling me away from him, he peered down at me. “Looks fine to me,” he decided after a moment, placing a swift kiss on it.

             “No, it still hurts,” I insisted.

             He smiled, leaning down to press his lips to mine. “Here?” he questioned.

             “No, but it works,” I replied, bringing my hand to his face to hold him in place.

             “Congratulations on finishing high school,” he commented before allowing me to kiss him again. I closed my eyes, enjoying the soft touch of his lips.

             Suddenly I pulled back, surprised. “Hey!”


             “Your lips are soft!”

             He raised an eyebrow. “And?”

             “They used to be chapped!”

             “Oh, I started using chapstick. I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner,” he notified me, the corners of his mouth curving up. “Nice, huh?”

             “I, uh, I guess…”

             He chuckled. “I’m pleased to see you noticed.”

             Trying to repress the blush threatening my cheeks, I decided to change the subject. “Are you really going to try to lock me in here?”

             He laughed. “No. I told you. I have to go to the mall. When you get home, text me a picture of the color of your dress so I can get as close as I can.”

             “Okay,” I replied, letting my shoulders sag. “I wish I could go with you.”

             “Holly, we’ll be together all night tonight. I’m sure we’ll be fine spending five hours away from each other.”

             “Four,” I corrected with a smile.

             He ruffled my hair. “Exactly.”

             “Promise me you won’t flirt with any of them?”

             Mocking a disappointed look, he crossed his arms. “Damn. You just want to ruin my fun don’t you?”

             “Yeah. We all know how much old men like you like to hit on cute high schoolers like me…”

             He lightly slapped me on the head. “Give it up, Holly. I know I’m not old. Now hurry on home, little girl.”

             “Wait, what was the point in bringing me in here?”

             “I just wanted to throw you over my shoulder.”

             I gave him a wry smile. “Couldn’t you have just asked?”

             “Wouldn’t you have said no?”


             “Well there you go.”


             “Get out of here,” he ordered, pushing on my back. “I’ll see you tonight. Have Aaron bring you so you don’t have to take your car.”

             I nodded, turning my head to give him a quick kiss on the underside of his jaw. “Okay, bye. Love you.”

             “Love you too,” he responded with a smile.

             "Love you too," he responded with a smile. 


Yep, this is in two parts because I haven't finished part two, and I wanted to give you guys at least something to tide you over while I finished it. So yeah. Give me a few hours for part two to be put up hahaha. 

In the mean time, enjoy and vote! :D :D 


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