:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Forty-Nine

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            The smell of bacon woke me up in the morning. Groggily, I turned onto my side, expecting to see Chris's side of the bed empty. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I realized he was still next to me, dead asleep, Milkshake curled up on his chest. After getting over the initial giddiness of seeing the cutest kitten ever asleep on my boyfriend, my thoughts went back to the problem at hand: If he was in here, then who was doing the cooking?

            I tried to think back to this morning. The lock-in had gone better than expected. After all the games were finished, our group went back to Chris's classroom and chatted with each other while eating our snacks. Until five o'clock in the morning. Out of some pure luck, Chris and I managed to sleep next to each other on the floor without looking suspicious— at least for the three hours were had slept. Emily had randomly pointed out it would be easier for all of us to sleep at the front of the classroom than to rearrange the desks for more space. No one complained.

            Narrowing my eyes, I attempted to figure out what happened after that. I'd awoken later than everyone else, so only Casey was left in the classroom, packing up her belongings. Mine, aside from my sleeping bag, were already done for me. I'd been half asleep, so I could only remember Casey leading me out to Chris's car and then coming back here before falling asleep again...

            "Holly," Chris suddenly groaned, "don't cook. You don't know how..."

            I grimaced. "I do..."

            "Don't burn my house down," he said, opening his bleary eyes. When they landed on my face, they widened. "Holly!"


            "You're supposed to watch food when you cook it!" he snapped at me, throwing the comforter off of him and into my face, sending Milkshake tumbling along with it. "Idiot!"

            Ripping the comforter off my head, I glowered at the teacher as he rushed to the kitchen clad in only boxers. Milkshake meowed at me and I rubbed his head, a little more roughly than usual. Why did Chris automatically assume I was doing something stupid? My biology grade might be bad, but that didn't mean I would be stupid enough to start breakfast and then go back to bed.

             "Morning, Mr. Heywood!" I heard a girly voice, which I recognized as Casey's, chirp.

            "What are you doing in my house?" Chris demanded just as I thought the question.

            I could imagine Casey gesturing toward the frying bacon. "Cooking you two breakfast!"

            "Obviously. I guess the important question is how did you get in?"

            As if on cue, Jeremy popped his head into Chris's bedroom, grinning widely at me. "Morning Holly!"

            I blinked at him. While I usually didn't mind seeing the blonde, this morning I wasn't quite up to it. My eyes narrowed and I pulled the comforter back over me. Milkshake hopped off the bed and danced out of the room, brushing by Jeremy's legs as he did so.

            "Not a morning person, are you?" Jeremy guessed, stepping into the room. "Don't worry though. I planned on bursting in here and waking you two about an hour ago, but after seeing you so cute and cuddly together, I decided to let you guys sleep while Casey and I bought stuff and cooked breakfast."

            After staring at him for another minute, I flopped back onto the bed and pulled the sheets the rest of the way over my head. "Go away."

            Laughing, he came over and started shaking me. "Get up! It's already one o'clock! We have to be at the school in an hour!"

            "What?" I cried, sitting up, my eyes wide. "That only gives me like, forty minutes to get ready!"

            "Minus ten minutes to eat. That leaves you thirty minutes. Chop, chop, Holly!"

            Flinging the comforters off me yet again, I scrambled out of the bed, and stumbled to my overnight bag. Thirty minutes? What girl could get ready in thirty minutes? Cursing under my breath, I rushed out of the room and smack into Chris. He steadied me, and I winced, rubbing my throbbing nose. "You still have a hard chest..."

            He chuckled. "That's a good thing."

            "I gotta get ready," I told him, trying to push him aside. "Since someone is really lazy and slept all day..."

            "You?" he guessed."

            I stuck my tongue out at him before hastening to the bathroom. Somehow I managed to shower and dress in under ten minutes. Deciding not to blow dry my hair, I did up my make up swiftly before sauntering into the kitchen. Jeremy, Casey, and Chris were all sitting at the table, having a debate about something. Well, Chris and Jeremy were. Casey head her head down, muffling her excessive laughter. Moving closer, I heard my name slip from Jeremy's lips.

            "No," Chris responded as I stealthily hid around the kitchen door. "Holly won't get lost, Jeremy."

            "I think she will."

            Scowling, I decided not to listen and confront him. "Jeremy! I'm not stupid enough to get lost on a hike! There's a path you follow!"

            He pouted at me. "But I bought a bell and everything..." Holding up his hand, I realized he seriously did buy a bell. It tinkled as he shook it at me. "We'll be able to hear you when you wander off, Holly!"

            Unable to form any words, I just gaped at him, completely stupefied. This was the most unbelievable thing Jeremy had ever done. I couldn't wrap my mind around his act of idiocy. It was, for a lack of words, shocking.

            "Holly, he's kidding," Chris said after a moment, smirking at the expression on my face. "It's for Milkshake. Jer bought him a collar."

            "Oh," I responded dumbly, feeling my cheeks start to flush. As Jeremy produced a black piece of leather from his pocket, I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "I guess that's a good idea..."

            "Think of it, Holly. Milkshake trotting around and the bell tinkling as he does so."

            "So cute," I gushed, moving over to Jeremy and snatching the collar out of his hand. "Oh my god, I have to put it on him right now! Milkshake! Here kitty-kitty!"

            Chris sighed lightly. "Holly, you have to eat something. Worry about putting that on him later."

            Frowning a little bit, I placed the collar on the kitchen counter before trudging over to a seat beside Casey at the table. "Okay..."

            Acting like a father, Chris began to pile my plate with bacon, sausage, toast, and eggs. After that he got up and poured me a glass of orange juice as well as giving me a pile of napkins. "Because I know you're a messy eater," he told me."

            Jeremy and Casey snickered while I felt my face flood in embarrassment. "Not even funny, Chris," I snapped at him. "You're purposely trying to embarrass me."

            "Maybe," he responded teasingly.

            Grumbling under my breath, I scooped up a forkful of eggs and shoved them in my mouth. Surprisingly, they were still warm and almost as good as if Chris made them. "Did you use the same seasoning Chris does?" I asked, turning to Jeremy.

            "Does it matter? Just eat so we can leave," he replied, gesticulating in a shooing motion. "We have to get good seats on the bus."

            "Why do we have to take a bus?" I groaned. "I hate busses. I get bus sick."

            "Because it would be a waste of gas to make 140 individual students drive to Mt. Monadnock."

            I huffed. "I bet only about fifty of them will show up... Just like last night.

            As it turns out, my predictions were true. More or less. It seemed the same people who had gone to the senior lock in decided to go on the hiking trip as well. There were some new faces, but not many.

            This time we only had to split into three groups and that was only because if fifty kids went up the same side of the mountain, it'd be a problem. Chris somehow managed to form our group with the same members last night, plus five more to make our group contain fifteen members. However, he did try to have Jeremy assigned to a different group, which failed, much to his dismay. Ms. Elliot and Ms. Streaker were assigned to our group as well, making our chaperone count four. While Ms. Streaker was a fun teacher, Ms. Elliot was the one always catching Chris and I alone together. It put me a little at edge.

            "Okay, Mr. Ross, Mr. Heywood, why don't you to stay at the back of the group while Ms. Streaker and myself lead the front?" Ms. Elliot suggested as my group trudged over to the beginning of our trail.

            I glanced up the trail, squinting my eyes. Ours was an intermediate trail, meaning harder than the simple trail, but easier than the advanced trail. Advanced trails usually meant using some type of equipment. Still, I didn't like the idea of an intermediate trail.

            "Let's get started then!" Jeremy said excitedly, clapping his hands. "Forward, march!"

            Aaron groaned loudly, complaining he'd rather stay home and watch T.V, but started walking nonetheless. The new faces in our group, including a girl from my Spanish class, Ellie, all appeared excited to be hiking. One girl— I think her name was Bridgette— was actually carrying a walking stick. I glanced back at Chris, who just happened to notice the walker at the time. He cocked an eyebrow and grinned.

            I fell back so that I was walking with him, dragging Casey with me so it didn't look too suspicious. "How long do you think it'll take to climb this?"

            "Probably about two or three hours?" he guessed, shrugging. "I've never climbed a mountain this size."

            "Too tall for you?"

            "Too short," he countered, smirking. "I didn't get this rock hard physique by sitting around all day, Holly."

            I pursed my lips at him. "Don't get too arrogant now."

            Casey laughed. "Telling Mr. Heywood to not be arrogant is like telling Jeremy to be serious."

            "Hey," Jeremy interjected, peeking around Chris's shoulders so he could see us, "I can be serious."

            "Once in a blue moon," I countered.

            "I was serious the other night when—"

            "Ah ha ha," Casey interjected awkwardly, whipping her arm out and hitting Jeremy in the chest. "Stop talking, Jeremy."

            Taken aback, he shut his mouth, and rubbed his sore pectoral muscle. "She's surprisingly strong..."

            "Yeah, so that means you better not take advantage of her," Chris told him; kicking a rock a little ways up the trail.

            "I wouldn't do that anyway."

            "Really? You seem like the type that would."

            "I wouldn't!"

            "Is that so Jeremy? Did you forget about the time in your old bedroom?" I inquired, pretending to shudder at the memory. "You were pretty rough..."

            His eyes widened and he blushed. "You know that I was kidding! I didn't even do anything!"

            Chris narrowed his eyes at me. "I never heard about this."

            "It was the day Lance was shot," I told him, "so I'm pretty sure I was a bit too preoccupied to mention it. Besides, that was the same time you were going on your dates."

            "What exactly did you do to her, Jeremy?"

            Jeremy waved him off. "Nothing. I was just playing with her."

            "You were what?"

            "N-not like that Chris..."

            Casey giggled as I shook my head at the pair. "Just forget about it. It's in the past. He didn't do anything, Chris. Jeremy, stop making it sound worse than it was."

            In an act of childishness, Chris shoved Jeremy to the side, causing him to stumble over some loose gravel. I gave him a disapproving look, which he disregarded, pretending to be engrossed with the trees. In front of us, walking hand-in-hand, were Lexi and Lance. I gazed at him, feeling jealous. I wanted to be able to hold Chris's hand right now... In an act of rashness, I snatched Chris's hand into my own. Surprised, he glanced down at me. "Holly—"

            "Casey, Jeremy, walk in front of us," I ordered quietly. "And try to stand behind Lexi and Lance."

            The two nodded, doing as I instructed. Chris intertwined his fingers with mine, squeezing gently. "Feeling a little left out?"

            "Jealous would be the correct word," I mumbled, ducking my head. "You don't think anyone will turn back and look, do you?"

            "I doubt it," he responded.

            Just as he spoke those words, Aaron, who was about ten yards in front of us, pivoted on his foot to speak to James, who was plodding behind him. His eyes narrowed at Chris and I, causing James to look back as well. Before he had a chance to see anything, Chris and I took a step away from each other, feigning interest in the nature around us.

            "Why are you guys walking so slowly?" Aaron demanded, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a smirk. "Don't tell me you're tired already?"

            "Not at all," Chris and I chorused smoothly.

            "Just enjoying the view," I added after a moment.

            "I'll bet." He stared pointedly at Chris. "Very nice view."

            My face flushed at his implication. When was he going to stop joking around with me? When would he make up his mind and decide whether he liked guys or girls more? And when would he stop flirting with my boyfriend?

            "Don't you agree, James?" he asked, elbowing James in the side.

            James gazed at me, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "W-what are you talking about, Aaron?"

            "The way the light reflects off Holly's hair..."

            "Ah, young love," Jeremy sighed deeply.

            "Jeremy!" I cried at the same time James cried, "Mr. Ross!"

            James blinked at me. "You call him by his first name?"

            "Er, remember? I'm a family friend..."

            "Oh, right," he replied, grinning sheepishly. "Yeah. Umm, I'm going to go walk with Ellie..." In his haste to catch up to the brown haired girl, he stumbled on a loose rock, nearly falling flat on his face.

            Chris snorted from beside me and I elbowed him. "That's not funny."

            "Yes it is. It's also funny how he has a crush on you even though you won't return the feelings."


            "You never know, Mr. Heywood. Holly might ditch you for me," Aaron warned him, looking smug.

            As confident as always, Chris was unfazed by Aaron's words. "Keep dreaming, Kid."

            "I bet you guys haven't even done it yet."

            My eyes nearly burst out of their sockets. "A-Aaron! Don't say that so loudly!"

            "Aren't you the one speaking loudly?"

            Realizing I was, I dropped my voice and shot him daggers. "Whatever! Stay out of our relationship!"

            He grinned. "I'm going to take that as a no."

            "Aaron," Chris started, his tone hard.

            "Okay, okay, I'll drop it," Aaron said, holding up his hands defensively. "You Puritans." Snickering, he jogged up to Lexi and Lance and stepped between them in a very effective cock block.

            "One day I'll punch that kid so hard he won't be able to see," Chris muttered to himself.

            For once, I didn't try to convince him otherwise. "Wait until he turns eighteen."

            Chris blinked. "He's not eighteen yet?"


            "I kissed a minor..."

            "First of all, he kissed you. And second of all, you kissed me when I was a minor."

            He grimaced. "That was once. Please don't remind me."

            "Twice," I corrected him, jutting out my chin. "And once more when you were sick. You didn't remember afterward."

            "I'm such a pedophile," he mumbled, rubbing his forehead.

            "Yeah you are," Jeremy commented with a wicked smile. Then he cringed as Chris raised his fist. "Kidding! I'm just kidding, Topher!"

            Chris nodded. "Good. Let's forget those ever happened."

            "Every person loses his or her self-control once in awhile," Casey told him comfortingly, patting his shoulder. "And don't forget, if you and Holly were the same age, one of you would turn eighteen before the other anyway. As long as you have parent consent, age doesn't matter. Well, as long as you don't have sex until you're both of age. Like you are now."

            "I'm aware," Chris muttered, brushing her hand off him. "Let's just drop the topic. I don't want anyone to overhear."

            "You might want to save your breath too," Jeremy spoke up, looking up at the trail. "This mountain is about to get a whole lot steeper..."

            An hour later, we were about three quarters the way up the mountain. By this point I was dragging myself along, ready to pass out. "I should have worn less clothing," I panted, wiping sweat from my forehead.

            Beside me, Chris still looked like a God. He didn't look the slightest bit winded. "Want me to carry you?"


            "Okay," he responded with a chuckle.

            The trail suddenly came to a fork. There was a fading sign in the middle with two arrows. Knowing the two trails already, Ms. Elliot decided that the students could decide which way the wanted to go. One of them was a little bit steeper, but more of a scenic route while the other was flat, but a little longer. It was no surprise when everyone decided to go the flat route. Everyone but two annoying pests.

            "No one wants to calm with Mr. Heywood and I?" Jeremy asked our group, putting his best puppy dog look. "James? Ellie? Casey? Matt?"

            "Way too tired to do that, sorry, Mr. Ross," James apologized, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

            Matt, a kid I hadn't had a class with since freshman year, shook his head. "Yeah, man. I'm worn."

            I frowned. I swore he was on the football team.

            "I would go," Ellie offered, "but my friends are going the other way so... I'm going to stick with them."

            Jeremy pouted. "Casey?" he tried again.

            Even though she looked dead tired, she unfortunately couldn't resist his look. "Okay, I'll go that way. Holly will too."

            "What? Don't volunteer me!"

            "Mr. Ross, Mr. Heywood, you'll need at least five people to go with you if you want to take that path," Ms. Elliot told them. "So far you have one."

            Chris turned to me, his eyes imploring. "Ms. Evers?"

            "... Fine."

            He grinned. "Great. How about you, Lexi, Lance?"

            "Sure!" Lexi chirped brightly. Surprisingly, she didn't seem tired at all. Neither did Lance, who also agreed to go.

            "So that just leaves..." Chris made a face. "Aaron...?"

            Aaron raised an eyebrow. "You want me to go?"

            "Yes," Chris responded reluctantly.

            "If you beg—"

            "Mr. Lemaiy!" Ms. Elliot said sharply. "Respect your elders!"

            Rolling his eyes, Aaron silently mocked her. I put a hand over my mouth to hide my smirk. "I guess I'll go with you," he consented. "Because I love you so much."

            Chris's shoulders tensed. "Very well."

            After promising to meet at the top, our groups went our separate ways. Like a bolt of lightning, I realized with a shock that now, with our group modified, everyone knew Chris and I were in a relationship. I immediately snatched up his hand, grinning brightly. "Now we can hold hands!"

            "Yes, we can," he agreed, swinging them slightly. "Feel rejuvenated now?"

            I nodded eagerly. "I'm ready to climb this mountain!"

            "Even though it's supposedly steep?"

            "You'll help me, right?"

            He mussed with my hair. "What's a teacher for?"

            Saying this trail was steep as the understatement of the century. It was nearly vertical. Saying it was scenic though, was accurate. About teen feet to the side of the trail, the trees cleared, and you could see a few towns. However, along with the view came the cliff that was right there. It was quite intimidating, especially because the only thing stopping you from falling off it was a meager fence that would probably break if a bird flew into it.

            "These stairs don't look safe at all," Lance muttered, glancing up the stone stairs that led through an impossibly steep rock wall. The wall itself was about teen feet tall. "Lexi, you go first so I can spot you."

            "Sure," she said, cautiously taking the first stair.

            "Be careful," Chris warned, moving forward to help Lance spot Lexi. "Lance is right. Those don't look secure at all."

            It took about five minutes to get Lexi up ten steps. None of the stairs had given out under her, so Chris gestured for Casey to go up next. After her was Aaron, and finally me. Chris paid extra attention to spotting me. "Because you have bad luck," he told me.

            Annoyed, I stomped on the first stair, causing Jeremy's hands to shoot to my back. "Holly! Don't do that!"

            "Just showing I don't have bad luck," I stated, easily scaling the rest of the way up.

            Chris sighed and shook his head at me. "Okay, Jeremy you go next."

            "Will you catch me if I fall?"


            Grimacing, he started up the stairs. "Thanks for that, Bud."

            Jeremy slipped on the third step, but managed to right himself before he could teeter backward. I held my breath as he got to the sixth step. If he fell from any of the steps from that one on, he could actually hurt himself. Somehow though, he managed to make it up okay.

            The others started moving ahead now since the only one left was Chris— which was okay with me. That meant more time alone with Chris and recently it seemed I hadn't been getting enough, even though I was with him almost all the time. Maybe I was getting a little greedy...

            "Shit!" I heard Chris suddenly swear and glanced down at him just in time to see the sixth step crumble under him.

            "Chris!" I cried, my hand shooting out to grab him, but only meeting thin air.

            Expecting the worst, I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see him fall. A few seconds later, he called out to me, and I opened my eyes to find him perfectly okay. "A five-foot drop is really nothing," he informed me, grinning at my worried look.

            "How are you going to get up now? The others have already gone ahead!"

            "I'll go the other way. You go catch up with everyone."

            "You're not going alone," I told him, dropping onto my butt and sliding to the edge of the rock wall. "I'm coming with you."

            He gave the stairs an uneasy look. "Holly, don't try going down those."


            "Move over to the ledge and just jump."

            I blinked at him. "Jump?"

            He nodded. "I'll catch you."

            "I don't know..."

            "It's only ten feet, Holly. It'll be fine. I won't drop you."

            "Are you sure?"

            "Have you seen my muscles?"

            Shaking my head at his cockiness, I slid over so that my feet dangled over the flat wall. The ground seemed a lot further than ten feet away. "Okay... Are you ready?"

            Holding out his arms, he nodded. "Just slide yourself forward."



            "Okay, okay," I said, closing my eyes. "Here I go."

            Holding my breath, I pushed myself forward and felt myself begin to freefall. Two seconds later I crashed into Chris, causing us to stumble backwards. His arms winded me a bit, and I sucked in a deep breath of air, my eyes shooting open. He grinned at me. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

            "No," I responded, regaining my balance. "Come on, let's hurry so we don't show up too late and arise suspicion."

            "You worry too much," Chris told me, taking me by the hand and leading me back down the trail we'd come from.

            "You just worry too little."


            "Wait," I said suddenly, pulling him to a stop. "There's actually something I want to do."

            Curious, he turned back toward me. "What's that?"

            "Um... Do you, um, mind if we take a picture with this view in the background?" I murmured, dropping my gaze.

            "I don't mind," he told me, moving closer to the fence. "Are you going to use your cell phone?"

            I nodded, taking it out. "Don't make a stupid face."

            "I'm not Jeremy."

            Contrary to his words though, the first picture I took included him scrunching up his face as if he'd tasted something disgusting. After hitting him, we got ready for a second picture. This one came out a lot better.

            "One more," he insisted, taking out his own phone. "I need a new background too."

            "Sure," I responded, putting my arm around him again.

            "Turn toward me a bit."

            I did as he requested and he immediately pressed his lips to mine, catching me off guard. After the initial shock, I kissed his back, forgetting he still had his phone out. I heard the shutter go off and yanked myself away, covering my lips as a warm blush spread across my cheeks. "Hey!"

            "Hay is for horses," he responded nonchalantly, slipping his phone into his pocket.

            "That's not fair!"

            "What's not fair?"

            "I want my background to be of us kissing!"

            He did a double take at me, his grey eyes widening. "Really?"

            I pressed my lips into a line. "Is it really that surprising?"

            "Kind of," he responded with a grin, leaning forward to kiss my nose. "I'll send it to you, okay?"

            "Okay," I said, wrinkling my nose as he kissed it.

            "Ready to go then?"

            "Yeah," I sighed.

            He chuckled. "Yeah, I don't want to rejoin everyone either. I prefer being here with you."

            "I love you, Chris," I told him, standing on my tip toes to give him a quick kiss.

            "I love me too."


            "I thought it was."


            Laughing, he wrapped an arm around my waist. "I love you too, Holly."

            "More than Aaron?"

            His smile abruptly turned into a scowl. "Don't even mention that brat."

            "Why not? You seemed eager enough to get him to come with us..."

            "Speak anymore and I won't kiss you for a whole week."

            "You wouldn't last that long."

            "Watch me," he challenged. "I spent all that time in jail without kissing anyone. I could go a week."

            Believing he wasn't joking, I immediately dropped the subject. Chris might have been able to survive that week, but I knew I was weak and wouldn't be able to. "Let's just catch up then..."

            Smirking in triumph, he nodded. "Sounds good."

            Together we turned to start down the path again. Together we came to a stop, both of us sucking in a breath of surprise at the wide-eyed person in front of us.


            "J-James," I stuttered, completely frozen in shock.

            Chris must've been too, because he didn't remove his arm from around me.

            "Holly," James said, his eyes moving from my face, to Chris's, to Chris's arm around my waist, his face pale. "I-I dropped my phone and came back to get it... Then I heard voices and saw you guys..."

            "I can explain," I responded quickly, shoving Chris's arm away from me. "Chris— Damn, I mean Mr. Heywood... He, um..."

            "She was going to fall," Chris interjected, shooting me a meaningful look. "I stopped her."

            James didn't look convinced. "Is that why you kissed her too?"

            My heart dropped into my stomach. "James..."

            "Are you two dating?"


            "Yes," Chris interrupted confidently, "and if you haven't guessed, it's a secret. We'd like to keep it that way."

            James stared at him. "You're a teacher."

            "I know."

            "She's a student."

            "I know."

            "She's younger than you..."

            "You're younger than her, no?"

            His face flushed. "O-only by a year!"

            "Still younger."


            "But what?"

            James dropped his eyes to his feet. "I just..."

            "You can't say anything, James," I told him, using my best pleading voice. "Please. We'll be graduating in a month. Please don't tell anyone."

            His eyes met mine again. "How long?"

            "How long what?"

            "Have you been, you know, dating?" he muttered.

            A bit taken aback by his question, it took me a few moments to respond. "Oh, um..." I hesitated. Technically we'd only been dating for seven months, but that was only when we made it official. "Seven months," I decided on.

            "What?" he cried. "Seriously?"

            I nodded. "Seriously. We've kept a secret that long. Please don't give it away."

            "I won't," he promised solemnly. "But since I know I have no chance now, can I tell you something?"


            "I like you."


            "I like you, Holly."

            A blush blossomed on my cheeks and I glanced at Chris, who was grinning. Completely embarrassed, I turned back to James, who was also blushing. "Oh, um, thank you?"

            "I-I just wanted to tell you, you know," he muttered, scratching the back of his head.

            "Thanks for telling me," I responded honestly. "I'm actually a bit flattered. I would've never guessed..."

            "Even though it was obvious," Chris commented casually.

            James gawked at him. "It was?"

            He nodded. "Completely."

            "I didn't notice!" I defended.

            "You're dense," Chris told me.

            I glowered at him. "Am not!"

            "You didn't know Lance liked you either."

            "That's because... That's because..."

            "That's because," he mimicked, smirking. "Give it up, Holly. You're dense."

            "I'm not! Shut up, Chris!"

            "You're pretty popular, aren't you?"

            "I said shut up!"

            "I'll have to keep my eye on you from now on..."


            James suddenly cleared his throat. "Guys... I'm still here."

            Flushing again, I twisted on my heel and marched forward, grabbing James by the arm.             "Come on, let's go catch up with every one."

            "Sure," he mumbled, allowing me to tug him along. "I promise I won't tell anyone about you and Mr. Heywood, too."

            "Thank you," I responded, smiling brightly at him. "It means a lot."

            He blushed again, redirecting his attention away from me. "N-no problem..."

            "Ah, it must be nice to be in love," Chris sighed from behind us.

            "Shut up!"


            A day late... At least I'm getting better, lolol. I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I hate waking up early. Hate hate hate it. Oh well. Please enjoy the update :) Oh, and please vote! :D 

            One more thing! I did an interview with Wattpad! Check it out! Link in external link! 

Twitter & Instagram - JordanLynde_ 

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