:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Forty-Two

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“How’s life been?”




“How’s your love life?”

I glared at Shawn. Why was he acting so casual? Why was he acting like he hadn’t tried to kill me five months ago? “Fine.”

He leaned back in his chair, an amused smirk crossing his face. “So I’m going to guess that you’re going to ask the same questions your boyfriend did?”

“Yes,” I responded curtly. “And you will answer them.”

“Anything for you, Holly.”

“What do you want from us?”

Instead of responding, he abruptly pushed himself up from his chair. With wary eyes, I watched as he drew closer to me, deciding to take a seat in the spot next to me. “So we won’t be over heard,” he informed me before we could ask. “You never know if they’re recording this stuff. I don’t want to admit anything accidentally.”

“I see,” I responded through gritted teeth. The proximity between us was making me uncomfortable. Hopefully this would go quickly.

“You can ask me anything now.”

“What do you want from us?” I repeated.

He tilted his head to the side. “Didn’t I tell Aaron what I want?”

“You want me to lie to the police and say we made everything up? That you didn’t try to kill me and Chris?”

“I see Aaron did indeed tell you that,” he responded, shaking his head. “What a shame. I told him to keep it a secret.”

I scowled. “Why did you use Aaron?”

“Why not? He was more than willing to do my bidding for me.”

“So why are you trying to kill him now?”

 “Those who know too much and aren’t useful are just in the way,” Shawn explained simply. “Since he’s befriended you, obviously I can’t use him anymore. Now he knows too much and could easily ruin me by going to the police.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “But you know he won’t do that.”

He grinned. “Bingo. It pays off to be nice to people sometimes. They might fall in love and be willing to do anything for you.”

“You’re a bastard,” I stated, clenching my fists. “Don’t you care about him at all? How could you just use him and then throw him away?”

“What kind of person do you think I am?” he responded with a snort. “After everything that has happened, do you really think for one stupid little boy I’d be any different? No.”

With his words, my chest tightened. Poor Aaron. He was wasting his time with Shawn. Especially when Shawn cared for him about as much as I cared for seafood— not at all. Keeping myself composed, I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “How do you give orders to Mikey?”

“Some secrets can’t be told.”

“Is there anyone else you communicate with outside of the jail?”

He pursed his lips, squinting as if he was thinking hard about it. “Hmm, I don’t think so. The only person I talk to aside from Shawn was just put in prison the other day.”

I kept my face straight. It was difficult trying to decide if he was lying or not. If I wanted to be on the safe side, I wouldn’t believe him, but a part of me also believed he was telling the truth. That part would be more helpful. It meant if we could just get Mikey thrown in jail this would be over.

“Any other questions?”

“Is there any way I can get you to leave me alone besides telling the police everything was made up?”

He shook his head. “Nope. If it’s anything beside that I’ll still be in prison.”

“They wouldn’t even believe me if I told them that!”

“You’re the one who pressed the charges. You’re the one who can get rid of them.”

I glared at him. “I’m not doing that.”

“Then you won’t get rid of me.”

“Why won’t you leave me alone?”

He smiled smugly at me. “Where is the fun for me in that? You ruined my life, Holly, the least I could do is ruin yours.”

I shook my heat at him. “No, Shawn, you ruined your life.”

“It’s a matter of opinion, really. Either way, you still won’t be able to rid of me so easily.”

Scowling, I dropped my eyes to the ground. The only way to get rid of him was to get rid of Mikey. Preventing him from coming in contact with Mikey was the way we had to go. Which meant… My thoughts went back to Chris’s earlier words. If I could provoke Shawn enough to make him make an attempt at harming me, he would get his visitation rights cancelled…

“You know, Chris is right,” I started, trying to make my voice sound pitying. If I was going to do this, I was going to make sure the plan wouldn’t fail.

“Right about what?”

“That you’re a coward. You’re also sick. You’re going after someone ten years younger than you,” I answered, sending him a disgusted look. “First it’s you trying to come after me and now you’re going after another teenager who is also ten years younger than you? What kind of man are you?”

He shrugged. “Does it matter?”

“You’re a wimp. You’re too afraid to go after people your age.”

“S’pose so.”

“No wonder Holly left you for Chris…”

Shawn narrowed his eyes. “Excuse me?”

My heart skipped a beat. That was the reaction I was looking for. Of course Holly would be a sore spot! “You heard me. Did you think it was surprising when Holly left you for Chris? I mean if you compare you two it’s obvious Chris is the better, and more handsome, man.”

“I suggest you stop talking before I stop your mouth for you.” His eyes flickered with anger. “Perhaps permanently.”

“There you go again. This is another reason why Holly left you. You’re too threatening.”

“Be quiet.”

“You do realize that was the only reason she stayed with you right?” I continued, doing my best to keep my voice steady and low. “She was too scared to break up with you. Chris must have mentioned it. The only reason she stayed with you for as long as she did was because she was too afraid to break it off. Unfortunately Chris came along and helped her out. And then when you couldn’t get what you wanted back, you threw a tantrum.”

Shawn clenched his jaw, his hands forming into fists. “Holly.”

“Ah, and then you went to jail. Poor, poor you. Alone and locked away. Maybe you were thinking Holly would want to get back together with you after? Was that it? Then when you saw me you thought you’d have another chance? But…” I paused, my eyes piercing into his. “Chris got to me first, didn’t he?”

As if trying to intimidate me, he slammed his fist down on the table. Somehow I managed to keep myself from flinching. That, however, only seemed to anger him more.

“What are you trying to do?” he growled.

“Nothing,” I responded innocently. “It just seems like you still have a grudge over all this. If I were you I’d just let it go. Hasn’t it been proven more than enough that Chris is a better man than you are? While you have such a tough persona, you’re actually weak, aren’t you? A coward. A coward who has others do his bidding for him while he sits safely in jail without a worry in the world. A coward who can’t own up to his mistakes.”

The skin on his fists was completely white from how hard he was holding them. Only one more push…

I smirked. “One who has nothing better to do with his life than try to ruin the life of the young woman who he just can’t seem to give up on… even though she has about as much interest for him as a mouse does in a cat—”


He moved faster than I expected. Before I could blink he’d knocked my chair backward, causing me to tumble over it and onto my back on the ground. With a low thump, my head ricocheted off the hard wood floor painfully. Air escaped my lungs as he landed on top of me, winding me. His sweaty hands went to my throat, wrapping around them, and squeezing tightly. My eyesight started to blur. Any moment would be the perfect time for Chris to barge in…

“Let me tell you something Holly,” Shawn said in a hushed whisper. “You might think by coming here you can end everything. Don’t think I’m stupid enough to fall for this trap. You want my visiting rights to be revoked, don’t you?”

I gasped, my hands grappling at his, trying to make him release me. Where was Chris? What was going on out there? Shouldn’t he be bursting in? I hadn’t planned this far! Nor had I thought Shawn would try to suffocate me! Wasn’t it a little too extreme? If Chris didn’t get here soon… I didn’t want to think about it.

“It just so happens that works for me as well,” Shawn continued. “I have no need to talk to Mikey again. I’ve given him his final assignment already. If I have my visitation rights banned Mikey won’t be able to say I told him to do it. Would you like to know what that thing is?”

“L-let go!” I choked, my lungs burning.

“The day Aaron leaves the hospital— two days from now— Mikey will be waiting. You might as well say your goodbyes to Aaron now. I figured this would happen. You’re too nice, Holly. You care about him, don’t you? Well, this will be what losing something important feels like. You can take full responsibility too, because if it weren’t for you none of this would have happened to him.”

It felt like I was going to pass out. Smirking, he released his grasp on my neck. Immediately air filled my lungs. I gasped and gulped it down, struggling to push Shawn off me so I could stand. “Get off me!”

“Please, this is going to be my last time to see you,” he replied, frowning. “I’ll make it count while I can, Holly.”

My eyes widened as his face started closing in on mine. There was no way he was going to kiss me. He was crazy. It was impossible…

The door suddenly burst open and I heard my name being shouted as well as Shawn’s. Shawn scowled, his face stopping about an inch away from mine. If I weren’t afraid of accidentally closing the space between us, I would’ve signed in relief. Four pairs of footsteps pounded up to us. Things were a blur as Shawn was lifted off me and I was pulled into a pair of warm arms. I wrapped mine around Chris’s waist, my eyes locking on Shawn’s for the final time.

He smirked. “Goodbye, Holly.”

“Good riddance,” I returned, narrowing my eyes.

Shawn laughed and let the two men who held him captive drag him out of the room. Now I let out a sigh of relief, holding more tightly to Chris.

“Are you okay?” His voice was soft and urgent.

“I’m fine,” I assured him, turning my head up to smile at him. “I provoked him, just like you planned.”

He lightly scowled at me. “My plan wasn’t for him to attack you.”

“You let me in here easily enough.”

“I figured you’d have better luck than me,” he admitted. “But I would have never left you alone if I thought he was going to try to strangle you!”

I grimaced. “What took you so long anyway?”

“That was my fault,” a new voice interjected and I turned to see Marques scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “I was in a panic and dropped the keys…”

“And then we had to wait for a guard with a gun before entering,” Chris finished. “Stupid rules if you ask me,” he continued in a mutter. “Shouldn’t they be busting down the doors to help someone if they’re being attacked?”

“You’re forgetting there’s supposed to be a guard in here in the first place,” Marques pointed out.

I frowned. “Lucky thing there wasn’t, otherwise this might’ve failed. But…”


Shooting a quick glance at Marques, I mouthed the word later to Chris. If Shawn was telling the truth, we needed to think of a plan to save Aaron quickly. There was no doubt in my mind that for once Shawn was being completely honest.

“Are we free to leave?” Chris asked, turning to his Latino friend.

Marques frowned. “You are, but your girl will have to stay to confirm what just happened.”

“Don’t you have it on video?” I inquired. I wanted to get out of this place.

“Well yes, but I don’t think you quite understand the seriousness of this situation. We’ll need you to talk to the police again and there are a few forms you have to fill out… It’ll only take about an hour, and then you’ll be free to go. Someone will also have to come and check out your neck.”

Sighing deeply, I nodded, rubbing my sore throat. Hopefully bruises wouldn’t form. I’d hate to have to explain that to my mom. Chris took my hand into his and together we followed Marques out of the cubicle room and down the hall into a different room that more resembled an office. Only an hour, I told myself. I could do it. Then Chris and I were home free.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“He did what?

“He choked me, like I said.”

“Come here,” Jeremy demanded, beckoning me to him with his finger. “Let me see your neck.”

Begrudgingly, I followed his command. Standing form his chair, he met me halfway across the room, his hands going to the swollen skin at my neck. I held my hair up and out of the way so he could examine it. The nurse who’d checked it out informed me that the pressure from Shawn’s hands would indeed cause some minor bruising. Which meant I’d have to cover up my neck in school, which meant wearing a scarf in the warming weather. It was a lucky thing I’d bought some of those non-winter ones the other week.

“That looks painful,” Jeremy commented, letting out a low whistle.

“Why did he attack you?” Casey asked, her eyes wide as they took in my red throat.

I let my hair fall down again, covering my shoulders and most of my neck. “I kind of provoked him…”

“Why would you do that? Are you stupid?” Aaron snapped, speaking up for the first time since I’d walked in here with Chris five minutes before.

“It was for you,” I shot back at him. “Chris and I figured if we revoked his visitation rights he wouldn’t be able to give orders to Mikey anymore to harm you. So instead of calling me stupid, don’t you think you should thank me? I also managed to only get Shawn in a little trouble compared to what he could be in right now.”

Aaron shot me a warning look, his eyes shooting daggers. I realized what I’d said and grit my teeth.

“Why don’t you want to get Shawn in a lot of trouble…?” Casey questioned, her eyebrows furrowing together.

“Er… I need to talk to Aaron alone for a moment,” I requested, turning to look at her. “Could you take Jeremy and Chris to the vending machine, Casey?”

She blinked at me. “But—”

“I’d like some M&Ms.”

“No surprise there,” she sighed, sliding out of her chair. “We’ll be back in five minutes then. Come along, boys.”

Jeremy frowned, but left with no resistance. Chris did the same, but seemed unhappier about it. I didn’t really need to kick him out since he knew already, but Aaron didn’t know he knew, and I wanted to keep it that way.

“I know what you’re going to say,” Aaron stated before I could even open my mouth. “You want me to tattle on Shawn to the police?”

“No, I want you to tattle on Mikey to the police,” I corrected him. “Shawn’s taken care of. I’m not worried about him anymore. It’s Mikey who I’m concerned about. I haven’t told Chris this yet, but I will when he comes back, but Shawn told me he’s already given Mikey the order to kill you the day you’re released from this hospital.”

Aaron narrowed his eyes. “How can you be sure he’s not lying?”

“Does it matter if he is or not? Do you want to take that chance? You could end up dead, Aaron!”

Grunting, he crossed his arms. “So I should go to the police and tell them that Mikey was the one who attacked me the other week and that he’s coming after me again?”

I nodded. “It’s best to be on the safe side.”


Surprised, I did a double take at him. “Seriously? You’re agreeing just like that?”

“I can’t try to protect Shawn any longer. He lost any ounce of respect I had left for him when he tried strangling you, Holly. I told you, I like you now.”

“Erm… I…”

“I never cared for Mikey in the first place, so I have no qualms about tattling on him. We’ll go on Wednesday then, as soon as I get out. Instead of going home, we’ll go to the police, that way there’s no chance of Mikey getting me.”

Nodding, I relaxed back into my chair. That went better than I expected. Aaron seemed to be figuring out Shawn wasn’t worth his time— which was good. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that Shawn never cared about him in the first place. Just thinking about it made my hurt heart and I could barely relate to it in the first place! Maybe I was a little too nice…

The trio that’d went off to the vending machines returned, candy in hands. Chris tossed me a bag of M&Ms and a Twix to Aaron before taking a seat next to me. “So, Holly, is there something you want to tell me now?”

After popping a handful of my candies into my mouth, I started explaining what I’d told Aaron seconds before. While Casey and Jeremy had facial expressions that would challenge any horror movie actress or actor’s, Chris seemed unsurprised. “I figured it’d be something like that,” he told me, frowning. “Shawn’s always good with surprises like that.”

“Can you be a little bit more worried?” I asked, smiling wryly.

“No, I’m worried,” he assured me, crossing his arms. “Aaron is my student, so I have to take responsibility for him.”

“Even though this is my fault,” I added with a sigh. “Oh well. We don’t have to deal with Shawn anymore after this, so we can put it all behind us.”

Jeremy snapped his fingers. “That’s right! There’s no way Shawn can ever contact you again! That means his chapter is over!”

“But the story isn’t done yet,” Casey pointed out, her brown eyes falling on Aaron. “I have a feeling we’re reaching the final chapter.”

Aaron scowled. “What? Why are you looking at me?”

“You’re the damsel in distress this time! It’s so refreshing that it’s a guy! Unlike Holly.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t even want to think about her…”

“Hey!” I protested, glowering at her. “Did you really expect me to be a pro at fighting? I didn’t even know how to make a fist!”

Chris snorted. “That’s right. I had to teach her.”

“You taught her lots of things though, didn’t you?” Jeremy remarked teasingly, winking.

Immediately Chris, Casey, and I all shot him a warning look. His smug expression dropped, replaced by a sheepish one. I glanced at Aaron, who was staring at me suspiciously. “Um, yes?” I asked hesitantly.

“You can drop the charade,” he said flatly.


“You heard me. Don’t think I’m stupid.”

“I’m sorry…?”

He lifted his hand, pointing his finger at me, then at Chris. “I know you two are dating.”

My jaw dropped. How could he possible know? Why was he so casual about it? What was going to happen now? My gaze snapped to Chris, who looked just as startled as I felt. “N-no you’ve got it wrong,” I started, raising my hands defensively. “It’s not—”

“Don’t deny it,” he cut me off, smirking. “Mikey told me the night he attacked me.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Chris demanded.

“It’s fun watching you guys squirm when you slip up like Mr. Ross just did.”

My head was starting to hurt. Closing my eyes, I flopped into a chair, running a hand through my hair. “Please don’t tell, Aaron. There’s only one month left before we graduate. And I’m eighteen! There’s nothing wrong with it!”

“I won’t tell.”

“And— wait, what?”

“I won’t tell,” he reiterated. “It’s not my secret to tell. I have no reason to tell.”

Jeremy shot him a dirty look. “And yet you wanted to tell on us when she was supposedly dating me?”

“I’ve changed.”

“I’ll say… Or could it be…”

Aaron turned to frown at him. “Could it be what?”

“That you’re secretly in love with Holly now!” He gasped. “Or maybe Chris—”

“Don’t be stupid,” Chris interjected, slapping the back of his head.

I couldn’t find it in me to laugh. It was too close to the truth… Or well, I didn’t know if it was the truth or not, but Aaron had told me he wondered if Chris liked guys. I paused. Wait. If he’s known that I was dating Chris since he was attacked, that meant he knew I was dating him then…

Aaron caught me staring and smirked. “Well, actually. I have something to confess.”

“What’s that?” Casey asked curiously.

“I like Holly.”

Everyone in the room froze. My heart skipped another beat. I thought he’d been joking when he said he liked me! Wasn’t he gay? Did this mean he was straight now? Or bi-sexual?

“Please support my feelings, Mr. Heywood!” he continued brightly, a smug smile on his face. “It’d mean a lot coming from you.”

Letting out a groan, I let my head fall into my hands. There was sure to be a lot of headaches coming out of this.


Totally forgot to upload on this and WDIW! I'm really sorry about that! The whole IMS thing has been making me angry, so I've been staying off Wattpad haha. But here it is! And once again, sorry it's late!

I'm happy. Even though I don't have Mr. DeWitt, I still get to talk to him a lot.

Facebook in external link! Today's song is Paradise Lost by Hollywood Undead!

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