:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Sixteen

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            When Friday rolled around you could literally feel the euphoria in the air. All the girls were gossiping about how beautiful their dresses were and all the boys were bragging about their dates. At the moment, Casey was gushing about her “perfect, stunning, jaw-drop worthy” dress.

            “It just reaches my knees,” she prattled as we walked down the hallway toward the science wing. “I can’t wait until you see it tonight! You’ll be amazed!”

            I smiled at her exhilaration. “What color is it?”

            She made a face. “I wanted one in blue, but since our theme is Valentine’s Day I got a deep pink.”

            “I’m sure it will still look great on you,” I responded, rolling my eyes. “You look good in every color. What’s your mask look like?”

            A smirk crossed her face. “You’ll have to wait and see.”


            “What does your dress look like?”

            My smiled turned sheepish. “Well actually, I spent all my money…”

            Her eyes widened. “What? You don’t have a dress? Why did you do that?”

            “No, no. I never I said I didn’t have a dress. I just mean that I couldn’t buy a new one. I’m wearing the dress I wore to my birthday dinner,” I explained, remembering the night perfectly. The first time Chris legally kissed me.

            Casey cocked an eyebrow. “I don’t think I’ve seen that dress.”

            “No one has, except Chris and Jeremy, and I doubt they’ll care,” I told her.

            “So what did you spend your money on then? Something for your car?”

            I shook my head. “No… Um, on Chris’s Valentine’s Day and birthday presents,” I admitted quietly, stopping in front of the lab room.

            “It’s his birthday? Oh my god! I have to say happy birthday—”


            She looked at me like I was crazy. “Why not?”

            “He doesn’t know I know,” I confessed, dropping my gaze. “I didn’t even know until Jeremy told me.”

            “Why didn’t he tell you?” she asked, sounding confused.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, but it’s a good thing Jeremy told me or I wouldn’t have even said happy birthday to him.”

“So, then, what did you get him?” she questioned, looking excited again. “Tell me!”

Shaking my head, I grinned again. “I’ll tell you after I give it to him. No offense to you, but you might blurt something out.”

She pouted at me. “Fine. Can you tell me tonight?”

“I’m giving it to him after the dance.”

“Birthday sex?”

I smiled wryly. She and Jeremy really were the perfect couple.


The sudden voice in my ear caused me to start. Casey’s eyes snapped behind me, a shy smile spreading across her face. To my amazement, she looked a little nervous. She never looked nervous. Turning my head, I felt my heart drop into my gut as Aaron came into view.

“Ready for our big date tonight?” he asked, elbowing me out of the way.

I glared at him, rubbing my collarbone where he’d hit me. “Date? What are you talking about?”

He swung an arm around Casey’s shoulder, a smug expression crossing his face. “I found my date to the dance.”

I blinked. “What?”

“He asked me last night,” she informed me, wrapping an arm around his waist. “I couldn’t say no.”

My mind was blank. Casey could not date Aaron. Didn’t she know what kind of guy he was? No, an angry voice in my head told me, because you didn’t tell her what he tried to do to you. I shoved the voice away, already feeling angry with myself. “Casey, can I talk to you for a moment?”

She cocked her head to the side. “Why? I’ll be late to my next class…”

“Mr. Heywood will write you a pass,” I promised her. He most definitely wouldn’t.

Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. “I think it’s best not to be late to class, Holly.”

“Shut up,” I snapped at him.

“Holly!” Casey cried, taken aback. “Sorry, Aaron… I don’t know what’s wrong with Holly today.”

He shrugged. “It’s fine. She probably just didn’t get enough sleep last night. Who knows what she could have been doing? Extra credit maybe?” His mouth twisted into a self-satisfied smile.

“That’s just like her,” she laughed, not getting the true meaning behind his words, and pushing him toward the door. “She’s almost failing, you know?”

“So she must do it a lot then. I’m going to take a guess that she does it for bio some days as well.”

Casey looked confused for a moment, but then laughed again. “Probably.”

“As I thought.”

“I do not!” I exclaimed, feeling my cheeks heat up.

Without warning the doorway swung open, and Chris appeared, a frown on his face. His eyes swept past us, doing a double take when he noticed Aaron’s arm wrapped around Casey and vice versa. After that his gaze snapped back to mine, his eyes questioning.

“I should go to class,” Casey started, stepping away from Aaron. “See you guys later. Bye Mr. Heywood!”

“Bye Casey,” we all responded; Aaron happily, Chris confused, and me irritated.

Aaron smirked at me before pushing past Chris and into the classroom.

“Ms. Evers?” Chris started slowly, taking in my expression.

My fists were clenched at my sides as I stared past him, at Aaron. How could he say that? I didn’t sleep around with teachers! I just wanted to walk over to him and punch him repeatedly in his face…

“Ms. Evers?” Chris repeated, waving his hand in front of my face. “Are you okay?”

I blinked out of my seething thoughts, focusing on my biology teacher now. “I… He…” My mouth felt dry and I trailed off, unable to say what I wanted.

“Did he do something?” he inquired, lowering his voice and setting his jaw. “I swear to god if he tries something again—”

I shook my head furiously. “No, Mr. Heywood! He didn’t do anything… He’s… just being a pain like usual,” I lied. Well it wasn’t a total lie. He was being a pain. I couldn’t tell Chris he was accusing me of sleeping with him and Jeremy.

The bell rang overhead and I smiled at him. “Time for class.”

“Holly,” he started to protest, but I shook my head.

“I’m fine,” I assured him. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

He still didn’t look satisfied, but allowed me into the classroom nonetheless. To my annoyance, Lexi was sitting in my usual spot next to Lance. My eyes scanned the class and I realized the only place available was in the last row, next to Aaron. My heart sunk. I couldn’t deal with him right now…

“James, would you mind moving next to Aaron in the back? Holly needs to sit closer to the board because she can’t see very well,” Chris inquired, folding his arms over his chest.

James raised an eyebrow at me. “I didn’t know you had bad vision.”

I didn’t either.

“I usually wear contacts,” I made up quickly, shooting a thankful look to Chris. “I just forgot them today.”

“No problem then,” James responded, jumping up from his seat. “Anything for the pretty lady.”

A couple of people wolf whistled as a grinning James moved to the back of the room. I flushed, dropping my gaze to the ground. Chris muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “damn brat” under his breath. I took James’ place next to Lexi and she smiled at me.

“Okay. So do you all remember that quiz we took last week? The biochem one?”

A groan swept through the class. Lance grinned triumphantly while I slid lower in my seat. I was positive I’d failed that one.

“Most of you did well,” Chris continued, smiling at a few students in the class. “But a few…” His gaze locked with mine for a split second. “Seemed to not understand the concept. I want to have a brief conversation with those students, so while I’m doing that, everyone else will be watching a movie.”

Most of the class cheered while a few other students, including me, stayed silent. Excited chatter filled the room while Chris went into the supply room to find the DVD we were going to watch. I turned to Lexi, who held the same expression I did. Apparently she failed as well.

“Is he angry?” she whispered desperately, turning between Lance and myself. “Is he? He looks angry.”

“I don’t think he’s angry,” Lance reassured her, laughing. “He’s nice. He’ll probably let you retake it.”

She frowned deeper. “But I still don’t know how to do it!”

“Neither do I,” I admitted, sighing.

“I can teach you, Lexi,” Lance offered, trying to look casual about it. “I’m pretty sure I got a hundred anyway.”

Her eyes lit up. “Really?”


“What about me?” I demanded, glowering at him. He was going to help Lexi, but not his best friend?

He sent me a flat look. “You have the world’s best tutor.”

“She does?” Lexi inquired at the same time I said, “I do?”

He stared at me for a few more seconds. Finally, I understood what he meant. I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head. “Oh, right…”

“Who is it?” Lexi asked, turning to me. “I definitely need a tutor!”

“He’s, um… Well…” I trailed off, not knowing what to say. I couldn’t tell her it was the teacher. “My uncle. He a biochemist.”

Her face dropped. “Oh.”

“Hey, didn’t I say I would help you?” Lance said, leaning closer to her. “I swear I know what I’m doing.”

She laughed at him. “Okay, okay. You can be my tutor, Lance. I’ve always wanted a cute tutor.”

“I’ve always wanted a cute student.”

My face twisted into a frown as Lance and Lexi continued their banter. I was positive he didn’t know Lexi was secretly dating Jeremy. Why was Lexi flirting with him so much when she had her sight set on Jeremy? It wasn’t fair.

“Who’s ready for some Finding Nemo?” Chris asked, coming back into the classroom with the movie. “While I get this started, Ms. Evers, will you drag a desk into the hall? You’re the first on my list to speak with.”

Snickers and giggles went through the classroom as I felt my face heat up. He just had to announce to the whole class I didn’t do well on the quiz, didn’t he? Were teachers even allowed to do that? Surely that was some type of harassment…

Begrudgingly, I stood up and proceeded to drag my desk out into the hall. A few minutes later Chris came out, dragging a chair behind him. I pursed my lips at him, crossing my arms. He cocked his head to the side. “Something wrong, grumpy?”

“You just basically told the class I failed!”

He grinned and shrugged. “Well—”

“Mr. Heywood!”

“Calm down,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You didn’t really fail.”

I blinked. “I didn’t?”



“Really,” he assured me, taking a seat on the chair he’d brought. “You actually did surprisingly well.”

The corners of my mouth twitched into a smile and I felt a little bit better. “That’s good… But why are you talking to me then?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t want to talk to me?”

“That’s not it!”

“I know it isn’t,” he responded smartly, leaning closer toward me. “I just wanted to ask you what the plans were for tonight.”

I hesitated a moment, trying to keep my face expressionless. There was no way he could know what I planned for tonight. It had to be a complete surprise. “I’m going to your apartment after, right?”

He nodded. “Yes, and I’m going to make dinner for us.”

“You are?”


He was going to cook dinner on his birthday? That wasn’t very thoughtful of me. However, it wasn’t like I could cook. A sheepish expression crossed my face. “Actually, I’m kind of in the mood for… Chinese take out?”

He gazed at me curiously for a few moments before nodding. “Okay, that works.”

I smiled, pleased with myself. “Should I drive to your house or go with Casey and then leave with you?”

“Go with Casey and you can leave with me, that way you save gas.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her…” I trailed off, feeling my heart sink. If Aaron were going with Casey, that meant they’d be going in the same car. Same with Lance, since he was going with Lexi. There would be room for me, but with Aaron in the car… “Um, maybe I’ll just drive myself.”

Chris gave me a questioning look. “Why?”

“Casey is going with Aaron to the dance,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “I don’t want to be near him. I don’t want him to be near her! What if he tries something? And Lexi is going with Lance while Lexi is actually dating Jeremy, so she’s probably hurting them both since Jeremy and Lance probably don’t know what’s going on! Not to mention neither Lance nor Casey know what Aaron tried to do to me the other night and—”

“Breathe,” Chris interjected, reaching over the table to take my hand into his. “Slow down.”

Obeying his command, I took a deep breath of air and let it out slowly. After a few moments I felt more relaxed. “What should I do, Chris?”

“Nothing,” he replied simply. “This is Aaron, Casey, Lexi, and Lance’s problem— it’s probably not even a problem. You’re thinking into it too much.”


“I’ll have Jeremy pick you up then,” he continued, ignoring my protests.

I pouted at him. Why didn’t he care? Who knew what Aaron was planning? There was no way he was going with Casey because he liked her.

Chris chuckled. “Don’t look so sad. The only reason I’m having Jeremy pick you up is because I have to do something before I go to the dance.”

“What’s that?”


“I hate secrets.”

His mouth twisted up. “I know you do. Now one more thing before you can go watch Finding Nemo.”

“I’d rather stay out here with you…”

“I know you would,” he stated narcissistically, “but you don’t want a certain someone getting suspicious, do you?”

A frown flitted across my face. “Right…”


It took me a second to process the compact, black box he’d put in front of me. I stared down at it for a moment, confused. “What is it?”

“Open it. You might find out.”

Rolling my eyes, I dragged it closer to me. “Is this the eraser you said you were going to get me because I did so much more erasing than actual writing?”


“Gee, thank…” My remark was cut off when I lifted the top off. Instead of a pink, rubbery eraser like I’d expected, staring up at me were two silvery-white bangles with what looked like diamonds decorated on them. Dryness spread through my mouth swiftly as I stared between the box and Chris, trying to form a coherent sentence.

“I hope they match your dress… I forgot to ask what color your dress was before I bought them. It was either White Gold or Gold. I figured White would look better.”

Finally I got my voice back. “T-they’ll match…”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he wished with a grin, leaning closer to me again. Now his head was solely a foot away from mine.

“These look really expensive…”

“Do you like them?”

I nodded my head vehemently. “I love them! It’s just with the necklace you got me for Christmas—”

He cut me off. “That was a birthday present too.”

“My point is that necklace is expensive too!”

“Where is that anyway?” he inquired, his gaze travelling down to my bare throat.

My hand subconsciously went to my neck. “I didn’t wear it today… It doesn’t really match red.”

A chuckle left his lips. “You’re such a girl. Since the necklace doesn’t match, you’re wearing those bangles. Let me see the arm you’re going to wear them on.”

“Why?” I questioned, holding out my left arm anyway.

He dragged the box of bangles closer to him again. “This is a special type of bracelet. Have you ever heard of a Cartier love bracelet?”


“Well, now you have.” He raised his hand, holding up a tiny screwdriver. “See this? Without this screw drive you can’t take off the bangles.”

I blinked as he began to attach the first bracelet to my wrist. “Wait, what?”

He smirked. “That means only I will be able to take these off you.”

“Wait a second, Chris. I don’t think I like that idea—”

“Too late,” he commented in a singsong voice as he finished putting on the first bangle. “It looks nice against your skin.”

I ducked my head in embarrassment. A bracelet only he could take off? As much as I thought it seemed a little strange, it was also rather romantic. Still, the question was: How much were the bracelets? Why did he get two?

“All right,” he started when he finished putting on the second one. “Proof that you belong with me.”

I glanced at the bangles on my arm and couldn’t help but smile. They actually did look good. “Thank you, Chris.”

“You can thank me properly later,” he replied smoothly, a wily expression crossing his face.

My cheeks warmed at his implication. “I-I will.”

“Good girl. Now head back to class,” he demanded, shooing me with his hands.

“See you later, Mr. Heywood.”

He elevated his hand, brushing the underside of my jaw softly with his fingers as I trudged by him. My body tingled under his touch. “Hasta luego, Holly. Send Alexis out next, please. That girl actually needs all the help she can get…”

I laughed quietly as I reentered the classroom, pulling my sleeve down over the bracelets. A few curious heads turned towards me before they quickly lost interest and returned to the screen playing the children’s movie. Lexi smiled knowingly at me, causing me to pause a few feet away from her warily.

“I’m next, right?” she inquired, pushing herself up from the desk.

“Oh, um, yeah,” I responded, my body filling with relief. “Mr. Heywood’s waiting, yeah.”

She grinned. “Okay. Be back soon, Lance.”

Lance mumbled an adieu to her, to immersed in the movie to really care. I took her empty seat, setting my arm down on my desk and pulling my sleeve back to admire my bracelets. Once again, he’d thrown me off guard. Was there any way my present could live up to this? He must have spent… I didn’t even want to think about it.

“Ooh, fancy bangles,” Lance commented, shifting his head to look at me. A smug expression crossed his face. “You weren’t wearing those before you went out there.”

“Shut up,” I snapped, keeping my head turned away from him. “Yes I was. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He snickered. “Yeah, okay, Holly. So did you ask your boyfriend what he was wearing to this masquerade?”

My mind blanked. I hadn’t asked him that.

“I’ll take your silence as a no… Now it’s going to be tough trying to find him.”



I'm not going to lie. I was going to write more, but I'm going prom dress shopping today with my friends soon, so I'm not going to xD The next chapter will be the dance, of course.

Also, if you haven't caught it, there's a Chris's POV on my profile. It's in the external link now, so just click it if you haven't read it.

Today's song.... Velvet, by Breathe Carolina!

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