:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Thirty-Seven

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“Holly. Holly...”

            Someone started shaking my shoulders.

            “Holly, wake up.”

            I groaned, shoving the person’s hands away and yanking the covers over my head. It was Sunday, which meant I could sleep in as late as I wanted. Why was someone at my house so early anyway? The sudden depression of my mattress by my waist told me the person had sat down on it. Ignoring it, I tried to fall asleep again.

            “Get up.”

             I grunted in response.

            “You’re really not a morning person, are you? How late did you go to bed last night anyway?”

            Even though I didn’t want to, my mind thought back to the time I’d gone to bed. Chris had called around ten and we’d talked for about three hours… Then spent another hour texting. That meant I’d gone to bed at two.

            “It’s already one in the afternoon.”

            My eyes shot open in surprise. “What?” I cried, throwing the covers off my face, my gaze snapping to the window. Instead of seeing sunlight, like I’d expected, I saw darkness.

            A low chuckle met my ears. “I knew that’d get you up.”

            Confused, I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position, my eyes falling upon the person I was least expecting. “Chris!”

            “Morning, sleeping beauty,” he greeted teasingly, leaning forward to give me a quick kiss on the forehead. “You look cute with bed head.”

            “W-what are you doing here?” I demanded, raking a hand through my hair quickly and hoping it didn’t look too bad.

            He smirked at me. “We’re going on a date today.”

            “A date?” I repeated. “But what about Aar—”

            A finger was instantly pressed against my lips. “Don’t even mention his name. Jeremy and Casey have him covered today. Lance is also with Lexi; so from this point on, don’t mention them. Okay?”

            Unable to speak, I just nodded my head.

            “Good. Now out of bed.”

            Blindly obeying his orders, I slid out of bed, forgetting that I was only in a tank top and my underwear. The cold air made it clear I was underdressed. A blush came across my face and I grabbed the blanket off my bed so I could wrap myself up with it. Chris chuckled again as I glowered at him. “Stop laughing!”

            “I thought only guys slept in there underwear,” he told me, his grey eyes flickering in amusement.

            “Guess not.”

            He flicked my nose. “You have twenty minutes to take a shower and get ready. Breakfast will be on the table when you come down.”


            “Go, go,” he shooed, pushing on my back a bit more roughly than he probably expected to.

            My foot slipped on the blanket under it and I nearly went crashing to the floor. He somehow managed to get an arm around to stop me in time though. “Forget to turn off your super strength?” I inquired as I regained my balance.

            He grinned. “Super strength?”

            “Don’t let that go to your head,” I said, shaking my head at him. “What time is it? Why are you here? How come you’re waking me up so early when you’re the reason I stayed up so late?”

            “No questions. Now move.”


            Grabbing my shoulders, he steered me to the bathroom. “Just so you know, since you are my girlfriend, I won’t have a problem helping you into the shower if you don’t do it yourself.”

            “Get out!” I demanded, somehow managing to control my blush and turning around to slap him on the arm. “It’s too early for you to make jokes like that!”

            “It’s not too early to make you blush, Holly.”

            “I won’t shower until you leave.”

            Letting out a fake sigh, he slowly trudged out of the bathroom. “You know, one day we’ll be showering together.”

            I puffed my chest out. “And until that day comes, I shower alone.”

            “You’re not fun to tease unless you have good reactions.”

            “It’s too early, Chris,” I repeated, rubbing my eyes. The clock read 5:30AM. “Go start breakfast. Where’s my mom?”

            He shrugged. “I let myself in.”


            “Secret,” he responded, another self-satisfied smile on his face. “Fifteen minutes, Holly.”

            “What? But—”

            “Better hurry.”

            Irritated, I slammed the bathroom door as soon as he stepped out of the room. Now really wasn’t a good time for his pushy ways. Grumbling under my breath, I turned on the shower and easily stripped off my scant clothing. Just as I was about to enter the shower, there was a knock on the bathroom door. I nearly killed myself trying to make it to the door before it could open. “What?” I asked as politely as I could.

            “Towel?” Chris responded.

            Opening the door a sliver, I stuck my hand out through it, reaching for the towel. “Thank you.”

            “No problem.”

            My shower went by speedily— mostly due to the fact I thought Chris was going to walk in on me purposely. By the time I was finished, I was wide awake and feeling a little less cranky. Unsure of what he planned to do today, I threw on a pair of light colored skinny-boot leg jeans and a black, v-neck sweater. After slipping on a pair of black flats I grabbed my wallet and exited my room, stopping by the bathroom for a few moments to throw on some light makeup and perfume.

            “Something smells good,” I commented as I waltzed into the kitchen.

            “Someone looks good.”

            I glanced at Chris, noticing him eyeing my outfit with an impressed look. Tugging at the bottom of my sweater, I smiled shyly. “Thanks. You don’t look half bad yourself. I like the plaid on you.”

            He nodded in agreement, grinning as he looked over himself. “I figured since you like it so much, you’d like it on me.”

            Between the two of us, it was easy to tell he pulled off plaid better. In the dark of my room, I hadn’t been able to make out him too clearly. Now that we were in the brightly lit up kitchen, he was crystal clear. His outfit today was the most casual I’d ever seen, making him look five years younger— straight leg jeans and a black and white plaid shirt. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought he was a normal high school student.

            “Breakfast is on the table,” he informed me, nodding to the table that was covered in pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. “Let’s hurry and eat.”

            Taking a seat across from him at the table, I pulled two pancakes onto my plate. “What are we doing today? Why do we have to leave so early?”

            “I told you, a date.”

            “But what are we doing?”

            He frowned. “I don’t want to spoil it.”

            “Tell me,” I urged, giving him my best puppy-dog expression.

            Rolling his eyes, he shook his head at me while grinning again. “How many times do you I have to tell you that look doesn’t work on me?”

            “If you don’t tell me I won’t eat.”

            “Don’t be a kid.”

            “Don’t be a… a…”

            With an evil look, he tilted his head to the side. “A what, Holly?”

            Scowling, I banged my fist on the table. “Just tell me, Chris!”

            “Fine. We’re going to Six Flags.”

            “Six Flags…?”

            “That’s what I said.”

            “The theme park?” I double-checked. “With old man Mr. Six?”

            He nodded. “That’s the one.”

            My stomach dropped in my gut. “But Chris… everyone goes there. There’s no way we can go together…”

            “That’s why we’re going to New Jersey.”

            “New Jersey?” I repeated, nearly choking on my spit. “Are you crazy?” He sure seemed crazy. We were driving all the way to New Jersey just to go to Six Flags?

            He pointed toward the food on my plate. “Eat. And no I’m not crazy. I asked Casey what you like to do and she mentioned Six Flags, so I decided I’d take you there. That’s why we have to leave early.”

            “Why though?” I questioned, unable to tear my gaze away from his serious face. What made him suddenly want to do this?

            Unexpectedly, an embarrassed expression crossed his face and he stared down at his plate of food, shoving a piece of bacon into his mouth. “No reason.”

            “Don’t talk with your mouth full.”

            “Okay, Mom.”

            “Chris. Really. Why?”

            He swallowed his food and gaze me a piercing stare. “Why? Because you’ve been ignoring me lately in favor for Aaron or Lexi.”

            My eyes widened. “What? I have not—”

            “Don’t deny it.”

            “We hang out all the time! And you’re always with me when we visit Aaron!” I protested.

            He gave me a flat look. “For the past week, we’ve only been going to see Aaron. There hasn’t been any alone time for us, Holly. I want some alone time. I want to take you on a date and not spoil it like last time. I want you to enjoy a day where you can be a normal high schooler in a relationship with a normal guy, not your teacher.”

            Surprised by his honest words, it took me a moment in order to form a coherent reply. “Oh, um, okay.” I wanted to smack myself. What was with that lame response? He’d said something unexpectedly sweet, and that’s all I could think of?

            “You have a way with words, Holly,” he mentioned sarcastically, seeming a little too full of himself.

            “You took me by surprise!” I snapped. “But I’m going to admit you’re right,” I continued with a frown. “I’m sorry, Chris. I didn’t realize you were feeling ignored.”

            “I wasn’t feeling ignored, just put on the back burner,” he corrected me. “Which a normal person wouldn’t mind considering the situation, but you should already know I’m not a normal person. As I said before, I’m—”

            “A selfish man,” I quoted, smiling from the memory. “That’s okay. It just makes me feel more loved.”

            He reached his hand across the table and put it on mine. “Good. I don’t want to seem like the overbearing boyfriend.”

            “And I don’t want to be the uncaring girlfriend, so we’re equal,” I told him, putting my hand palm up so we could link fingers. “Now let’s eat so we can leave.”

            Chuckling, he used his free hand to pick up his fork, awkwardly trying to feed himself. I laughed, gripping his left hand tighter so he couldn’t take it back to use it. Luckily for me, my right hand was my dominant hand, so I could eat easily.

            “For someone so cranky this morning, you sure are cheerful now.”

            “You know I’m not a morning person.”

            He gave me a half-smile. “I’m sorry to say you won’t be able to sleep in too late tomorrow either.”

            I cocked my head to the side. “Eh? Why not? Don’t we have the day off from school for one of those PTA things?”

            “Yes, but we have to be out of the hotel by noon.”

            It took a second for his words to register. “Hotel?” I gasped. “What? We’re staying in a hotel? Over night?”

            “That’s what I said.”

            “I haven’t even asked my mom!”

            He laughed, squeezing my hand. “I already told her yesterday. How do you think I got in here this morning? It’s not like I have my own key. Your mom let me borrow the extra so I didn’t wake her up.”

            “I should have known,” I sighed. “You guys always plot behind my back. Does the hotel have a pool?”

            “Yep,” he said casually, examining the burnt piece of bacon in his hand he’d picked up. “I suggest grabbing your bathing suit. It’s not every day you get to go swimming near the end of March.”

            New excitement bubbled up inside of me and I grinned widely. “It feels like it’s my birthday. We get to go swimming, go to Six Flags, and stay at a hotel. And to top things off we can be a normal couple!”

            “I can’t wait to hear you scream,” he commented, his eyes lighting up.

            My face darkened. “W-what?”

            He cocked an eyebrow. “On the roller coasters. What were you thinking? Hmm?”


            “Naughty girl,” he teased, pulling his hand away from mine. “I’m not sure if I can sleep in the same bed as you…”

            I glowered at him. “Shut up!”

            He laughed. “Okay, okay. Enough talking. Finish eating and then grab your bathing suit and a spare pair of clothing. And a toothbrush.”

            “Okay,” I mumbled, scooping up a spoonful of eggs and shoving it into my mouth.

            “Something smells good!”

            Both Chris and I turned toward the door, where my mom was standing. Her hair was messy and it looked like she forgot to take off her make up from yesterday. She beamed at us, heading toward the table. “Holly, are you finished?”

            “Yeah, here,” I said hastily, pushing my plate over to her. “I’m going to grab some clothes. Be right back!”

            As I left the kitchen, I could hear my mom laughing and make a comment about how excited I was. Of course I was excited. Who wouldn’t be excited to go on a date with their boyfriend? Especially when it was incredibly hard to do in the first place. It wasn’t every day Chris and I got to be normal couple.

            Instead of taking time and packing a cute outfit for the day after, I just flew through my drawers, grabbing the first everything I saw and shoving it into my overnight bag. Luckily, I hadn’t packed my bathing suit away or anything, so I was able to easily retrieve it from my closet. After that I hurried to the bathroom and snagged my toothbrush, hairbrush, and make up before cramming it in my bag as well. Nearly out of breath, I jogged back down to the kitchen, where my mom and Chris were now chatting casually.

            “Ready?” I asked, putting my hands on my hips and trying to catch my breath. “I have everything I need.”

            Chris nodded, pushing back his chair so that he could stand. “Let’s just take care of the dishes—”

            “Leave them to me!” my mom chirped. “You guys should leave soon if you want to have a lot of time at the park. It closes early on Sunday, you know.”

            “Thanks Mom!” I responded, grabbing Chris’s hand and tugging him to the door. “Let’s go!”

            Snickering at my anxiousness, he allowed me to lead him away from my mom. “Bye Lynn.”

            “Bye Chris! Bye Holly! Love you!”

            “Love you too!” I called back. “See you tomorrow! Don’t burn down the house! Remember to lock the door when you leave!”

            I could imagine my mom rolling her eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”

            “Who’s the mother and who’s the daughter again?” Chris commented playfully, nudging me in the shoulder. “Should I be asking your permission to take your mom out?”

            “Well she wouldn’t refuse you.”

            He ruffled my hair with his free hand. “Your mom’s cute, but I prefer you.”

            I pushed it away, frowning. “Do you always have to do that? You’ll mess up my hair.”

            “The wind will mess it up anyway.”

            “The wind?” I repeated.

            He smirked, gesturing toward the front door with his hand. “You’ll see.”

            As soon as we stepped outside, my jaw dropped. It was lighter outside now, so I could clearly make out what I was seeing. In my driveway was a convertible Mercedes, not his normal BMW. “Where in the world did you get that? And why?”

            “I like to drive places in class,” he told me. “So I bought it.”

            “You bought it?” I cried, my eyes growing as round as saucers. “That’s such a waste of money! You already had a fancy car!”

            He snorted. “My car isn’t fancy.”


            “Calm down,” he said, waving his hand at me. “I was kidding. I’m only borrowing it. I wouldn’t waste my money on something so expensive and unneeded. My car sucks on the highway, so Andy let me borrow this.”

            “Andy as in Holly’s Andy?”

            “That’s the one.”

            I stared at the car. “Are they rich?”

            “I wouldn’t say rich… but he’s a pretty renowned doctor.”

            Shrugging, I started pulling him to the car. “I’ve always wanted to ride in a convertible. My hair though…”

            “Here. I can fix that.”

            Before I could protest, he’d slipped his hand out of mine and promptly began to fuss up my hair with that one and his other. By the time he was done, it was sticking up everywhere. Smiling wryly, I patted him on the shoulder. “Thank you, Chris.”

            “Anytime, darling,” he responded with a wink, taking my bag from my hands and then opening the passenger door. “Hop in.”

            “Ah, chivalry,” I sighed, sliding onto the warm leather seats. “For an ex-gangster, you sure can be charming.”

            He chuckled, climbing into the driver’s seat, not bothering to open the door. “Charming just comes with my personality. I managed to get a lot of alcohol from different places when I was still underage.”

            “I thought you don’t like alcohol?”

            “But my gang did.”

            I grinned. “Aw, were you a loving gang leader?”

            “To my loyal followers, yes,” he told me, starting the engine. “Tell me if you get cold and I’ll roll up the windows.”

            I plucked at my sweatshirt. “I think I’ll be okay. You’re the one who should roll it up when you get cold.”

            “I don’t get cold.”

            “Everyone get’s cold, Chris.”

            He ignored me. “Okay, let’s get on the road. Put on your seatbelt, Holly.”

            “You too,” I countered, pulling the belt over my body. “It’s more dangerous to drive in one of these. If it flips, we’ll probably die.”

            Instead of replying, he just shook his head at me, quickly snapping his seatbelt. After revving the engine loudly, he peeled out of my driveway, driving much more haphazardly than I was used to. It was at that moment I realized that because of this car, he was probably reverting to the way he used to drive while in the gang.

Then we were off.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

            “Never again,” I said firmly, barely managing to drag myself out of the convertible. My legs were shaking so bad I could hardly stand.

            “It wasn’t that bad, Holly.”

            “You were speeding the whole time!”

            Chris walked around the car, shutting my door for me and then clicking it locked. “Don’t be overdramatic. I only sped on the highway and I was in the speed zone, so it’s fine.”

            I glowered at him. “I thought I was going to die!”

            “I wouldn’t let you die.”

            “You could’ve caused it!”

            “If we were in any danger I would’ve slowed down,” he assured me, gently pushing on my shoulder. “Now come on. We’ve gotta pay our admission.”

            My eyes went from his handsome face to the theme park we were standing in front of. M&M printed steps led up to the main entrance area. To my pleasant surprise, there didn’t seem to be a lot of people around. Maybe it was because the threat of impending rain, judging by the sky.

            The ride over had taken a lot longer than I’d expected and it was nearing noontime now. A few dark clouds loomed overhead in the otherwise bright blue sky. I squinted, staring up toward the sun. Hopefully it wouldn’t rain for a while. It would’ve sucked if our date was cut short.

            “Ready?” Chris asked, holding out his hand.

            “Yep,” I responded with a wide grin, placing my hand in his. “The first thing we’re doing is—”

            “Eating,” he interjected, setting up the M&M steps. “Your stomach was growling so loud I could hear it through the wind. You should’ve eaten more breakfast.”

            A blush blossomed on my cheeks and I pursed my lips at him. “I wasn’t that hungry earlier.”

            “Now you are, so you’re eating. Then we can do whatever you want. Okay?”

            “Okay,” I mumbled, doing another scan of our surroundings. Not many couples were out. It was mostly just groups of girls, or crowds of boys, or what looked like a pack of high school students who’d come on a field trip. It made me feel just a little special.

            After we paid for admission (or rather Chris did), we headed for the food stands. Knowing me too well, he led me straight to the baked potato stand. I scratched the back of my head sheepishly as he smiled arrogantly. It only took me about fifteen minutes to scarf down the potato so we could have fun.

            “Where to first?” he inquired.

            “Um, let’s start of easy…”

            He raised an eyebrow. “Tea cups?”

            “Not that easy,” I responded, rolling my eyes.


            Immediately I shook my head. “No way! I refuse to go on that. Way too scary.”

            He smirked. “Okay, I found what ride I want to go on.”

            “Aren’t you too old for that?”

            Giving me an innocent look, he tugged at his shirt. “Old? But I’m just a lowly high school student…”

            “I don’t want to go on it, Chris.”

            “We’ll start easy,” he coaxed, squeezing my hand. “Let’s go on the Tomahawk.”

            I hadn’t realized how long it’d been since I’d gone on some of the rides at the park, so nearly everyone had me screaming. Chris laughed every single time too, and held my hand tightly. Although I think he might have been holding on loosely and it was just me who was gripping onto him like my life depended on it.

            We hit a few of the easy rides first: the two easy wooden roller coasters, Thunderbolt and Cyclone, Cat Woman’s Whip, Pandemonium, and so on. Somehow Chris had d managed to persuade me to ride Batman, which led to where we were now, standing in line for a ride that had him grimacing.

            “Are you serious about this, Holly?”

            “Dead serious,” I told him.

            He sighed. “It’s such a pity. He was a good man. Thanks for reminding me.”

            Impressed, I gave him an approving look. “I see Jeremy has been getting to you. Finally you’ve made a reference.”

            “Whatever,” he muttered. “I don’t want to go on this ride.”

            “It’s our turn!” I told him excitedly, watching as a small, motored train came to a stop in front of us. The guy running the attraction gave us the go ahead, and I eagerly tugged Chris to it. “You drive!”

            Grumbling under his breath, he climbed into the car that was way too small for him. It was quite an amusing sight. His legs bent awkwardly as he tried to get into a comfortable position while still trying to press the gas pedal. After a few choice words, he finally managed to press the gas pedal and make the car move. “Why are we on this again?”

            “I went on Batman, you can come on this,” I responded, viewing the track we were following with a hand shielding my eyes from the sun. “Ah! Look! There’s another couple riding a different one!”


            I frowned at him. “Have more fun.”

            “We’re on a children’s ride… A grown, twenty-three year old man, on a six-year-old’s ride, Holly.”

            “You do look pretty ridiculous,” I chuckled, taking in his cramped position.

            “I’m going to get you back for this later.”

            My face fell immediately. “W-what?”

            He smiled darkly. “You’ll see.”

            “Turn the wheel right!” I suddenly cried; leaning over to yank the steering wheel in the direction the track went.

            “Relax,” he commented, pushing my hands away. “It’s not like we can get off the track. We don’t really have to pay attention.”

            “I’m driving home,” I declared.

            He tilted his head to the side. “Do you have your license with you?”

            “I…” Crap. I’d left it on my dresser. Scowling, I crossed my arms. “No, I don’t.”

            “Then I guess I’m driving back.”

            Harrumphing, I returned my gaze to the scenic route we were on. The park had managed to place the attraction under its few trees, so there was a lot of shade and canopy to drive under. You could also see other rides through the gates and people sitting on the stone benches to the side. In the distance, I could see Bizarro and my stomach did a flip-flop. There was no way I could go on that.

            When the ride came to an end, Chris instantly jumped out, straightening out his back. Like an old man, he placed a hand on his hip and groaned, staggering forward. I jabbed him in the side with my elbow. “It can’t be that bad,” I protested.

            “You would know if you were taller, Shorty.”

            “I’m not short!”

            “To me you are.”

            I attempted to shove him aside but he easily managed to block my attack, pulling me into a hug. “No fair,” I complained, my voice muffled by his shirt.

            “Er… you two. Could you move?”

            Chris and I promptly parted at the worker’s request. Glancing behind me, I noticed the next pair in line were already in the train, waiting for us to get off the track. Embarrassed, I dropped my gaze and hurried out the exit gate, Chris on my heels. Unable to decide what to do next, we wandered aimlessly around the park. While going through a large crowd of people, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. Even though it wasn’t too cold outside, his body heat was enjoyable.

            “I know what we can go on,” he said suddenly, coming to a dead halt.

            “What’s that?”

            “The thing that brings us from one side of the park to the other by those cables,” he informed me, pointing up. “It’s not a Ferris wheel, but it’s pretty close. Do you want to go on it?”

            For a moment I frowned up at the cables, watching as a giant plastic ball go over our heads. I didn’t particularly enjoy heights, but it didn’t look that bad. “Sure,” I finally responded, “let’s go.”

            The jumbo hamster ball that carried the people across the cables was a lot more intimidating up close. It rocked violently as Chris and I climbed into it. My hands gripped the edge of the seat so hard, they were already white, and the ball hadn’t even started moving yet. The worker had barely shut the door.

            “This is horrifying!” I said through clenched teeth, my eyes glued to the ground so many feet below.

            Chris smirked evilly. “Should I rock it?”


            “I’m going to do it.”

            “No!” I cried, glaring at him warningly. “If you do it, I’ll never speak to you again. Ever.”

            Clearly amused, he stared back at me, his eyes challenging me. “That sounds pretty much impossible.”

            “Don’t rock it. Please.”

            “Come here,” he encouraged, patting the space next to him. “It won’t be so scary if I’m next to you, right? Like when we first went on the Ferris wheel.”

            Reluctantly, I slid myself closer to him. He was right about feeling safer, but I also felt like it was better to have the weight distributed. Halfway through my movement, the ball began to move. My heart skipped a beat in my chest and I basically lunged the rest of the way to him. He grinned evilly, opening his arms and allowing me to cling to him.

            “Don’t make fun of me,” I started, keeping my face pressed into his chest.

            “You make it hard not to.”

            “It takes me a moment to get used to heights, you should know that,” I notified him, forcing myself to pull my head away. My eyes dropped to the ground below and widened. “Wow… we’re high.”

            He wrapped his arms around me so I couldn’t move away. “We’re fine though. It’s a nice view.”

            “I wish it was sunset,” I said wistfully. “I bet it’d be really pretty from up here.”

            “I think the park closes before sunset today.”

            I frowned. “Oh.”

            “We can still enjoy it now though,” he told me, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Isn’t it okay with just the two of us?”

            Twisting in my seat a little so I could see his face better, I smiled. “Yeah. You know, I really love when you’re this open and honest, Chris.”

            He made a face. “Don’t get used to it. You know it’s not my natural personality.”

            “Then why…?”

            “Because I know you like it.”

            I pressed my forehead against his. “I love you, Chris.”

            “I love you too,” he murmured, brushing his lips over mine lightly. After a brief moment of hesitation he kissed me more deeply.

            As an automatic reaction, my heart started to race in my chest. I turned to make it easier to kiss him back and rocked the compartment a little. The sudden motion caused me to jerk back in surprise. He gave me a confused look. “What?”

“Heights and kissing don’t mix,” I admitted reluctantly, pressing a heart to my chest. “I think if there is a random jerk, I might have a heart attack.”

“Well, you taste like garlic anyway, so it’s okay.”

My hand shot up to my mouth. “I do not!”

“It must have been from your potato earlier,” he observed thoughtfully, tapping his finger on my stomach. “Gross.”


“Phew! Even your breath stinks!”

“It does not!” I argued.

Pinching his nose, he turned his head away from me. “You need a breath mint.”

“You’re so annoying!” Unsure of whether or not he was being serious or just teasing me, I moved so that my back was toward him and tried to surreptitiously check my breath. My nose wrinkled when I realized it really did smell like garlic.

Suddenly Chris’s arms tightened around me. “Oh well. I can still kiss your neck.”

“Wait,” I demanded, trying to stop him from brushing my hair aside. “It feels weird when you do tha— ah!” Cringing, I sucked in a breath as I felt his lips by my ear.

“And your reactions are worth it,” he murmured, trailing his lips down my neck.

I tried to squirm away from him. “That feels weird!”

“No, it feels good,” he stated confidently.

            “How do you know?”

            He stayed silent for a moment. “I know things,” he finally declared.

            I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “Did Jeremy used to do this to you, Chris? I bet he— ow!” My hand slapped to the back of my neck. “Did you just bite me?”

            “Haven’t I told you to stop making gay jokes about Jeremy and I?”

            “Did you bite me?” I repeated, ignoring his question, my eyes widening in disbelief. “What are you, a vampire?”

            He pursed his lips at me. “No. I don’t want to suck your blood. I was just giving you punishment.”


            “For that thing about Jeremy.”

            “So you bit me?”

            “Is that what if felt like?”

            “It hurt!”

            He gave me a casual look. “Then I guess you know not to joke about that again, right?”

            “Y-yeah,” I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck.

            “Unless you like it…”

            I dropped my head. He never could tease me enough, could he?


It's 3AM. I'm tired. There's probably lots of spelling mistakes. Please find them entertaining. 


This date will be in two parts. So it's not just this chapter. 

P.S It's the MA Six Flags, but they can't be in MA, so I'm just saying it's in NJ... so yeah lol. Don't get confused...

Facebook page in external link!

Caraphernelia - Pierce the Veil!

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