:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Thirty-Two

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I was awoken to the sound of murmured voices. Instead of letting whoever was talking know I was awake, I stayed motionless, deciding to feign sleep for a little longer. There was pressure on my legs, making me think something heavy was set on top of them. Something heavy and warm. 

"When that time comes, are you okay with it?" 

I knew that voice belonged to Chris. What was he talking about? Who was he talking to? What was he doing here? My mind went back to last night. Had we all ended up falling asleep on the couch? I couldn't remember him and Jeremy going home. 

There was a light sight. "Well..." 

That was my mom's voice. Now I was even more confused. 

"I'll probably hate you," my mom declared. 

Chris chuckled. "I don't blame you." 

"Holly will cry." 

There was a moment of silence. "I know." 

"I'll probably cry too." 

"I wouldn't be surprised." 

My heart was starting to pound. What were they talking about? What was going to make me cry? What was going to make my mom hate him? It was quickly becoming hard to pretend to be asleep. I wanted to know what they were talking about. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. My heart felt like lead. It almost sounded like he was going to break up with me. But where did it come from? We were fine last night! Was it something I did? Was it because I'd talked to Aaron without telling him? That was hardly reason to break up with me! 

"I don't really have a choice in the matter, do I?" my mom questioned, her voice regretful. 

There was another awkward moment of silence. "No," Chris admitted after a moment. "My decision is already made. No matter what you say, I won't back out on it. It's for the best for both of us." 

"Does that mean I won't being seeing you around here much more after it?" 


My mom sighed again. "This is really abrupt." 

"No, I've been thinking about it for awhile. Certain things have happened lately and it's changed things." 

My eyes were starting to water under their closed lids. It had to be something bad. That definitely sounded like a break up. Why had I talked to Aaron without telling Chris? Why didn't Chris tell me he was upset about it? We could have talked it out! And what did he mean by certain things? Was it the Jeremy thing? There was no way that could happen to us! 

"I should probably go," Chris stated uncomfortably. 

"No!" I cried, involuntarily sitting up. The person lying on my feet tumbled to the floor with a loud thump. A quick glance revealed to me it was Jeremy. He stayed passed out. 

Chris and my mom stared at me in surprise. It took me a moment to struggled out from under the heavy blankets that someone had put on me last night. My feet hit the cool floor after a few agonizing seconds and I stumbled toward Chris, throwing my arms out to him. He easily caught me in his own arms, allowing me to pull myself to his chest. I gripped the back of his shirt, trying to press my body as close to his as possible. A few tears spilled over and the salty liquid ran down my cheek, soaking into his rumpled shirt as I pressed my face against it. 

"What's wrong?" he asked in a murmur, rubbing my back. "Did you have a nightmare?" 

"Holly?" my mom added in a worried tone. 

Sniffing, I managed to force my head away from Chris far enough as to let me look into his grey eyes. "What were you talking to my mom about? What's going to make her hate you? Why won't you come around here anymore? What's going to make me cry, Chris?" 

He blinked at me, his face remaining expressionless. "Holly," he started, heaving a sigh. 

"I'm sorry!" I apologized desperately. "I know I shouldn't have talked to Aaron! We talked about this yesterday! And what happened with Jeremy- you said yourself it wouldn't happen to us, Chris! Why do you want to break up with me? Why are you-" 

"Holly," he interjected, slapping a hand to my mouth. "Be quiet for a moment, please." 

I nodded, taking his hand off my mouth and holding it tightly. 

"First of all, stop being so negative." He flicked my nose with his free hand. "I'm not going to break up with you. I think you need more sleep." 

My mom chuckled and I felt a blush blossom on my cheeks. "Y-you're not?" 

"No. I love you. You know that." 

"But then... What?" 

Chris gave my mom an uneasy look. "Lynn..." 

"Fine," my mom huffed, crossing her arms. "Go ahead. Be that man, Chris." 

He rolled his eyes. "You know, sometimes you act so much like Holly you surprise me." 

My mom gave him a duh look. "That's because she's my daughter, you silly little boy." 

"Excuse me," I interjected, giving them both impatient looks. "Do I get to find out what you two were talking about?" 

"It's not about right now," Chris started slowly, his eyes returning to mine. One of his hands came up to my cheek. "But I was just asking her if it was okay to have you move in after you graduate." 

It felt like my heart skipped five beats, like I'd died for a second. It restarted with vigor, beating so hard I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. Sure, Chris and I had talked about this before, but that was just talking. If he was telling it to my mom it meant that it was the real deal. My eyes were round as I twisted around to stare at my mom. "Mom...?" 

She pouted at me. "It's not like I can say no. You're eighteen now, Holly. You get to make your own choices." 


"If you want to live with him, I want you to live with him," she urged. "I won't hold you back. Live your life, Holly. Just don't forget to come visit." 

Chris cleared his throat. "We still have a few months left though, Lynn, Holly. Don't get too far ahead of yourselves. And don't forget, Holly, you have college. You might have to dorm." 

I shook my head vigorously. "I'm staying around here!" 

My mom beamed at me. "That's my girl!" 

"Hey," Chris interjected, giving my mom a disapproving look. "You shouldn't encourage her like that." 

"I want her around here." 

"But it's her schooling." 

My mom smirked evilly. "She's my little girl." 

He grimaced. "I'm glad Holly didn't get that look from you..." 

"Chris?" I started, frowning at him. "You said it would make me cry..." 

"Won't it?" he replied, rolling his eyes. "I know you, Holly. You would probably cry if you were going on vacation for a month away from your mom." 

I ducked my head. "W-would not." 

My mom laughed loudly. "Actually, one time-" 

"Mom!" I hissed. 

Chris grabbed the back of my head and pressed it to his chest so I couldn't talk. "No, go on. I'd like to hear this." 

I pounded on his spine, trying to free myself as my mom explained how a year ago on the first overnight trip she'd gone on. She'd had to leave me home alone because both Lance and Casey were busy. She explained how I'd called her at one o'clock in the morning crying my eyes out because I had scared myself watching a scary movie. My cheeks burned in embarrassment as Chris started laughing. 

"She still doesn't like horror movies," he told her. 

"I bet!" 

My fists continued to batter his muscled back and he finally allowed me to pull myself away. "Mom!" 

She batted her eyelashes at me innocently. "What?" 

"Stop that!" 

"Embarrassing you?" 


With a smirk, she shook her head in a negative response. "Nope. I have to do what all mom's do and bring out the baby pictures." 

I stared at her in horror. "Oh no..." 

"Oh yes," she responded, sticking one of her hands into her back pocket. "In fact, I have one here..." 

Without any warning, I bounded toward her, snatching the photograph out of her hands. My eyes scanned it immediately, looking for any humiliating postures or hairdos. Horror spread through me when I recognized the picture from the time I'd decided to wash myself with spaghetti sauce- and by wash, I mean dump over me and then try to rub it all over me. 

Chris appeared behind me, his arms snaking around my waist to hold in place. "Let's see what kind of blackmail I can get on Holly now..." 

"No! I have my shirt off!" 

"I've seen you with your shirt off before." 

"Grandbabies, grandbabies," my mom hummed excitedly. "Gonna have some grandbabies!" 

I stared at her in shock. "Mom! Really?" 

Chris quickly took the moment to his advantage and seized the picture from my hand. "Aha!" 


He stared at the photo, an impish grin spreading across his face. "Is this why you don't like spaghetti?" 

I flushed, trying to take it away from him. "Give it to me!" 

"Nope," he responded, gently pushing me away from him. "I'm keeping this. If that's okay, Lynn." 

"Of course it is!" 

I stumbled back, scowling at the pair of them. Unfortunately for me, I forgot about the passed out blonde on the floor, and stepped on his back, sliding on his slippery skin. It took about three seconds for me to hit the floor, my head banging painfully on his. 

Jeremy sat up immediately with a shout of pain. Then a low groan left his lips and he flopped back down. "Am I dead?" 

"Hi Jeremy!" 

His eyes snapped up to my mom. Confusion swirled around in them. "Lynn...? Why are you ate my house?" He then turned his head, noticing me on the ground next to him. "Oh, did Holly and I have sex?" 

"No!" I cried. 

Chris shot him a dirty look. "Why do you sound so calm about that?" 

"Are you still drunk?" I added. 

Jeremy slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. "No, I'm not drunk." He winced, a hand shooting up to his hand. "Definitely hung over though." 

My mom put her hands on her hips. "You're underage, Mr. Ross." 

"I know, but she tricked me," he muttered. 


He gave me an ashamed look. "Holly, before you jump to conclusions-" 

"You're talking about Lexi, aren't you?" I accused. "Why were you getting drunk with her? I thought-" 

"I said don't jump to conclusions!" 

I pressed my lips together to keep myself from blurting anything out. 

"Is she the one who dropped you off at my house?" Chris questioned. 

"Must have been," Jeremy responded, frowning. "We ran into each other and she said she needed help fixing her door. Which she did," he added at my skeptical look. "Then she offered me a drink and, yeah..." 

"Who's Lexi?" my mom asked. 

Chris turned to her. "One of Holly's friends." 

"Acquaintances," I corrected. 

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." 

Jeremy grunted. "I can't believe she tricked me... Wait. You don't think it was to get back at me?" 

"What do you mean?" 

He turned to me. "Er, well, because of something I told her I wouldn't date her when she asked me out yesterday." 

My eyebrows furrowed together. "She asked you out? I thought she was dating Willis!" 

"I guess they broke up." 

"So she asked you out?" 


"You said no?" 


Chris cocked his head to the side. "I thought you liked her?" 

Jeremy shook his head. "At first, but now I'm interested in- no one," he corrected himself quickly, looking embarrassed. "I-I just want to be single." 

I smirked at him. "Sure. I think I know what happened."  

"Go away, Holly," he muttered. 

Before I could speak, Chris spoke up. "That doesn't explain why she purposely got you drunk." 

"Maybe she thought Jeremy would want to be with her if he was drunk?" my mom guessed. "She sounds conniving." 

"She led Lance on," I added after a moment. For some reason, I felt upset by this news. Why would Lexi do that? Sure, she seemed a little... fond of boys, but she seemed like a nice enough person. Or was that me just wanting her to be a nice person because I wanted to befriend her? 

Jeremy ran a hand through his hair. "Whatever. It's over now. I just wish I could get rid of this headache..." 

My mom smiled brightly at him. "I know just the drink to help fix that!" 

"You do?" 

"Sure! I was a teenager once. Come with me, Jeremy. I'll get it started." 

"Thanks!" he responded enthusiastically, clumsily pushing himself off the ground and stepping on my hand in the process. 

I hissed in pain, yanking it out from under him. "Ow!" 

He glanced down at me, grinning in amusement. "Oops. You should have Chris kiss it." 

"Funny," I shot back. "Go with my mom." 

"Planning on it," he replied, mussing with my hair as walked away. "Nice hair, by the way." 

My hand shot to my head, pressing down on my hair to try to make it flat. I always had bad bed head. Chris laughed as I grumbled under my breath, taking a hair band from my wrist and throwing my hair up. 

"You should wear your hair up more," he told me, resting his chin on his fist and staring at me. "It's cute." 

I wrinkled my nose. "Cute?" 

"Mhm," he responded. 

"What were you talking to my mom about earlier when I was asleep?" I asked, frowning at him. "Aside from moving out." 

"Um, just stuff," he replied vaguely, pulling at the neck of his shirt. "Nothing really important." 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Then why are you acting nervous?" 

His eyes pierced into mine. "I'm not." 

"Yes you are!" 

"I think you need your eyes checked." 

"I have fine vision! Tell me what you guys were talking about!" 

He waved me off, pushing himself out of the chair he was sitting on. "Never mind, Holly. Want me to go make you something to eat?" 

I scowled at him, scrambling to my feet, and grabbing the back of his shirt to keep him from walking away from me. "Wait a second, bud. You're not getting away with being so vague." 

"Easy, Holly, this is my favorite shirt." He gently pulled it out of my grasp, taking a little step away from me. 

"No it's not. You like the black v-neck," I told him. 

He grinned at me. "Damn. You know me too well." 

"What were you talking about?" 

"You're so nosy," he complained. 


Another sigh left his lips. "You're not going to give it up, are you?" 

I shook my head, gazing at him determinedly. "I won't." 

"Well," he started, running a hand through his shaggy umber hair, "it was going to be a surprise, actually. Now that's ruined." 

"Surprise?" I repeated, my eyes widening. "Really?" 

He nodded. "You sure you want to ruin it?" 


A grin cracked onto his face. "It's a long way away... Well not really, but a few months." 

"What is?" I pressed eagerly, nearly dying with curiosity. The word surprise had sent my heart into over drive. I liked surprises. 

"For your graduation, I wanted to go somewhere." 

I stared at him, waiting for him to continue. When he didn't, I frowned. "Well? What else? Where?" 

He smiled at my impatience. One of his large hands mussed with the hair on my head. "I don't know. That's why I was talking to your mom. To see where you wanted to go. 

"Oh. And?" 

"I haven't decided," he admitted honestly. "Your mom said you enjoyed going to the beach in New Hampshire-" 

"With the board walk!" I said excitedly. "Yeah! I love that place! Are we going there, Chris?" 

"A little excited, are we?" 

I blushed, trying to hold in my excitement. That beach really was one of my favorite places to go. "S-sorry." 

He flicked my nose. "It's fine. We can go there, I don't have a problem with it, but..." 


He shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I was planning on going somewhere further. Maybe down to Florida for a week or something." 

"Florida?" I echoed. He wanted to go that far? "And like, we stay at a hotel?" That would be expensive... 

"I have the money," he informed me casually. "Graduation is a big deal and I'm not lying when I say I'd like to go down to Florida. Although, we could actually do both..." 

"Florida is fine!" I said excitedly. "Yeah! We don't have to do both!" 

The corners of his lips lifted up into another smile. "Don't get too excited, Holly. There's still about three months until you graduate." 

"I want to graduate now," I mumbled. 

He shot me a sly look. "For only that reason?" 

My cheeks flushed at his implication. "C-Chris!" 


"Go make food," I ordered in a mumble. 

He laughed, grabbing my arm and leading me to the kitchen with him. "You're too cute, Holly." 

"What? Really?" 

My head snapped to Jeremy as soon as we entered the kitchen. An incredulous expression was on his face. Glancing around the room, I realized my mom wasn't in it anymore. I furrowed my eyes in confusion. Who was he talking to? 

"Is he really hurt?" 

Jeremy turned toward us now, using his free hand to tap his cell phone, which was against his ear. Curiosity crept up on me, and a little anxiety. Who was he talking to? And who was hurt? 

"Yeah, yeah, I'll come get you. Give me a few minutes; I just have to freshen up. Okay. See you soon, Lexi." 

Lexi? I crossed my arms, giving him a disapproving look. "Jeremy-" 

"You guys won't believe," he interjected, staring at Chris and I with wide eyes. "Apparently Aaron was attacked last night." 

"What?" I gasped. "By who?" 

"Good, I hope he got what he deserved," Chris muttered. 

I shot him a dirty look. "Chris! He could be severely injured!" 

"Your point?" 

I ignored him, turning back to Jeremy. "Do you know what happened?" 

He shook his head. "No. But I have a sneaking suspicion... Aaron is new here. He's not mean to anyone but you, Holly. And Casey. Why would anyone want to hurt him?" 

"Shawn," I stated, coming to the realization quickly. Maybe Aaron hadn't done something Shawn wanted him to. 

Jeremy nodded solemnly. "I have to go give Lexi a ride to the hospital. Apparently Aaron had the car when he was attacked. I'll talk to you guys later, okay?" 

"Wait, can I come?" 

"No," Chris answered for me. 

I blinked at him. "Why not?" 

"Think about it," he responded, narrowing his eyes. "Shawn is in jail, so he obviously had someone else attack Aaron. If you went to Aaron now, someone might notice you. I don't want you going." 


"No, Holly. Let Jeremy find out what's going on and then he can report back to us." 

Jeremy nodded in agreement. "I have to go with Chris on this one, Holly. It's safer if you stay here." 

Annoyed, I grit my teeth in frustration. Why was everyone attacking like I was a baby that needed protection? I wasn't that stupid! And anyway, a hospital was a public place. Nothing would happen there. 

Chris rested one of his hands on my head. "Come on, Holly. Don't be like that." 

"I'm not being like anything," I snapped at him. 

Jeremy chuckled. "Someone's cranky. Better get some food in her, Chris. She might try to bite your hand off." 

I gave him a sarcastic look. "Funny, Jeremy." 

"Bye Holly," he said with a wink. "See you guys later." 

"Bye," Chris responded, moving around me to the cabinets. "What do you want to eat, Holly?" 

"Pancakes," I muttered, letting my shoulders sag in disappointment. If Jeremy and Chris weren't going to take me to the hospital, I would go myself... After Chris left and I was sure Jeremy wasn't there. 

Chris nodded to himself. "Pancakes it is." 

I stifled a sigh, gazing at his sturdy back. Going behind his back was something that was happening way too often. But how else would I get anything done? If I asked him to take me, he'd say no. Even if he came with me he wouldn't let me go... It wasn't fair.

He paused, turning to grin at me. I smiled back half-heartedly. 

I was also growing way too used to the feeling of guilt. 


Everything I touchh turns to stoneee... 

Not really. But that songs been stuck in my head. Another update, another day. Well actually, it's 11 right now so the days almost over. I'm going to Chicago in two days against my will. It sucks. I probably won't be able to update. Maybe I can write on the plane. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter~ I had writer's block. I bet you could tell xD

I'll be back next Wednesday :D I know it's a long time to go without updates. But I'll be in Chiago for a little over a week -.-

Facebook in external link~

Life on Life's Terms - Bedlight For Blue Eyes

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