:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Twenty-Nine

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On Wednesday I was well rested and ready to face the school day. Humming happily to myself, I nearly skipped up the steps to the doors. I managed to contain myself in order not to make a complete fool of myself. Usually Chris would be waiting in the entrance hallway for me, but today he wasn't. Maybe I'd arrived too late. Shrugging, I continued down the empty hall to the main building, where it was also empty. This time I was surprised. There were always groups of senior students in this hallway in their little groups, chatting. It was our hallway. 

My gaze wandered to the far end of the hall where I noticed a few female students standing idly around, standing on their tiptoes, and trying to see something. Whatever they were attempting to look at was around the corner and out of my field of vision. Loud chatter came from around the corner as well. Curious, I started down the hall, walking a little faster than normal. As I came to the corner, the girls I'd been watching turned toward me, their eyes widening. I returned their look with a hesitant smile. They were obviously way younger than me, probably freshmen. Why were they in the senior hallway?" 

I glanced around the corner and my eyes widened when I realized there was a huge mass of people standing around, some of them talking loudly, some of them whispering. They were all standing around the display case. A few guys in my grade were shoving each other out of the way of the case so they could see into it. Moving forward, I maneuvered around some younger students, trying to look at what they were looking at. 

A sinking feeling spread through me as a few people turned toward me, their expressions turning to shock as their eyes passed my face. Panic began to rise in my throat and I started to push people out of the way, trying to get through the huge gathering to the display case. My thoughts immediately went to those pictures. There was no way Aaron would have posted those for everyone to see. He wouldn't do that... Would he? 

That question was answered as I caught a glimpse of the item inside the case. There were three pictures in it, each about the size of my biology book. Immediately I recognized Jeremy and myself. A wave of nausea washed over me and my hand shot up to cover my mouth. I could have dealt with Aaron telling the administration. That could have easily been resolved by either pretending all those pictures were of the other Holly, or telling them I was Jeremy's cousin. Hell, even Jeremy getting fired wouldn't be that bad. This however... 

"Holly," an amused voice started from behind me. "I didn't realize you had it in you to do something so scandalous." 

Glancing over my shoulder I saw a guy in my grade I wasn't really friends with grinning at me. My mouth was completely dry. "I..." 

"You've got guts," he complimented clapping me on the shoulder. 

"What a slut," someone else muttered from my side. 

I whipped around to see who made the comment. It was a sophomore from the softball team. "You're one to talk," I snapped at her, remembering all the rumors that had gone around. Generally I didn't believe rumors, but she had no basis to call me a slut. 

She looked embarrassed I'd heard her. After glaring at her for another moment, she disappeared back further into the crowd. I returned my attention back to the display case, trying to ignore the people surrounding me chatting about me. How was I supposed to remove the pictures? The case was locked. How had Aaron managed to get them in there in the first place? 

"Mr. Ross? That's not fair! I want to date him!" a girly voice complained. 

I continued to make an effort to disregard the discussion going on around me, but my ears still caught some things. 

"I bet she's using him for a good grade." 

"That's not like Holly at all!" 

"Hey, I don't blame her, I'd tap that." 

"Definitely a whore." 

"Ew, she's not even that cute." 

"Mr. Ross is disgusting. Why would he propose to a high schooler?" 

Unable to stop myself, I turned to the person who'd made the last statement. This time it was a guy I didn't know. He had blonde hair that reached his shoulders and a face that looked like it'd been hit with a frying pan. "Why don't you shut up? It's not disgusting. He's two years older than me, you ignorant jerk." 

"Oh, so you are Holly," the young man responded, smirking. "Of course you'd stick up for a guy like him." 

"Guy like him? What are you talking about? You don't even know him-" 

"She's sticking up for him! How cute!" the blonde's friend, a redheaded girl, chirped patronizingly. "So how was he?" 

I gaped at her. "How was-" 

"Are you ashamed?" a different person asked from behind me. 

Turning my head, I came face-to-face with yet another person I didn't recognize. "I didn't-" 

"What made you think you could date the gym teacher? Don't you realize it's illegal?" 

"I'm eighteen!" I cried. 

"It's still against the school rules." 


"Was your grade really that bad?" 

People began to talk to me all at once. I felt trapped as they enclosed around me, coming closer and closer. There were at least forty people. Some of the comments were defending me, some of them were complimenting me, but most of them, coming from girls, were offensive. I swallowed hard, clenching my fists, and trying to contain my emotions. 

The warning bell rang overhead, but no one paid any attention to it. I attempted to shove my way through some of the boys to the left, but they held their ground, shooting questions at me. Helplessness welled up beside the panic. I could feel my eyes burning-the telltale sign I was about to cry. 

"Whore," I heard someone scoff for the twentieth time. 

This time, I snapped. My hand curled up in a fist and I twisted on my heel, ready to punch the person who made the comment in the face. It was a girl wearing way too much make up. Someone I deemed worthy of being on the receiving end of my punch. Lifting my arm, the girl flinched, but before I could land a hit, a strong hand grasped my fist, bringing it to a halt. Surprised, I turned my head to see Chris standing behind me, his jaw set and his eyes hard. 

"Ms. Evers, come with me," he ordered, pulling my fist back down to my side. 

"Watch out, Mr. Heywood! She might try to seduce you to get an A!" 

"Get to class!" he snapped at the student sharply, sending expressions of surprise onto everyone in the vicinity's face. Chris never lost his temper with the students. He never even raised his voice. "Everyone. Get. Now!" 

No one was willing to mess with a pissed of Chris. Immediately the students began to disperse. Chris dragged me to the left and the students in our way parted like the Red Sea. My tears were threatening to spill over now and I sniffled, rubbing my nose with my free hand. 

"Hold on, Holly," Chris muttered quietly under his breath, his grip on my wrist tightening. 

I shut my eyes, trying to block out everyone around me. Why would Aaron post the pictures for everyone to see? That wasn't fair! Was this really all because I wouldn't help him yesterday? I was going to find that guy and punch him so hard he wouldn't be able to see! Now everyone would think I was some kind of slut doing my teacher for a good grade. Even if the administration knew we weren't dating, the whole student body wouldn't! Now what was I going to do? What was I going to say? What was going to happen to Jeremy and myself? 

Chris led me away from display case, toward the science wing. Some relief washed through me. At least we weren't going to the office right away. Alone time with him would definitely calm me down... I froze, making Chris come to an abrupt stop. He glanced back at me. "What's wrong?" 

"I can't go with you," I told him, trying to keep my voice steady. 

"Why not?" 

"People will think I'm trying the same thing with you," I responded, feeling my eyes grow moist again. 

Chris softened his look. "Holly, I'm not allowing you to go to class. As for everyone else, don't worry. All the students are in homeroom so they won't notice, and the principal asked me to keep you in my room until she and the administration figure out what to do." 

"What to do?" 

"Jeremy is-" 

"I have to go tell them Jeremy doesn't have any relationship with me!" I cried urgently, tugging my wrist out of his grasp. "I need to explain that I'm his cousin or something-" 

Chris immediately snatched my arm, pulling me back to him again. This time he held tighter and started pulling me down the hallway again. "What do you think he's doing now, Holly?" 

My gaze fell to the floor. "This is all my fault." 

"You really like taking the blame for everything, don't you?" 

"It's the truth!" 

"No," he responded firmly, "it's just a bad habit. This is Aaron's fault. This is Shawn's fault. And this is partly Jeremy's fault for fooling around with you like that." 

I shook my head. "It's not Jeremy's fault! Of course he'd fool around! We were expecting anyone we knew to be at the wedding." 

Chris sighed lightly. "Calm down, Holly. It'll be okay. Come on, into my classroom." He held the door open for me, gesturing for me to go first. 

"Okay," I mumbled, stepping in. 

He closed and locked the door behind us, putting the black piece of paper we used during tests to cover the window on the door. I gave him a warning look, but he sent me a reassured grin. "Before you say anything, I was told to do that too. They don't want anyone talking to you." 

"And you can?" 

"They know I'm Jeremy's best friend. They've already asked me what I know." 

Once again I felt my mouth go dry. "W-what did you say?" 

"Obviously I said you two weren't having a relationship, which Jeremy found amusing for some stupid reason. Next I explained that Holly is Jeremy's cousin and that those pictures were from Holly's wedding. You can definitely make out your face in two of the photos, so I told them you went to the wedding too and the reason you were invited to her wedding was because you babysit Paul, so you're close with her, Andy, and Jeremy." 

"Is that Jeremy's story too?" 

"Yes. And it'll be your story too." 

I nodded, but still couldn't be fully relieved. "What about the students, Chris? Did you hear them? They don't even know me-" 

"You're right," he agreed. "They don't know you, so don't let them get to you-" 

"Chris," I interjected, staring at him in disbelief. "Don't let them get to you? Don't you know that never works? Of course they're going to get to me! They don't have any right to say what they're saying! I'm not a whore! I'm not a-" 

He quickly covered my mouth with his hand. "Holly, it's okay." 

I shook my head. 

"Yes it is," he said firmly, wrapping his free arm around my waist and pulling me to his body. He dropped his hand from my mouth too, letting that arm join the other around my waist, completely encircling it. He held me so close it made it hard to breathe. "This will pass over quickly. Once they realize how much Holly looks like you everything will go away. I'm sure there will be an announcement telling everyone the truth." 

I pressed my face into his shoulder. "What if this happens to us?" 

"It won't happen to us." 

"I said what if." 

"I said it won't." 

Pulling away from him a little bit, I frowned at him. His piercing gaze met mine. "How can you be so confident?" I demanded. 

He smirked. "Confidence goes a long way, Holly." 

A smile cracked across my face. He was right. This incident was only a fluke. We didn't cause it. It was all Aaron's fault... That loathsome idiot. My relief was easily replaced by anger. I was ready to hunt him down and beat the crap out of him. For a brief second I wondered if this was how Chris felt whenever he was angry. If it was, I couldn't blame him for wanting to go after Aaron. Aaron deserved whatever came to him. His annoying smirk flashed through my mind as if it was burned into it. What was wrong with him? There had to be something wrong with him. Some kind of mental problem. 

"Holly, would you still love me the same if I wasn't your biology teacher?" Chris abruptly asked. 

I peered up at him, confused. "Yes, why?" 

"I've been thinking of doing something that might get me fired..." 

"What? Why?" 

"Because this guy is causing someone I love a lot of trouble." 

"Aw, shucks." 

"I'm serious, Holly," he told me, his eyes proving his words true. 

"If it's beating up Aaron, don't do it," I advised him, trying to keep the same serious expression on my face as well. It was hard not to smile at the fact he was willing to throw away his job for me. However, I didn't want him to do that. "You would also go back to jail, probably." 

He frowned deeply. "Not probably. I would go back. Anything having to do with violence is a one-way ticket back." 

I nodded, resting my cheek against his shoulder now. "Then don't do it." He didn't need to know I was already planning on getting him. I wasn't going to beat him up, but I was definitely going to punch him at least once. "I can't believe Aaron would do something like this." 

"Are you sure you can't? I'm not surprised." 

"I don't understand why he hates me so much. It's not like Shawn was part of his family," I mumbled, breathing in the scent of Chris's cologne. It was amazing how such a simple thing could calm me down so much. 

He made a noise of agreement. "Shawn was always manipulative though. He probably ensnared Aaron in some sort of trap. Although I can't imagine any reason why Aaron would do his bidding." 

"Unless he was like in love with him," I commented with a laugh. "I would do your revenge for you." 

"That could be possible." 

"You think?" 

"No. How could anyone love that bastard?" 

I pulled away to grimace at him. "Didn't Holly?" 

Chris waved his hand in dismissal. "She's different." 

"How so?" 

"She just is." 

I pursed my lips at him. "I think it could be possible. Aaron could be gay..." 

"Is that why he tried to molest you?" 

Shifting uncomfortably, I dropped my gaze. "You don't have to like women to, you know, do that kind of stuff." 

He sighed. "That's right. I don't know. I don't think we'll ever know what goes on in that kid's mind." 

"Hey," I started slowly, my eyes widening. "Since this was Aaron's only dirt on me, doesn't this mean we don't have to deal with him anymore? He won't have anything to blackmail me with." 

"You're right," Chris responded, grinning at me. "Not that he did a great job of it in the first place. Blackmail doesn't work if you're not consistent." 

"Like you were?" 

He shrugged. "I wouldn't say I blackmailed you. I just have a way with words and you listen well." 

"That was definitely blackmail-" 

"One picture." 

"Aaron had pictures too. You guys are a lot alike." 

"Except I'm not psychotic." 

I tapped a finger on my chin. "Well..." 

He rolled his eyes, pulling my hand away from my face and leaning down so that his forehead was against mine. "There you go again. Who said you could be the teasing one in this relationship?" 

"I did," I responded, lifting my face up so our lips brushed. "It's not fair if-" 

An abrupt knock at the door sent us jolting apart. Stumbling, I made my way to the closest desk to take a seat as Chris headed for the door. Just as I sat down, he opened it, letting in the principal. Her expression was weary. Jeremy followed soon after, looking quite amused. A wink was sent my way when our gazes locked. I stared at him flatly. It was unbelievable how he could be so happy in a situation like this. 

"Hello, Holly," Ms. Clemm, the principal, greeted me. "How are you feeling this morning?" 


"I'm sure you've seen the pictures?" 

"Yes," I responded, fiddling nervously with my fingers. 

She gave a light sigh. "Don't look so nervous. You're not in trouble. Mr. Ross and Mr. Heywood have already explained everything. Mrs. Pierce is on her way to clear the rest of this up." 

"Holly's coming?" I repeated. "Is that okay? Doesn't she work?" 

"She's more than willing to confirm the story," Ms. Clemm told me. "I just need you to answer one question." 

My eyes went to her face. "Yeah?" 

"Do you know how those pictures were put in the display case?" 

"Aaron," I blurted because I could stop myself. When I realized what I'd said, I glanced at Chris. Was that a bad idea? He didn't seem too disturbed by it, so I relaxed a little bit. "I mean, he told me he had the pictures." 

Her lips turned down even further. "Mr. Lemaiy? Was he under the impression you and Mr. Ross were having a relationship?" 

"He must've been," I said, not sure how much truth to tell. It wasn't like I could tell her I knew he thought that and didn't correct him. That would make me seem even guiltier. 

"I'm not sure you know this, but a number of the student body have seen the photos already," she continued, rubbing her forehead. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you what it looks like." 

My face darkened. "No, you don't." 

"I will speak to Mr. Lemaiy as soon as I've talked with Mrs. Pierce. For now, I want you, Mr. Ross, and Mr. Heywood all to come to my office. When we're done talking, you may leave the school, Ms. Evers. No one will force you to go to class with these accusations swirling around. Mr. Ross, you may leave as well." 

Jeremy grinned. "I got a ride with Chris today." 

Ms. Clemm rubbed her temple again. "Very well. Mr. Heywood, you are excused too." 

"We can go out to lunch!" Jeremy cried excitedly. 

"Shut up Jeremy," Chris muttered, shooting him a dirty look. 

Jeremy faked an offended look. Ms. Clemm half-smiled at him before gesturing for all three of us to follow her out of the room. "Come along," she said. 

I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, closing my eyes for a moment. Missing another day of school meant I'd have to do yesterday's homework and today's now. But it was better than having to face everyone in school while they still thought I was dating Jeremy. And maybe we could go out to lunch... There had to be some bright side to this situation. Besides Aaron losing his blackmail against me. 

"You coming Holly?" I heard Jeremy call. 

Nodding, I opened my eyes and pushed myself off the desk. Swiftly, I jogged up to Jeremy, falling into step beside him. A little ways in front of us was Chris, talking to Ms. Clemm about the situation. "Sorry about this," I started, glancing up at the blonde. 

He waved his hand in a dismissive way. "What's to be sorry about?" 


"Do I look like the type to care?" 

I smiled at him. "No, I guess not." 

"And you shouldn't either," he responded, bumping his hip with mine. "Everyone bad mouthing you is just jealous." 

"Jealous of our oh-so-romantic relationship?" 


Shaking my head, I let out a little laugh. "Jeremy, is it bad I don't feel worried about this anymore? I mean aside from the fact half the school population is going to think I'm some type of whore, I'm actually kind of relieved. This way you won't get fired and I don't have to deal with Aaron's crap." 

"I wouldn't count on that too much," he said, pulling his eyebrows together. "If Aaron is acting under Shawn, I don't think it's the end of him. Shawn probably counted on something like this happening." 

I blinked at him. "You think?" 

"What else reason would Shawn have for telling Aaron you were dating me?" He lowered his voice. "And not Chris?" 

"Good point," I muttered, gazing at the elder woman in front of us. Luckily she was still in an animated conversation with Chris, so she didn't catch our conversation. "I guess we'll see what happens next..." 

Jeremy wrinkled his nose. "I have a feeling it won't be something good. If Aaron is this obsessed with Shawn, imagine what he'll be like when he finds out Shawn tricked him." 

"Well he could be mad at Shawn." 

"Or you and me and Chris and Casey." 

"All four of us?" 

"He knew all four of us knew you and I were dating- er, were pretending you and I were dating." 

The thought made me frown. Would he get angry with us? Or Shawn? Or both? Whatever the answer was, it probably wasn't going to be good. Which meant I needed to confront him before he tried confronting someone less threatening. Like Casey. 

Jeremy and I lapsed into silence as we reached the office. It wasn't like we could say much with Ms. Clemm so close. A meaningful look was sent my way by Chris. I took it as a don't-say-a-word-about-anything look. It didn't cross my mind to disobey him for a second. With the principal in the room, it was extremely awkward. Holly couldn't get here fast enough. To keep myself busy, I started counting the tiles on the ceiling. By the time I counted all of them twice, adding up to one hundred and seventy four, the door opened and in came Holly, Paul in her arms. 

"Hi," she greeted everyone in a breathless voice. 

Jeremy immediately sprang up from his recliner, bounding forward a few steps to kiss her on the cheek. "Hi Holly!" 

Nice move, Jeremy, I thought with a grin. Why not kiss her like he did in the photo? 

"Hello, Mrs. Pierce," Ms. Clemm greeted, moving forward and sticking out her hand. "I apologize for making you come on such short notice. I hope I didn't inconvenience you too much." 

Holly laughed; waving her off in a very Jeremy-like way with the arm that wasn't holding Paul. "Don't worry about it! I'm happy to clear up any misunderstanding we have here." 

Paul squirmed in her arms, making a face like he was about to cry. Slowly, I took a few steps toward him. If he acted like he didn't recognize me, Ms. Clemm might think something was up. Hopefully he would remember me. It hadn't been that long since I'd last seen him. When his eyes finally landed on me, they widened. Immediately his arms shot out toward me, his little hands clenching open and shut. Relief didn't only wash over my face. It seemed everyone in the room felt more relaxed as they watched as I took Paul into my arms. 

"Well, he definitely likes Ms. Evers," Ms. Clemm commented with a chuckle. "I guess that part of the story is true." 

"It's all true," Jeremy, Chris, Holly, and I all said at the same time. 

She stared at us blankly for a second. "Well, yes, I believe you, but I have to double check on all this. Mrs. Peirce, let me go see if the conference room is clear. I'll be right back." With that, she exited the room. 

Holly promptly turned towards Jeremy and I, frowning. "What did you two do?" 

"Nothing!" we cried together. 

"Obviously you did something." 

"It was Aaron!" I told her. "He had pictures from your wedding and a picture of you and Jeremy!" 

Her eyes narrowed. "Aaron?" 

"He was at your wedding. Aaron Lemaiy." 

Now they widened in realization. "Oh! Yes. Shawn and I used to babysit him and his sister. Actually, I put all those photos on my Facebook and we're friends. That's probably where he got them." 

"Holly," Jeremy said disapprovingly. 

"What?" Holly and I said simultaneously.  

Chris chuckled. "That was a Holly Peirce Holly." 

"How do you know?" she asked. 

"Jeremy's much more affectionate when saying my Holly's name," he clarified, making a face. 

Jeremy grinned. "It's habit." 

Holly laughed. "Watch out Chris. Maybe Jeremy will steal Holly away one day." 

"He wouldn't dare." 

"Umm, I hate to be the serious one here, but Ms. Clemm will be back any second to talk to Holly..." 

Chris nodded. "Right. Okay, Holly, here's the story: Holly babysits Paul a lot, so you invited her to her wedding. She's close to everyone in your family too. Can you remember that?" 

She rolled her eyes. "Duh. Of course I can." 

"Make it convincing," Jeremy told her. "And say something like Jeremy acts like an older brother to Holly, or something." 

"Got it, got it," she sang. 

"Mama!" Paul cried, smiling happily up at me. 

I grinned down at him. "No, I'm Holly. Holl-y." 

"Watch out Holly, if Patty comes in and sees Paul calling you Mama she might think he's our child," Jeremy joked. 

Chris frowned at him. "Not even funny, Jer." 

"Don't be such a downer." 

"Who's Patty?" I asked, confused. 

"That's Ms. Clemm's name," Chris informed me. "Well, it's Patricia but you know Jeremy. He likes to-" 

Without warning the door opened and Ms. Clemm gestured for Holly to follow her out. "Ms. Evers, Mr. Heywood, Mr. Ross, please stay in here for a little longer. When I'm done with Mrs. Pierce you may leave." 

We all nodded and they left, putting Jeremy, Chris, and I in an awkward silence. "So," Jeremy started slowly, "can we go out for lunch?" 

"No," Chris replied, shooting him down. 

"I'm up or it," I told Jeremy, knowing it would change Chris's mind. 

Jeremy grinned. "Okay. Let's make it a date-" 

"I'm going," Chris stated predictably, crossing his arms. "I guess it won't hurt since it's during the school day. No one will be out. And everyone thinks you and Jeremy really are a secret couple now." 

"Don't be too jealous, Chris." 

"I'm not jealous since I know it's fake." 

"Or is it?" 

"It is." 

I scratched my head with my free arm, dropping into an empty seat and shifting Paul into a more comfortable position on my lap. He giggled, reaching for the silver bangles on my wrist. I sighed. Even if I could get away from the student today, I still had tomorrow to deal with. There was no way the rumors would be gone by then. Hopefully Ms. Clemm would at least try to clear them up. Then next came dealing with Aaron... I definitely needed to talk to him. 

From the corner of my eye I noticed Chris watching me with a solemn expression. Guiltily, I looked away, feeling as though he could see into my mind. I didn't want to let him know I was going to try to talk things out with Aaron. Sure, a hands on approach sounded good, but I couldn't do that. Maybe if I just talked to him he would drop everything. If he were hurt by Shawn's trickery, maybe he would listen to me. 

I hoped he would listen to me.


So I was watching Master Chef and a commercial for Blue Chatel (or something) came on and I was like hmm, that guys cute... HOLY SHIT THAT'S GASPARD ULLIEL! And I literally was like "oh my god! oh my god!" and I got up to tell Avarie until I remembered I had to finish this chapter before I allowed myself to go back online haha. Ahh, I'm so happy now. To hear his sexy French accent... I'm going to watch The Last Day now...

Thick As Thieves - The Summer Set

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