Chapter Fifty Eight

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Fahad's POV:

We had been shifted to the VIP suite. That was fine. It was expected after all. A few calls from dad handled that. Fahad Abroo lives in style. Always. The quality was good, ambience was satisfying as well except the piece of shit who was currently helping my wife to her bed, adjacent to mine. Both of us had been carefully moved to wheelchairs before shifting us to the suite. Rubab's case was dealt with a little too carefully.

I narrowed my eyes at the doctor who was smiling at Rubab while ignoring my existence altogether. He had neglected me and ushered a nurse towards me. An elderly nurse who looked sleep deprived and done with her job. She was ignoring me as much as the doctor who looked like he was just going to fall to Rubab's feet any second and kiss it. If my ankle wasn't screwed up, I would have stabbed his hand with the stint they put to straighten my ankle.

I shifted uncomfortably in the plush confines of the VIP suite as I eyed him and begum. Why was she smiling so sweetly at him? Did she think she was single already? Over my dead body. Quite literally. He looked my age. I didn't want to admit it but from a certain 'Rubab' point of view, he would even be considered good looking but he was nowhere near the beauty that Fahad Abroo was.

She looked so peaceful, laying in the adjacent bed with her gaze fixed on the doctor who had just finished adjusting her pillows. Did she forget I was right here? My chest tightened at the sight of her smiling up at him, her laughter echoing softly in the room. What a fake laugh. I internally scoffed. As if the doctor heard my scoff, he turned to look at me and he smirked. Did he just smirk at me? It's final. That shit is dying tonight. I am throwing him from the same cliff I fell. If he survives, I will throw him down again.

"Oh? You are a doctor too?" I watched as he effortlessly engaged Rubab in conversation, his gestures animated and attentive, making her smile and nod politely in a way that stung a pang of jealousy within me.

"Oh no, I still have two years." Rubab, who was an ice cold brick to me not half an hour, nodded her head eagerly at him. Wait till I am out of these bandages. She needs to be discip-

"Oh, you must be studying internal medicine and surgery as subject right now then? Are you done with sendups?" My thoughts were interrupted by his loud, overly cheerful voice. I am stabbing his throat. I want him to suffer. My ankle throbbed with a dull ache but it was nothing compared to the burning in my chest. It was scalding.

"Not yet. They are in a month." Rubab corrected and he nodded his head a little too thoughtfully. As if that shit had anything in that miniature brain of his. I am not sure if Rubab sensed my glare but she turned to look at me. The moment her eyes met mine, I felt my heart skip a beat. Shit, she had no right to look that stunning in this state. Well, she did look like a Bugs Bunny or something with two of her front teeth gone but she was still so pretty.

When the doctor followed her stare and looked at me again, I gave him a dangerous look and grin. It was a promise that I was going to skin him the first chance I get. Starting from hammering nails into that tongue of his that just won't stop flirting with my wife. MY WIFE. He flinched as if he could read my thoughts. Good. This was just the start. Kamran may be the expert at torturing people but I knew my fair share of torture techniques.

"I need to give you both a dose of painkillers and antibiotics to numb the pain. The effects will last for 4 hours but the initial phase will be easier to tolerate. I am sure you understand that right, Rubab?" Forget the throat, those eyes are getting stabbed with the first thing I can get my hands on. His eyes are lingering on her face for longer than they should. As if sensing my murderous aura, he finally decided to fuck off. Rubab's laughter subsided as the doctor excused himself, leaving us in a brief moment of quietude.

"Bohat hassi arahi hai? Ab nahi chottein mehsoos horahi? (Aren't you laughing alot? Can't you feel the pain now?)" My words came out very bitter. She didn't reply. Instead she looked at the door that the doctor had walked out of. "Begum, I swear if you don't answer me right now, I am going to strangle that piece of shit with the bandages they have wrapped around my head."

"Why do you care? We are not going to be together for long. I can laugh at whoever I want." I felt a vein pop in my temple. This woman is going to drive me crazy. Not going to. She already has.

"I never agreed to your bizarre idea of a divorce. That is never happening. Be careful, begum. Be very careful. Remember the last time you ignored me. Don't think a few bandages and broken bones will stand in my way." I had turned on the bed to get up. Screw the broken ankle. I want to lay down beside her right now. I want to hold her face in my hands so she can't look away. I can't tell what she is thinking when she looks away. I need to see her eyes. "In fact, I want answers right now. Why do you want a divorce?"

"I told you already, this is not going to work out anymore." She repeated the same excuse she gave me before but I knew it was bullshit.

"Rubab Fahad Abroo, you must have forgotten something. I can read you like a book. When you lie, a muscle in your neck gets constricted and the index finger of your left hand twitches. Your voice goes a few decibels lower as if you are afraid someone could hear your lies. Don't give me this workout bullshit. It's not a gym regime. Your emotionless expressions might have worked once but not on me. I want the truth. What happened, begum?"

She didn't answer and the shitty doctor returned with the medicine. I was about to lose my shit at the doctor until I recognised the medicine in his hand that I recognised all too well. Ah, the dose was high too. Well, well, isn't this working out a little too well in my favour? My beloved wife had the poorest tolerance level after all.

A certain intoxicated beauty who was high on cough syrup invaded my head. That cough syrup was very low dose. What this doctor was about to inject into our system is explosive.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Rubab looked at me semi-disgusted, semi-concerned. The doctor looked genuinely worried for my well being too.

"Are you experiencing any side effects of the head injury?" He asked carefully as he filled the injection to the brim with the medicine. For a few seconds, even milli seconds, Rubab's eyes filled with concern as she blinked at my head. Ah, ah. Caught you, my ice queen.

You can't divorce me. You love me, begum. Now, what I want to know is, if you love me, why do you suddenly want to divorce me?

"Not at all." I smiled devilishly and the two of them gulped in unison before looking at each other. Rubab decided to ignore me again while the doctor focused on administering the drug into her arm. That's right. Don't leave a drop.

Once the contents of the medicine had been successfully injected into Rubab, I waited. He walked towards me and I enthusiastically handed him my arm as well. Torturing him can wait. I have bigger plans in place. Go on. Put it in.

The medicinal drug that we call the 'the truth serum.'

What is it that you are hiding?

Rubab's POV:

Fahad looked like a maniac or something equally worse. He looked like some villain straight out of a movie with the way he was devilishly smiling and emitting a terrifying aura. Directed especially at me. Just a few seconds ago, he was ready to murder the doctor and toss him out of the window but now he seemed pleased.

Happy even.

Was he going to toss me instead?

Was his head completely messed up? Is this a delayed reaction?

His prefrontal cortex that was damaged was used in thought processes and stress controls. Was he losing his mind? But he has shown this scheming sinister expression before too. His head wasn't messed up then. But it was disturbing to see him smile in this situation. His ankle was wrecked. He had bandages everywhere. I don't have one good experience of him smiling like that in the past and the outcome ever working out for me.

He was being petty before but now he just looked plain scary. His brown eyes looked black for some reason. For some reason, I wanted to make a run for it. The painkiller was working out really quickly. I could barely feel the throbbing sensation in my shoulder, mouth or knee now. It was numbing me entirely. My brain felt light.

Wait a minute. Numbing? Light?

The realisation came a little too little.

"What did you inject in us?" I looked at the doctor horrified. Fahad chuckled at that exact moment. He knew. He saw this coming.

"What? Morphine of course." He stated in a matter of tone.

"The opioids?" I gaped at him. The doctor's words buzzed in the backgrounds as I looked at Fahad's sinister expression. He knew what the doctor was giving us. He knew what impact it would have on me.

"Are you done administering the medicine?" Fahad calmly enquired.

"Oh? Yes." The doctor looked at me confused before turning his attention to the devil in a hospital gown who hadn't stopped looking at me. Not once did his stare waver or stray to anything else. He was observing me. Waiting for the medicines effect to hit.

"Can you move me closer to my wife? The pain has numbed down so I want to lay beside her. The beds in the VIP suite are spacious enough. It shouldn't be a problem." It came out as a order that the doctor surprisingly complied.

"Ah, yes." He helped Fahad to my bed which was only a few inches away. The moment Fahad was seated on the bed, Fahad thanked the doctor who just left. In slow motion, my eyes turned to Fahad who was sitting at the edge of the bed. He gave me the calmest but deadliest smile I had ever seen on his face.

Oh no, he is going to find out.

"I will ask you again. Why did you want a divorce, begum?"

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