Chapter Forty Nine

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Kamran's POV:

"So does that mean you remember what happened the day I lost you?" I looked at her face hopefully. For a mere second, I saw horror in those beautiful woody eyes. She definitely remembered. She reluctantly nodded as her hands hugged her opposite arms as if she was cold. That was fear.

I wanted to quickly know what had caused her to lose her memories but I couldn't force her. I had to take it slowly. Time was never the issue for me. I can wait for her as long as she wants. I just want to make sure she is safe.

"Come here, take a seat." Zoya ushered me to sit on an arm chair and took a seat on the bed. She looked down at her entwined fingers. Her hair covered her face. I couldn't tell what she was thinking at all. This is why I liked her hair tied up. Looking into her eyes always gave me this inexplainable peace.

After a few seconds, she carefully looked to her left and right as if she was afraid that someone might hear her, she finally looked up at me. I didn't realise I was holding in a breath until then. "It was a nightmare, Sher, what I witnessed back then traumatised me to the core."

"You don't have to talk about it if it is too hard." She laughed dryly and started looking down again.

"I just don't know where to start from. It was so terrifying. His jet black eyes. It felt like I was looking into an oblivion." She shuddered while remembering it. "The girl I couldn't save. I don't even know if she is alive now or not."


"She was beautiful. Long brown hair." Zoya suddenly paused and looked at me with pure terror that she quickly masked. "I have a question for you, Kamran."

"Anything. Ask me anything." I didn't like that fact that she had switched back to Kamran from Sher but she was finally talking to me. Right now, I would listen to anything she says. I desperately craved her presence.

"Your sis-" Her words were cut off shortly by the loud sound of my phone buzzing. Damn it. Who was calling me right now? I looked at the caller ID. It was Wassal. I can't ignore his call. I had yet to return his car to him. Infact, I had come here on his car too since I didn't have the time to switch to my car.

"Gee, Salam, Wassal. How are you?" I picked up the call. I felt nothing but respect for him. While he was on the crazier spectrum but he was very caring and loving too in his own weird way. Ever since Kainat disappeared, Wassal had changed. They had been best friends since they were little. They were close in age too.

When we lost Kainat, I was almost 11, Kainat was 18 and Wassal was 20. Kainat had a weak immunity so Wassal used to take time out to care of her too.

He was the son of the oldest brother on abbu's side. My father was the youngest, Ibraheem's father came in the middle and Wassal's father, Uncle Buland, was the oldest. Wassal's father, didn't get along with our fathers due to property issues but that didn't stop Wassal. Although ammi had started to tell Kainat to stay away from Wassal because he shared his father's volatile nature. Well, all that was for naught. We all lost her. Once we did, Wassal's father stopped being toxic too. He decided to be the caring older brother to console my parents for losing a child.

"I am good. How are you, little one?" Wassal had always called me that since we had a 9 year age gap. He treated me like a younger brother.

"I am good, a little busy though. Is everything okay?" I wanted to rush the conversation because me and Zoya were in a really good flow right now.

"Yes, everything is fine. Listen, there is a property deed in the car dashboard that I need today. Can you send it to me via someone?" I suddenly felt guilt for unknowingly holding onto something so important.

"I am sorry for keeping it with me. I can't trust someone else with something so important. I will personally drop it to your place today, sometime later. Is that fine?" I heard him chuckle on the other end.

"Typical Kamran. Sounds great, take care, little one." He hung up and I turned my attention back to Zoya who had been attentively listening to our conversation.

"Who was that? Is it an urgent matter?" Zoya inquired casually while eyeing the phone. It was cute of her to be concerned. 

"Yes, that was our cousin, Wassal Buland Narejo. I am sure you met him once at the wedding." And then I suddenly felt bitter when I remembered she had tried to escape back then. "You know, when you were making a run for it, there was a guy outside smoking a cigar. 6'4, buzz cut, all black clothes?"

"That was Wassal?" The colour drained from Zoya's face and her mouth parted the slightest. The whirlpool of emotions she felt at that instant were hard to define as one particular thing. She looked like she was facing some form of mental agony. "I really cannot do this. I am sorry."

I didn't have the time to process what she said as she quickly grabbed a card from the side table and kicked the edge of my chair causing it to topple over. I fell back, my head collided with the wall causing me to groan. For a few seconds, I saw stars until I regained my composure. Zoya was already out of the door by then. I quickly followed suit.

I heard a weird bing sound when Zoya closed the door behind me. She had locked me inside with the key card. Shit. She was getting away again. Not this time, she won't.

I had no time to waste.

"GET BACK HERE, ZOYA!" I roared as I took out a gun and shot the door knob thrice. Alarms started blaring everywhere but the door handle came off allowing me to get out. I nearly ripped the door off the handle as I got out.

I am a fool. I shouldn't have gone soft on her. She was playing me the entire time. Damn it. There was only one main door to the exit. There was no point in threatening her friend right now. He can wait. I need to grab her before she gets out of reach again.

She was perfectly fine until she wasn't. I wonder what triggered it. Did she regret it? I wish Wassal had never called. I could have continued to talk to her. Or would she have still escaped? I don't know anymore. I tucked my gun in my waist band and fished in my pocket for a piece of cloth and the chloroform I brought for this exact reason.

I had a bad feeling she was going to do something like this again. I really wish she hadn't but I really had no choice. I will talk to her properly once I know she can't run.

Damn it, she was a runner. But she can't escape me anymore. I was able to catch up to her easily. Her brown hair was bouncing in the air as she was running like her life depended on it. I was multitasking while running. I poured chloroform on the cloth while swearing under my breath.

This is so tedious. I was able to catch up fairly fast. I could run up to level 11 easily on the treadmill. This was like a walk in the park. I grabbed her waist and she started kicking and scratching me but it didn't last as I shushed her and placed the cloth over her face.

"I am sorry but this was the only way to make sure I don't lose you."

"You will be the reason I die, Sher." Those were the last words she whispered before she lost consciousness in my arms.

I carefully picked her up bridal style and carried her to Wassal's car. I had to get out of here before more problems arise. I will handle the other matters later. Right now, I need to take Zoya to safety and also return Wassal's car to him.

One step at a time.

Author's POV:

Hello and Asalam o Alaikum Lovelies!

Well, did y'all expect this plot twist? I am giving you all a headsup. It is going to get dark from here so brace yourselves.

P.s For those who are asking about my instagram, I deactivated it a while ago to give proper time to writing.

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