Simple Beginnings

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The light cascades through a fractured pane

A humble start through an uncharted reign,

In a symphony of grace, the scene takes flight

Concealing a heartbreak from my mortal sight.

Either deemed immense or deemed minute,

It is my heart that remains absolute

Untouched and untamed by a demon's wings,

Pure and unfiltered by the essence it brings

If only its touch could restore and pretend,

With time's gentle touch, it would slowly amend.

Underneath the surface, pure ecstasy lies,

Fueled by the relentless power of destiny's ties

The perception of the unknown is vast.

Must it be the future, present, or past?

In every tale, a genesis takes its place,

And within it, an end we must embrace

In life's intricate journey, we shall ascend,

From an end to a beginning, the cycle will extend.

So, let the light through broken panes seep,

A simple start, where hope and dreams may creep

In the most harmonious of ways, let hearts mend,

As in this eternal cycle, life's beauty transcends.



each step we take 

and each choice we make, 

adds another layer to the canvas of our existence,

 weaving together a story that is uniquely our own.

For me, this journey that I have started with you resonates through this poem, and I would love to know how it resonates with you as well. 

Poetry has a way of speaking to each person individually, and I am curious to hear your unique interpretation and connection to the words on this page. 

Be sure to fill my comments with your thoughts and feelings.

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