One Condition

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My Raphie is in Donnie's lab, on top of a small bed set up specifically for him. His leg is propped up and his head is bandaged. When I enter the room, our eyes immediately meet, making my stomach lurch.

I nearly fall on something as I run up to him. I grab his hand and kiss his lips.

Raph, clearly unprepared, kisses me back after a moment of hesitation.

"Well what a nice sight to wake up to," he whispers in a thick tone. He gives me a cocky grin, as if he isn't in pain right now.

"Raph I swear to God if you throw yourself at monsters like that, I will kill you. You always give me a heart attack and I was worried sick. Jesus! I should keep you chained somewhere so you won't get hurt-"

"And what a nice way to say hello," he grumbles.

I sigh. "My hello was that kiss."

Raph smiles. "Well in that case, what a really nice way to say hello."

I bury my face in the crook of his neck and sniffle. He hugs me and snuggles his face closer to me.

"Have you been crying? You look like shit," he comments.

"Gee Raph. Thanks for being a supportive boyfriend. I can always count on you for compliments," I joke.

His chest vibrates as he laughs. "Sorry. But you didn't answer my question."

"Yes," I answer. "I have been crying because I was freaking worried. You lost a lot of blood."

"Now you know how I felt when you broke your hand," he says. "I was worried sick too cause you lost consciousness."

I find myself unable to reply. I remember that time very clearly. Those days when he took care of me even though I annoyed the heck out of him with my bantering.

Even when you thought he hated you, he's always cared for you.

"You know..I'm a little upset that you didn't tell me about the first time Shredder attacked you and Donnie," I admit quietly.

"Was I suppose to?" He asks.

"Well considering he could've done worse damage to you alone than with us then yes," I reply.

Raph rolls his eyes. "But I wasn't hurt Leo."

"Yeah well now you are," I hiss. "Why do you keep throwing yourself at him? Do you have a death wish?"

"No but I have a alone wish. Its a wish that lets me work on my own," he replies, equally harsh.

"Again with this shit Raph? Why do you want to leave us so desperately?"

"Because its always about planning and precaution. Why can't we just attack? Use the villains' method?"

Even though he's making me mad, a small flame inside me ignites. One that has always been there everytime we've fought. One that lets me know that I've always enjoyed our little arguments.

"Well this is what the villain's mehod gives you Raphael. An open flesh wound and just a couple of broken bones," I reply.

"Whatever," he breathes out.

"Alright. So you want to work alone then. You want to work without me."

His eyes soften and his frown disappears. "Of course not."

"Then make up your freaking mind. I'm tired of hearing that you want to be alone when it doesn't have to be that way," I say.

"We're fighting," he states.

"No we're not. Its just a simple discussion," I say.

"I want it to stop," he whispers.

"No matter how much we fight, we will always need each other Raph," I state bluntly.

Raph doesn't reply. He doesn't deny it either.

"You know that right? Don't be intimidated by this discussion," I continue.

"I'm just tired of you worrying for me. You always have the need to protect me and I don't like that," he says, his breath hitting against my neck.

If I had a drink, I would have spit it out in an instant.

"You need to look up the definition of love babe because caring is a part of the package deal. And I will never stop caring for you no matter what. You'd do the same for me," I reply and cross my arms, and look away.

Raph laughs. Actually laughs out loud. He hold his stomach and throws his head back.

"What's so funny?" I ask, quite annoyed.

"Nothing. I just actually miss you lecturing me," he says.

"You were worried for me when I was hurt didn't you? It makes sense for me to do the same-"

"Yeah yeah I get it. I chose to be with you guys on one condition though." He runs his thumb across my bottom lip and smiles.

"And what is that?"

"Call me babe again."

2 more chapters :-)

Uh...pretend the picture was rotated to make it seem like they're lying down.

In case no one told you: Hi. How are you? I hope you have a good day, you deserve it. You're beautiful. Someone loves you, you're worth it and I'm here for you no matter what ❤ *hugs*

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