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~Raph's P.O.V~

After many years of hiding my love for Leo, he's finally mine.

Leo, my older and second most annoying person in the world, (Mikey being the first) is mine.

Memories from last night crawl into my head and I can't help but smile when I wake up. Its a brand new day and for the first time, I actually feel delightful.

I look down at a snoring Leo in my arms. His mouth is slightly open and tiny snores escape his lips. I reach out and run my finger on his cheek then down to his lips. His eyes snap open as my finger greedily traces his lips.

"What are you doing?" He asks with a raspy voice.

"Sorry...I was just..." I don't know what to say. What do you even say to your loved one when you wake up? God I'm so bad at this. I have to calm down. Its not like we had sex or anything.

Damn it Raph! Pull yourself together!

"Don't stop," he whispers as he closes his eyes again. I gulp before tracing over the shape of his lips again.

"How are you feeling?" Leo ask after a few minutes, reopening his eyes.

"Better," I reply. "I think we should really get out of bed though. Its not that early ya know?"

Leo groans and sits up. I watch him carefully as he puts his mask on. "I can't wait to train again. Im so happy my hand is healed."

"You mean you're happy you finally get to show off your fighting skills?" I translate. He passes me my mask and rolls his eyes.

"I don't show off. I just like to demonstrate how you properly fight," he defends himself. I snicker at him. Reason number one why Leo is annoying? He loves to show off.

"Whatever," I say as I tie my mask. "Lets just go." Leo smiles at me, showing off his bright white teeth. We go in silence to the kitchen and we're greeted by our younger brothers.

"Donnie you are the!"

I cringe at the sound of Mikey's voice. Donnie proudly connects the microwave and presses a button. Bright green liquid pours out inside and suddenly a huge pizza is out. Sadly the microwave bursts into pieces and I am suddenly pulled undeneath a pair of arms.

Small pieces of metal bounces against my legs and arms but my face is being protected. I look up at a alarmed Leo, smiling down at me. I tense up and take a moment to admire his sleepy state as he yawns.

"Um. Might need a bigger microwave for this," Donnie grins, showing off his gap in his teeth.

I push myself away from Leo and glare at Donnie. "No shit Donnie! Ya think? You could've killed me with this dumb inven-"

"Raph," Leo hisses and pats my shell.

"Guys imagine all the things we can do with these giant pizzas! We can use them as blankets! That way when at night when we're hungry-"

But Mikey doesn't finish his runoff sentence. I shush him by covering his mouth and dragging him away.

"Raphael let him go," Master Splinter demands as he walks in. I obey with a groan and free Mikey.

"Dojo room. All of you," Sensei says.

"What? Now? Leo and Raph haven't even eaten breakfast," Donnie points out.

"Who cares? My hand is healed! Lets go!" Leo exclaims excitedly. No one mentions anything as he holds my hand and practically pulls me. We all run to the dojo room with Sensei following behind. Leo grabs his weapons and hands me mine.

"Partner up," Sensei instructs.

I smirk at Leo and stand closer to him. He grins and gets in position with his katanas and I swing my sais. Donnie and Mikey pair up, smug smiles taking over their features.

"Today's lesson will be on teamwork. You must work as a team no matter what happens and rely on your partner," Sensei explains. "This is why you will go against each other as partners."

"We'll go easy on you," Mikey says with a cocky grin and I roll my eyes.

"Oh trust me. We're obviously gonna win. We're the A-team," I remark. I high five Leo and Donnie whines.

"A-team? Since when was this decided?" He asks.

"Just right now," Leo replies. "You guys are the B-team."

"Hey that's not fair!" Donnie complains while at the same time Mikey says "Awesome!"

"What why-"

"Hajime!" Sensei booms.

Our shells make contact as we attack our younger brothers. Mikey is an easy target but when his nunchucks wrap around my sais, Leo twirls and frees them. I return the favor by blocking Donnie away from him.

"Thanks," Leo huffs. In a matter of time, we easily finish them off. The purple banded turtle glares at us and sticks out his tongue.

"Yeah!" I cheer. "A team rules!"

Leo laughs and I hug him. The action takes him by surprise and he freezes under my arms. I find myself surprised at my own actions but the warmth between us is undeniably comfortable. Leo slowly relaxes and hugs me back.

"Um guys?"

We let go and Donnie is smiles at Leo. Leo just shrugs at him. Master Splinter doesn't say anything about it.
"This day is going off to a great start," Leo whispers as he winks.

Crap he's so sexy.


Title refrence! Eh? Eh? Okay.

Im thinking in making another book called B-Team but based on Mikey and Donnie cause why the heck not. I want to finish this one though.

UM MY STORY REACHED 1K READS? THANK YOU. I love each and every one of you :') Thank you so much for reading this story!! Stay beautiful my loves!

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