chapter 4 (ENG)

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Now that they had received their names, the Shadolls began to consciously take action. They immediately surrounded, attacked and supported the tower's army. Suddenly, countless dragons flew from nowhere to attack. continuously attacked the outer god, continuously countless energy waves and magical attacks and it seemed that this time was more effective as there were several wounds on the outer god's body, Karin also Create a large magic circle and then

Karin: [fire of Gehenna hell]

A giant fire shot at high speed and burned the outer god, causing him to writhe in pain

Karin: Damn it

Karin: That attack doesn't cause much damage, Tartaros, please quickly absorb all those tentacles for me, preventing anything from happening immediately.

Tartaros immediately rushed out to absorb all the meat that had been knocked out of the body of the unnamed outer god.

Karin: Everyone, please gather and use god-killing magic immediately

Immediately, countless magicians from the army immediately stood in their correct positions and began to use high-level magic.

Karin: I, child of death and rebirth, child of the goddess of creation and rebirth Sophia and the god of destruction and death Tierra, I am the master of both creation and destruction commanding the The stars are sleeping peacefully on high, I command you to descend to earth and blow them all away

(Here I have fully explained and translated the spell, but actually the spell is much shorter and shortened as well as being recited in an ancient language that has been forgotten)

Karin : [ Seven Dragons Explosion ]

Immediately, thanks to the energy of the stars, they combined to create 7 dragons that directly attacked the outer god, injuring the other outer god. Suddenly it screamed wildly and then meatballs, tentacles and blood of that outer god began to transform itself and then countless dark dragons continuously attacked the army and countless warriors were killed countless times. At this time, because they wanted to protect the soldiers, they immediately Immediately a shield was activated to protect the soldiers, but there was still no time for a large wave

Karin : Construct !!!

Construct immediately used puppet strings to save the remaining warriors and mages

Karin: As expected from a foreign god, this guy even almost wiped out nearly 3 of his legions along with an entire army of baby dragons

At this moment, 12 huge sources of magical power appeared from nowhere. Karin immediately recognized that they were 12 high-level dragons and among them, a woman came out and talked to Karin.

?: Long time no see, right? demigod of the stars

Karin: I didn't think you would come here Lilith!!!

Lilith: Am I not allowed to protect the world I live in?

Karin: A devout person like you who blindly believes in the gods but still goes against the gods, don't make me laugh.

At this moment, suddenly the outer god roared again, it immediately roared another time and then a demigod was reborn again, suddenly, a strange person appeared right below the outer god's position, it was a woman with red hair and a golden armor and An extremely long sword, she immediately rushed up the sword to slaughter the soldiers, the Shadolls were also cut in half by her, Windy immediately used her magic to recreate the swords. The shadolls were destroyed along with the use of geological plates as raw materials for [alchemy] along with the hooks and energy source of the tree in Karin's room and then the corpse along with the shadolls

At this time, the souls of those who have died in the past combine to create 12 warriors of the constellations including

1 Taurus

2 Gemini

3 Cancer

4 Leo

5 Libra

6 Scorpio

7 Sagittarius

8 Capricorn

9 Aquarius

10 Asces

 At this time, all 10 warriors immediately rushed up to attack the outer god. According to Karin's assessment, these 10 warriors are all 1 demigod and represent a star.

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