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Jeffory's P.O.V.

I wake up and I breath in excitedly. I find it exciting because today is the day that I get off. I can go into the village and I get to help with the farming. My family died so i was taken in by the village elder. He saved me.

The farming has been hard during the winter but they still have to keep farming because the lord of Phoenix drop wants to have food all year round. I don't agree with him but I'm not allowed to argue with him. So if I can help them even a little bit it will be enough for me.

I get out of bed and throw on some normal clothes. I step out of my room and I look down the hall way. I walk down the hall and I hear someone yelling my name down the hallway. I turn around to see Garroth,

"Hey Jeffory, where are you going?" He asks

"It's my day off, I'm going to the village" I say

"Oh ok, are you sure you're not going to see Aph?" He teases

"No I'm not, I'm going to help with the farming, don't come" I say

"Oh alright, have fun I guess" he says sighing and chuckling

I walk to the kitchen and I exit through the back door. I step outside and take a deep breath. I love the smell of fresh air in the morning. I begin walking to the farm land and I look over the forest. I wonder where Aphmau is now.

Is she alright? Garroth told me how they got kidnapped and how Aphmau let them go. I knew she had some kindness in her heart. I miss her. She was actually really cool to have around to, she never stood down to any of the lords.

I finally make it to the farm lands and I see a familiar head of hair as black as the night sky. What is Aphmau doing here? She seems to be helping them and not actually stealing anything. I wonder what's going on.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I got caught stealing from the farm house. Barney accidentally left the food storage unlocked and wolves got into it and we now have no food. When I explained what happened to the farmers they where very understanding.

Mainly because I faked crying as well. But then this one farmer came in and told me that I had to help if I wanted food. Ugh the things I do for my friends. I really hope no one sees this. It would be so embarrassing.

Every now and then I check over my shoulder to make sure to make sure no one is here. I don't think anyone I know would be here but I can never been to sure. I wonder what will happen if one of the nobles saw me like this. Ughh if it was Gene I'll never hear the end of it.

I look over my shoulder and my eyes meet Jeffoy's green ones. WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?! I run bright red and I slowly back away from him while pretending to plant some seeds. I go behind the barn

and I slide down the wall.

I close my eyes and bring my knees are my chest. I wrap my arms around my knees and I bury my face in them. Ughh this is the worst. I didn't want anyone to ever see me helping someone I don't know. I have a reputation to live up to. It's so annoying.

I hear footsteps walk up to me and an arm wraps around my shoulders. I look up slightly to see Jeffory hugging me.

"Hey Aphmau, I'm guessing you don't want to be seen helping someone" Jeffory states

"Oh really? What makes you say that?" I say sarcastically

"Hey come on don't get all sarcastic on me" he says laughing "But come on, let's go back and help"

"Well ok, but you have to swear not to tell anyone about me helping" I say

"Ok, ok I promise, now let's go" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me

I can't help but giggle a little as we walk back to the fields. We start planting seeds and moving the dirt. We work very hard until the sun begins to go down. Aphmau receives some food from the villagers and then they tell us that we can go on a break.

We walk up one of the hills that overlooks the ocean.

I point out which one is McCloud's boat. I state that I'm going to be away for a short while because we will be on an adventure using the ship.

"Umm is McCloud that one prisoner?" Jeffory asks

Oh my Irene I forgot that McCloud was a prisoner

"Uh yes, but you can't tell anyone" I say

"Ok I promise, but under one condition" he says

"What is it?" I ask warily

"Can I come with you?" He asks

"Huh? Why would you want to come?" I ask confused

"I want to spend more time with you" he says putting his hand on my cheek and moving closer

"Umm I'm a horrible person" I say "Seriously I steal and argue with everyone"

"Aphmau that may be true but you are so much more" he says "You where risking being embarrassed for your friends"

I move back away little because I feel like he is about to kiss me. If I ever date anyone I'm scared I won't be enough. It's different with Jeffory because he isn't a noble but it's still kind of scary. I don't think I'm ready for any serious commitment.

I look him in the eyes and he seems to understand that I'm scared. He slowly moves closer giving me a chance to move away if I want to. I don't move and he presses his lips to mine. Oh my Irene I'm shaking. Why is everyone falling in love with me. I'm not an amazing person. I'm a thief for Irene's fake.

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