Ch20-Fighting Amongst Ourselves

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Sky's P.O.V.

I wake up and I can feel the swaying of the ship. I didn't sleep on the shore under the stars like some of the others because I don't like being cold. I know it's petty but I really don't like being outside that much.

I'd much rather be inside redoing or somethings not outside where there are bugs and animals and sun. I really just enjoy being alone, but I wouldn't mind being alone with Aphmau. I get out of bed and I quickly get dressed.

I walk out to the top deck and I see Aphmau and Ross talking. Aphmau has her back towards me but Ross notices me. He smirks and hugs Aphmau.

"Umm Ross?" Aph asks confused but laughing

"Gotta get those hugs!" Ross says and he runs off hugging everyone he passes

Ross really hasn't changed at and he is still so crazy. He might be one of the funniest people I know. Even though he still hates me I don't want to argue with him anymore. Aphmau has forgiven me and I want Ross to as well.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Ross is still being crazy, he had way to much coffee this morning at breakfast so he has been bouncing off the wall for the whole morning. He is always hugging people and shouting out weird things even when he isn't drinking coffee. I laugh a little and the I go turn to go to my room.

I see Sky and smile at him. I walk past him and he opens his mouth to say something, I pretend not to notice because I don't really want to talk to anyone. Im very tired and I don't look amazing because I'm still I'm my nightgown.

When I have made it to my room I get dressed quickly. I step out of my room and stretch. Suddenly I feel a sudden force that pushes the boat and shakes it. I fall to the ground. When I manage to regain balance I run to the steering wheel. Luckily I have amazing balance.

I see goat steering the boat even though we have the anchor down and Barney, Cadenza and Ross pulling over a dress.


"Let the Ross have the dresses!" Barney shouts

"No it's my dress" Cadenza replies pulling it back

"You have enoughs of the dresses!" Barney shouts

"That doesn't mean that you can have my dress" Cadenza shouts back

"Guys!" I yell over them

Cadenza and Barney let go of the dress and Ross runs off with it. I tell Barney to look over at goat and he cheers goat on. Oh my Irene I swear that these people will be the end of me.

"Barney Goat is a goat, he can't steer a ship" I say

"How does you knowing what the goat can do?" Barney states

"Because he is a goat, now Katelyn is feeling sea sick and I think she is under deck, she will kill goat and skin him if you don't take him off the steering wheel" I say calmly

Barney grabs goat and runs away. McCloud comes on deck to see what was happening.

"I'll just leave you two alone" Cadenza states and she walks off

"Ok so apparently Barney let goat steer and Ross and Cadenza fought over a dress" I explain

"Aye well as long as nothing happened to me ship" McCloud states "Now me want to talk to ye so if ye will follow me to the captain's quarters"

"Sure" I reply

We walk to the captains quarters and he explains to me the whole trip. McCloud has a treasure map and we look over it.

There looks to be an enormous amount of treasure on an island. But this trip is going to take time.

McCloud's P.O.V.

I look over at the lass Aphmau and she is taking this just as seriously as me. She be looks over the map and organising in her head the way to get to the island quickly. I stand behind her and look over her shoulder. She turns around and we are met face to face.

I see her blush and she manages to slip out.

"Well this trip is going to require food, I'm going to go see if I can find some wild berries" she says

I think I just ruined that completely. I can't believe that I did that. Ughh I need to make it up to her later.

Nicole's P.O.V.

Aphmau said that she was going to go get some wild berries. Sky and Jin followed her and now I'm alone with the nobles. Usually I am at least with someone from the thieves guild but this time Katelyn is sick and Shelby is with Red. Lucinda is making potions. I know the nobles are going to use this as an opportunity to talk to me.

I try to head to my room as quickly as I can but I feel someone pull on my arm. I turn around and I see Garroth, Vylad and Zane.

"Can I help you?" I ask bitterly

"We want to know why you betrayed us" Vylad says

"Because I didn't want to spent the rest of my life following orders and being some doll" I say "I love adventure and excitement, so this is who I am"

"But why didn't you tell us?" Vylad asks

"Because you three are spoils and have always had everything you asked for. My friends and I have worked for things" I explain "Don't talk to me again"

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Sky and Jin were very helpful in collecting berries. It was relaxing and it feels like old times when we would go strawberry picking as children. When I have finished filling my basket I look over it.

This seems like enough.

When we finally are finished we go back to the boat and we see Nicole arguing with all the nobles. I put my basket on a rock and I run over to her.

"Hey guys leave her alone" I say and I pull Nicole away

Nicole tells me that they asked her why she betrayed them. She seems really angry, I'm glad I'm not not the opposing side of that anger, it mush have been really painful for her. She is so strong to deal with all of that.

When she falls asleep after her anger fit I go back upstairs.

"Hey guys don't talk to Nicole about leaving, it was hard for her"I say

"Hard for her? Our best friend betrayed us" Vylad snaps at me

"Don't you dare talk to me like that" I say angrily grabbing his shirt collar "Did you forget what I did to your father?"

"He isn't my real father" Vylad says quietly

I let go and sight.

"Just leave her alone, I don't want her to be upset, not after everything she has dealt with" I state

I leave the many I go to the deck. I go to the beach and check in Katelyn. Luckily she has had some of the position that Lucinda made for her. I'm glad that we have landed so everyone can recuperate for a little while.

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