Ch23-The Cave

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

McCloud and I are currently looking out from the watch post. There should be an island around here someone with a small part of the treasure. Maybe about a third! It also will have a map to the second place. I feel excited about finding it.

We have been on this boat for about a week now just looking over the ocean and occasionally finding a small island. It has been pretty relaxing and it's nice not to have to worry about stealing from people. After getting scratched and slapped I feel like a small break is needed.

Of course I love being a thief, it's exciting and fun. There is also a challenge to see who can not get caught. I'm always up for that challenge. Katelyn and I went three months without getting caught. It's also helpful to build our team and so we trust each other enough.

McCloud grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He holds the telescope in front of my eye and I see an island through it.

McCloud is actually holding me pretty close to him but I don't think he realises. Or maybe he is letting his flirtatious side get the better of him.

I pull away slightly and start to climb down.

"We need to go wake everyone else up" I say giggling

"Aye lass, we'll be there soon" McCloud nods

I smile and run into Aaron's room. I jump on his bed and he wakes up yelling.

"Hey Aaron, good morning" I say lying over him sideways

"Uhh Aphmau, its to early" he groans

"Well we found land, it's going to have treasure on it" I say smiling

"Really? Well then I better get up" he says getting up quickly and making me roll off of him

He picks me up and takes me into the hallway. When he puts me down he tickles my sides. I laugh and try to push him off of me and we end up moving really close to each other. My face turns red as or lips are millimetres apart.

Anyone could walk in at any moment and it makes this more exciting. We are about to kiss when we hear footsteps coming towards us. We move away quickly and watch with anticipation as to who will walk around the corner.

We see a blond head walk around the corner. Garroth notices us and smiles.

"Hey guys what's up?" He asks

"Umm we spotted land, get ready to get off the boat, umm bye" I say running away quickly

I found it so awkward that Garroth almost saw us kiss. I probably looked really weird running away like that but I just can't be around either of them. It's just very uncomfortable and Katelyn told me that if I was ever uncomfortable take the first exit out. Well she said to first stab the person making me uncomfortable but that isn't exactly an easy option.

I head back up to the top deck when everyone else is up and we have some fruit for breakfast. I watch the fish swim around in the water and play with each other. I lean on the railing and look over at the island we are about to dock on.

"Hey Aphmau" I hear a voice from behind me say

I turn to see Aaron and I immediately turn back around.

"Umm I'm sorry about earlier" I whisper

"It's ok, umm I want to talk to you about something" He says walking behind me and wrapping one arm around my waist

"What is it?" I say

Suddenly McCloud yells that we are going to dock and it interrupts Aaron.

"I'm sorry, I should probably go help McCloud with the map" I say and I slip out of his grip

Aaron's P.O.V.

I'm worried that I just messed up everything with Aphmau. I wish I knew what was making her so uncomfortable to be around me. I can't loose her. I just need to talk to her completely alone so we can talk properly.

Eventually we dock onto the island and McCloud and Aphmau immediately start to tell everyone that we need to look for a cave opening, inside there will be a maze full of mobs. After that there will be a treasure map and some other treasure.

We immediately start looking and Dane yells that e found it. We climb inside and I look over to Aphmau, she has her knives out and she runs up the front. Nicole grabs her sword and pulls it out as well. They are waiting for any mobs that will come out and attack us.

They are so alert that they would be able to hear a fly go past. We are very aware of the dangers that this will hold. That's why some people stayed back because they didn't want to come. Like Cadenza, Lucinda, Red and Shelby.

Suddenly giant spiders drop down in front of us.

Aphmau and Nicole have them taken care of on a matter of seconds. I'm still so shocked that Nicole was this good at fighting, she was always so quiet and well mannered.

She really did trick us for so long, it is kind of admirable. She must have felt so lonely though because she really felt no friendships with anyone. Aphmau is just even more amazing, she is so strong for the tiny body she has

After about an hour of fighting against mobs we have found a room of the cave with a map in it. There is also a big treasure chest. We walk up to it and look inside. There is a lot of gems there. Aphmau is smiling and she seems proud.

"This will really help the village" Aphmau says smiling

"Aye, it be a good thing" McCloud smiles

I pick up the treasure chest and Aphmau and McCloud look at the map. We are all so excited for the next island. This cave was a test of strength, it seems the next island is a test of the mind, but that's all in know.

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