Ch25-Test Of Mind

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

It's been about a week since my ankle got hurt, it doesn't hurt anymore but I'm still not allowed to get up. It's really annoying but I guess it's because my friends just want to make sure I'm ok. Lucinda said that I can finally get up today though.

So I get up and get dressed, I also attempt to brush my hair. It actually looks ok today which makes me happy because I didn't have to tug at my hair. I walk up to the deck and grab a bowel of fruit for breakfast.

I was up here yesterday because we were island searching. Apparently there should be an island around here somewhere. We didn't see anything yesterday though so it's very confusing. Hopefully or compasses aren't broken because I really don't want to be lost at sea.

I sit down with Katelyn and Nicole and we talk about how we should be arriving soon. Nicole is excited because she will get to show off her brains. The next treasure place is a test of the mind so we will need smarts. Nicole is really smart. Which is why it will be pretty easy to solve all the puzzles.

"LAND AHOY!" We hear McCloud yell

That's strange, if land was close to us we would have spotted it yesterday. I wonder what's going on? I walk over to McCloud and he says the exact same thing, that this land would have been spotted yesterday.

We set sail for it. Along the way I make sure everything we need is packed in a few bags. Lucinda says that she has a bad feeling about this place and I believe her. She is a witch so she just knows this sort of stuff. Besides she doesn't lie.

After about half an hour we have arrived on the island. It is a very thick jungle but there is a path to follow. The beach is just rocks, no sand but there is a port. We dock and decide to look around a little bit. Lucinda suddenly tells everyone to stop.

"This island is the disappearing island of Gura" SE says shocked "Gura was a powerful wizard, he was very evil as well. This island disappears and re appears every day, taking anybody on it with it and then Gura kills them for potion ingredients"

"Oh my Irene, ewww" Cadenza states

"Yes, and if we are on this island by dawn tomorrow we will be taken with it" Lucinda says "So we really need to be quick about finding the treasure and answering the questions or whatever we must do"

We all nod and decide to stay together. After about an hour we have made our way through the forest and we arrive at a temple. It seems abandoned. I take a few steps inside and the doors suddenly close.

On the doors is writing. I read it out to everyone.

"Forwards is what you seek, but this riddle shall take a week, be strong and not afraid, and you shalt be played" I read out

"What the nether?" Garroth's asks confused

"It means the weakest person from our group needs to open the door" Nicole explains "It says 'but this riddle shall take a week' and 'be strong and not afraid, and you shalt be played', that week part actually means weak as in strength, and if you're to strong you will be played by the riddle"

"So who is the weakest person?" I ask

"Hmm, Jin" Katelyn states

"W-What?" He says confused

"Just open the door, you'll see she's right" Nicole adds

"Why you-" Jin starts as he opens the door but he is cut off by a blinding white light

When the light dies down we walk inside and watch as the hallway is slowly lighted by candles. We continue to walk down the long hallway until we come across a few dispensers with arrows indie. We know this because Ross walked through the trip wire and he almost got shot by one. Now he is trapped and we have to find a way to turn off the traps.

"Look for a lever or something" I say

I start to look around and there is one candle that has more wax on it, and it's blue.

It's kind of hard to notice but I saw it. I reach up and pick it up. Behind the candle written on the wall is another riddle.

"Hey guys, I found another riddle" I say "It says if you're always looking down you won't see the light"

"Hmm that's an interesting one" Nicole says stretching

She looks up and suddenly her eyes widen.

"Hey look up"she says excitedly

We look up and see gems in the ceiling, they are glow in the dark gems as well. Hmm maybe this has something to do with the traps. I suddenly have an idea.

I hold up the candle I was holding to one of the gems and it begins to melt like ice. A metal key is dropped to the floor. I pick it up. Now we have it find what this goes in.

"Search the walls" Katelyn states

We start to feel around the wall for a key hole. Zane shouts that he found it and I throw him the key. He puts the key in and twists it. All the traps deactivate and Ross falls to the ground in relief. We continue in and we have to face many riddles and puzzles.

We must have been here for a few hours. We need to hurry or else we won't be off the island by the time it disappears. Eventually we come to a room with a chest in the middle. Oh thank Irene we have made it. Without thinking we grab the treasure chest and run out of there. There were so many arrows pointed at us.

We continue running as fast as we can and make it back to the boat. The sun is beginning to rise. We quickly get on the boat making sure we have everyone. Luckily we do. I look over at the island and the sun starts to rise and it begins to fade away into nothing. Oh my Irene we just made it.

We continue sailing for today and suddenly grey clouds cover us.

We look up and realise that we sailed into a storm. The sea around here are very dangerous. Before we can do anything a wave comes and knocks over the whole boat. We are all thrown into the sea and I black out. The last thing I hear is screaming.

Xx Time Skip xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I feel lips pressed to mine and I open my eyes. Suddenly I start to cough and water comes out of my mouth. I look to my right and I see Jeffory holding me.

"W-what happened?" I ask looking around, we are on a small island

"We shipwrecked, luckily no one was lost and we still have our ship. It just needs repairs" Jeffory states holding me closer "I though I was going to loose you"

He picks me up and he walks over to everyone else. We were very lucky that none of our food or treasure was destroyed because we kept it in a safe place under the deck. But what are we gong to do now? I guess we will be living in the wild like this for a few days till we can fix our boat.

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