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{I Don't own Yuri on Ice, Bnha or Reader }


{Y/N}:Your Name

{E/C}:Eye Color

{H/C}:Hair Color

{C/C}:Color Choice


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When {Y/N} Aizawa developed her Quirk many thought she'd become a hero, but just because she had a powerful quirk didn't mean she wanted to be a hero, instead she took up her mothers passion in ice skating, and continuing the family legacy when her elder brother had became a hero instead, and now here she was doing what she loved surrounded by people that loved her.

Well adored her, but adoring fans can only give you so much, maybe that is why she was friends with the idiots that were her competition, but than again she never minded they were her friends, and today her and her friends she made by doing what she loved were taking a small vacation, for they had a wedding to plan for two men in the group, whom were stuck on ideas, so the dyed {H/C} female came up with a solution and so they found themselves in the place she grew up, a part of Japan known for pro heroes and such, and villain attacks, unlike the place one of her friends grew up in.

"Oh how lovely, I've heard so much about the heroes from here but Yuri never told me much about them" The white haired male frowned, but fawned over the sights "It must have been wonderful to grow up in such place, did you ever attend a hero school?" he asked the female.

"Victor I'm Eighteen" {Y/N} reminded the man "And no I unlike my brother never took interest in becoming a hero, to much drama than again he hates the media, I'm surprised he became one at all" she smiled "Well we can talk about it later, my elder brother doesn't live far from here, judging by the address my Brother in law sent me".

"Oh my that's lovely dear" one of the blondes in the group stated "How come you never became a hero your quirk is perfect for hero deeds" the others wondered as well her quirk worked well with her skating but it would work great for hero work.

"As I said before I was never interested in it, but the way our mother spoke of of times on the ice I fell in love with it, and using my quirk for the flair is quite fun" she spun around her pony tails moving with her, they watched as her attention was on something behind them, turning they saw what she was looking at.

A blonde boy looking a flowers along with two others but it was clear as day her attention was on the blonde, "Not again you stupid women" The youngest blonde in their 'small' group hissed, he was an angry ball of anger whom loved cats, grabbing onto the back of the taller girls shirt he tugged her away, before she could try and flirt with the blonde.

For the group did know she had a type and her type was blondes, ones her age male or female and that boy was a blonde and her type by the looks of it.

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{In which now I make a Mirio one, to add to the Tamaki one and Nejire one, now I just need to make a Big Three x Reader }  

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