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"Shivaay!", An inspector (also frnd of shivaay) om called .

Once a rugged,crisp police officer now a  ruthless monster void of emotions!
He opened his eyes and looked up from his seat, his hazel eyes was blank....one could say he was dead from inside! He was surrounded by agony! Everyone around him knows his reason for this change...but none could help him! Not even his family and friends.

"D.I.G. has ordered us to go to JBL girls college for arrangements",om said.

Shivaay's look  was unchanged . He just nodded his head and got up fron his chair wearing his cap.

After 30 minutes they reached the College.

They saw the other constables already present at the entrance.Entering the campus they saw the  students running here and there because of the intercollegiate.Shivaay heard Om saying.

"Shivaay I'll be back after meeting the principal. You just take a look around"

He just nodded his head not even looking at Om. Om smiled faintly and left from there.

Shivaay was walking through the corridor when a girl bumped on him while running.The girl closed her eyes in fear and continuously whispered sorry. When he held her properly and looked her eyes his world stopped.

Shivaay! See that! ( he heard a girl say giggling)

Tears started wetting his cheeks unknowingly. The girl looked at him confused muttered sorry again  and left from there. Shivaay continued to look at the direction she went with teary eyes and whispered " Anu"!

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Om standing with a questioning look .Seeing Shivaay's teary eyes he understood something is wrong.Shivaay left from there avoiding OM's questioning eyes. He went on the same direction where the girl went searching for her. But couldn't find her in the crowd. He stood in the farthest corner of the auditorium where the function was about to be held.

Om joined him after few minutes and bothe we speaking something about the arrangements when Shivaay heard someone announcing about the commencement of the program.He looked at the stage to see the same girl who bumped at him few minutes back.

"Anu",he whispered.

"What?" Om asked,then looked at the stage following Shivaay's gaze. He saw the girl and smiled saying


Shivaay widen his eyes and looked towards Om....

"You know her?"

"Yes , Annika ! She lives in my apartment . " said om  with a smile.

"Annika" , Shivaay said to himself.

A man and women is seen lying on the bed

"Shivaay",the girl called

He just hummed kissing her palms

"Shivaay , Aarushi is going to have a younger brother", she said making patterns on his chest.

Shivaay stopped kissing her palm and his eyes got  teary in happiness and nodded his head with a questioning look. She took his palm and placed it on her stomach and nodded yes with a smile.

"SHIVAAY"! ,shouted om.

"Why are you shouting om?" Asked an irritated Shivaay

"I was calling you from past five minutes! Where are you lost?"

"Ha...haan, Nowhere"

Shaking his head negatively,"Okay, let's go to my apartment today."


"Gauri has returned from her camp. Wanted to meet you",said Om.

"Oh....Ok",agreed Shivaay with a genuine smile

7:30 pm , OM's apartment.

"Shivaay you go first I'll come after parking the car"

Shivaay hummed in response while getting down.Shivaay entered the lift and was about to press the close button when he heard a girl shout "WAIT".

He looked up only to see the same girl who he met at the college.She was huffing and wiping her sweat when she entered the lift. Shivaay ,all of the sudden started whistling which made Annika turn to see him with an raised eyebrow. The  situation became awkward. He muttered an sorry and started scrolling his mobile.

"Excuse me!" , Shivaay heard her call him.

He looked up to see her trying to remember something."We met before?",she asked.

He thought for an minute before nodding his head positively.

"Oh...I..." ,She was about to continue when they heard the lift ping at her floor.

She went out so as Shivaay. Annika started walking towards her flat and Shivaay followed her! Annika turned twice to conform whether he was following her. Yes . He was. She was now irritated and shouted

"Will you stop following me mister?!" . Shivaay literally jumped hearing her tone.

"I was not following you.",he answered slowly placing his palm on his chest.

"Oh really! I'm noticing you from the time I got into the lift! You didn't press your floor, oggling  me,Started whistling, and now following me!" Annika listed her complaints angrily.

"Don't you dare come after me! I'm not scared of guys like you!", She told him showing her forefinger.

It would be a lie if we say Shivaay was not scared . He frowned mentally as she caught him staring her in the lift. He also cursed himself for making their second , maybe a proper meet such!

"Look Ms.Annika , I was not following you.I was go...",he was cutted by a furious Annika.

"OH MY GOD! Wait! Wait a minute! How do you know my name? Are you a stalker? Wait , I'm calling the police now!" , She said and was fishing  her phone from her handbag.

Shivaay's eyes widen in horror. Like seriously ! This woman is just unbelievable.He was cursing Om in his mind when he heard his voice.

"Shivaay ! You still here? Why didn't you go inside?",he came towards Shivaay and Annika while asking.Annika who was busy in searching her phone looked up to see Om smiling at both of them. She was confused.

"I was about to go inside when some 'I'm not scared of guys like you girl' accused me for being an stalker!",he said sarcastically air quoting it looking at Annika.

Om laughed loud but stopped looking at the glare both Shivaay and Annika were giving him.

"Annika, this is shivaay my friend and colleague and Shivaay this is Annika my neighbour also my sister....you know her right? We saw her in the college remember?", Shivaay nodded his head whereas Annika's face was worth a watch. She was so embarassed and was about to run when Om held her hand and said about Gauri's arrival and also invited her .All the while Shivaay was only looking at Annika who was trying to escape from there not looking at him. He chuckled lightly when he saw her entering her flat in so much hurry after the embarrassment .

Shivaay entered Om's apartment only to be engulfed by Gauri in a bear hug. Shivaay smiled and he was genuinely happy. They spoke about their life and work . Shivaay has always seen Gauri as his younger sister. He felt like family with these two owing to the reason he is an orphan. He got two people to worry about him. Speaking to her after long , he felt very light and happy. Om ordered food for them. It was nearly 8:30 when they heard the calling bell ringing.

"I think the food arrived . I'll go and get it." ,Shivaay said getting up and went to open the door.

He opened the door to see no one.!?He stepped forward only to see Annika hitting her head on the wall mumbling

" Why did you do that woman? What will he think about you? How will you face him?" , She looked up hearing someone clearing their throat.

She witnessed an Smiling Shivaay  leaning on the door and immediately closed her eyes . Shivaay found that very cute.

"Bhaiyaa! Who's there?" They heard Gauri shouting from inside.

Shivaay teasingly started"I'm not scared of guys ....." But he stopped,When he heard Annika say

"please! I'm so sorry.... I" embarrassingly.

"It's okay" he smiled " come in" he let her enter and went inside after closing the door.

Annika was avoiding him the whole time and Shivaay did not tease her more after that. He noticed her bond with Om and Gauri . Her smile and do dramatic expressions was what he saw throughout when she was speaking with Gauri . He was smiling carefree after years.

Om and Gauri were happy seeing positive change in Shivaay. Now Om realised why Shivaay was all smiles during the whole weak . But he reminded silent and gave him the space Shivaay wanted. He wanted Shivaay to lead a happy life. And if he chose something for himself that makes him happy, Om will be the happiest. All four had dinner and it was nearly 12 when Annika said she would leave . Shivaay bid bye to all the three and hugged Gauri and om and passed a smile towards Annika and left.

"Mr. Shivaay",he heard Annika call him and turned to look her.

"I'm so sorry ",she said sincerely yet again!

"Look anu", he Annika narrowed her eyebrows when she heard this name....."I mean Ms.Annika, I said it's fine.I'm not upset with you anymore" he said with a smile.

Annika sighed in relief and walked him till his car even after he protested much. She is stubborn. One more point noted Shivaay thought.

"Drive safe and good night Mr. ......"cutted by Shivaay.

"Shivaay! Call me Shivaay."


Both smiled and Shivaay left not before wishing her good night.

After 3 months

Many things changed in these three months especially between Annika and Shivaay.They both felt something but couldn't put it in words but they didn't complain either . They just let it be. Om noticed both of them and also had  being known them for a long time was genuinely happy seeing them opening up to each other. They both changed for good.Shivaay wantedly cancelled his night duty and started spending time with Annika.

"Shivaay!come pick me up ." Said an happy Annika on phone.

"Already? It's just 2:45, did you bunk your class?"Shivaay asked frowning.

"Why? If you don't want to come say it! Questioning me like accused(muttered Annika)"

Shivaay knew Annika is a very, VERY moody girl but he didn't knew that would be to this extent! What would he do when she is preg....! Shit ! What was he thinking? . An angry Annika's voice brought back him to reality....

"Ha...haan... I'm coming anu",he said smiling at her words from the other end.He informed Om about this who gave a teasing smile in return and left to pick up Annika after changing his clothes.

(Yes. He started calling her Anu and Annika also doesn't seems to have problem with it . so yeah!)

They went to an restaurant and then went to the temple they usually go . On their way back to her apartment they heard the car's radio say that there would be a heavy rain tonight.

They reached her apartment at 7:45. It started raining cats and dogs when they reached. Shivaay left Annika in her flat and started to leave but there was a shut down when he was about to open the door of his car.

The whole area was pitch black. Shivaay knew Annika is nyctophobic .So without wasting any time he ran back to her apartment with his torch on. When he reached her flat the door was not locked to his luck.

"Annika!" ,He called her walking inside checking the hall.

"Annika!" He checked her kitchen and study when he heard her crying .

"Where are you Annika? Are you alright?" , he asked a bit louder.

He reached her balcony to see a trembling Annika sitting on floor in a disheveled state continuously muttering "Ashu". Shivaay immediately went to her and hugged her muttering sweet nothings. She calmed down a bit after 15 mts but was still sobbing clutching him tightly.

Annika was sweating profusely Shivaay tried to wipe her face but she didn't even raise her face from his chest holding him more tighter and the power cut was adding fuel to it.

Shivaay let her do it and was continuously rubbing her hair and back . Shivaay was very worried and confused seeing her like this. After what it felt like eternity he saw Annika sleeping with tear striken face . He smiled sadly and picked her up and went to OM's flat and asked gauri to take care of her . He wanted to kiss her forehead but didn't do it .

"I'll take care of her bhaiya", Gauri who saw Shivaay hesitating to near Annika placed her palm on his shoulder and assured.

He sighed with a heavy heart and nodded his head looking at Gauri and left .

He couldn't sleep the whole night.The next morning Shivaay went to OM's flat to check annika before going to the station. Om was still at the station due to some work. He saw Annika sleeping peacefully. Gauri informed that she again woke up at 3:00 am and slept only at 5:00 . He sat near her and caressed her face and hair .

"Thank you so much Gauri for last night .... I... "He was cutted Gauri

"Bhaiya ! Now you'll thank me? Annika is like my sister ...how can I not help after seeing her at that state?"

They spoke for sometime and Shivaay left at 8:30 .

Annika woke up at 11 and saw Gauri sitting on couch working. She sat holding her head. Crying the whole night did a great job in hammering her head.

"Gauri",she called meekly.

"Annie you woke up", Gauri placed the laptop on the table and marched towards Annika.

"How are you feeling now Annika?" , Gauri asked worried cupping her face.

Annika just nodded her head and asked for her phone .Gauri hit her forehead before handing Annika her cellphone.

"Shivaay bhaiya asked me to inform if you wake up.Just slipped out of my mind" ,she said smiling and went back to the couch. Annika opened the message from Shivaay which read

9:00-"Wake up now khumbkaran😒"

9:30-"I'll not take you to the beach on weekend . Get up now🙄"

10:00-" I don't miss you get up idiot box😏"

There were many messages from 10:00 to now! Annika Chuckled reading those .

The last message read,

"Okay! I miss you😒. Get up now pagli😼!"

She smiled heartily after seeing that before replying

"I'm fine Shivaay✌️🤗 " - seen

She then left to her flat informing Gauri. Annika skipped college that day and Shivaay too didn't texted her after that. She assumed that he would be busy and was just doing nothing. She was thinking about last night's incident . Tears ran across her cheeks and she looked at a photo placed  on her coffee table . She again cried terribly and and slept on her couch itself.

On the other side Shivaay was very busy . Thanks to the amazing downpour....The number of accidents were increasing every hour!

He reached his home at 3:00 AM . He checked his mobile to see if Annika messaged .But after her "I'm fine✌️🤗" there was nothing. He wanted to call her but decided not too as it was very late . He slept thinking to call her the next day.

*Phone rings*

"Hello",a sleepy Shivaay spoke.


He sat with a jolt hearing her voice after so many hours.

"Are you fine Annika? what happened? Shall I come?" ,He asked panicking.

"Shivaay! Shivaay! Calm down..... I'm fine.....I just..I want to meet you." She sounded normal.

Shivaay looked at his phone screen to see the time . It was just 6:45 in the morning.

"Okay! Our regular place?" He asked sighing laying back on his bed.

"No. Somewhere else.....you suggest"

"Kyu? Ok fine" he thought for sometime "the park near my house?"

"Ok. See you there" Came her  reply

"At 5:30 Annika" Shivaay added. "What's running in her mind?", he thought and cut the call.

Annika decided to tell her past to Shivaay. She knows she likes him but before telling this he has to know all about her ,this is what she thought. On the other side Shivaay was totally unaware of the turmoil inside Annika but he guessed something is wrong with how she sounded. He decided to hear whatever it is. Also decided he is never gonna back out from his proposal that he planned today.

So both of them had their own plans and reasons without knowing what awaits them in the future. Let the destiny play it's own game.


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