Chapter 0: Two Years Ago

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???'s P.O.V.

"Is she ever going to wake up?" I asked Andrew, who had been in the room longer than me. Zoe has been in a coma for a few days now and we're all starting to get concerned.

"I don't know... no one does..." I realized he was tearing up. Figures. The three of us have been best friends for a long time... "I'm sorry Emilia... I forgot to ask if it was okay for me to cry..."

"You don't have to ask for permission, Andrew... this is a very emotional time... crying is normal..."

He nodded and cried, turning away from me to avoid embarrassment.

His parents then came back from talking to the doctors and took him out of the room. Zoe's parents had died when she fell into the coma, so they're not here, leaving just me next to her. I picked up her left hand and held it with both of mine. I knew she was breathing, but everything else seemed... dead.

"I promise you, Zoe..." I began. "I will draw you every day until the day you wake up. It'll be like you're with us even as you sleep..."

"Emilia." I looked to the door and saw my parents waiting.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go... I want to show you a drawing someday... when I'm really good at it, I want to show you."

I will not ever forget this promise... not even after my dying day.

I make this promise to myself now.


That's the end of chapter 0.

I might eventually make my own original cover for this story, but only when I have enough oc art of Emilia to do so.

Don't worry, this will hopefully tie into the book's ending... if I do my job right.

Well, I hope you look forward to reading this!


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