Chapter Eighty One: New Beginnings

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"I wish you were here"
"Me too"

A week had passed since Valentines day and I still can't shake the feeling of what happened. Every time I see Zack I smile so much that my cheeks hurt and I blush until my face is hot. When he kisses me I don't want it to end and my lips lock onto his like an animal who's been starved of food. As much as I'm sure I love him, I'm not sure that I love this.
What is wrong with me? I ask myself, holding myself back from slapping my own face. I'd just finished waving to Zack as I passed him in the hall. My hand had reached out for his arm and didn't want to let go as he kept walking. I'm going insane. I try not to groan, embarrassed by myself.
I pull out my phone once I'm seated in my sixth period class.

Me: you've been in relationships before
Me: why the hell do I feel like I'm going insane??
Ash: ????
Ash: is this about Valentines day?
Ash: dude
Ash: calm down
Ash: Its your first relationship
Me: I know 😭
Me: but I don't know why I feel like this 😫
Ash: do you think you two are gonna...???
Me: ???? Do you mean-? I don't think so-??? I hope not-
Me: I like him and he's so cool and everything but I'm not ready for *that*
Ash: I was just checking
Me: jrbajtbabdbfbabdbr I just don't know what's wrong with me
Ash: I think you might just like kissing him lmao
Me: 😭 I hope so ajrbabdbdba
Ash: lmao

"Since your teacher is out today, I'm your substitute teacher. My name is Mr. Leonards," the man in the front of the class introduces himself just after the bell, "as long as art is happening, I don't care what you guys do. Now let's start with role call."
I glance to Ash beside me as I pull my sketchbook out of my bag, setting my phone to the left as I wait for a picture from Clyde to load.

Clyde: that's a pic I took at lunch today
Me: Ooooo is that Bailey East???
Clyde: yeah

I take a moment to look at the picture more closely; Clyde is sitting on the bench part of a lunch table while a girl is perched just behind him and to his left on top of the table he's at. Her curly dark hair takes up most of the upper half of the picture and her left knee takes up the left side of the picture. My best guess is that her other knee is behind Clyde, meaning he's definitely sitting mostly between her legs.

Me: you two are awful close there
Clyde: we are

The sage green string from Baileys open jacket almost touches Clyde's shoulder as she leans forward to be in the picture, her elbows on her thighs and her hands hovering between them, just behind Clyde's head.

Me: it's pretty cute
Clyde: thanks 😏
Me: 😂
Me: I'm guessing she's not just your new best friend?
Clyde: she's not taking your place, if that's what you're meaning
Me: I was meaning more of a romantic interest, but I'm glad to know she's not taking my place as your friend 😂
Clye: I swear she won't stop flirting with me
Me: and I bet you're not trying to make her stop either
Clyde: well no
Me: 😂
Me: I'm in class, let me draw
Clyde: just wanted to share
Me: I'm glad you did, now I've got something new to tease you about 😜

I turn my phone off and flip it over, hoping I'll let the world melt away and be able to focus on my artwork.

After school, as I'm walking from my car to the house my phone starts ringing, making me pause on the steps to answer it.
"Lana?" A man asks.
"Yes-?" I say cautiously.
"Congratulations, you got the job!" Says the man on the other end of the phone call.
I close my eyes tightly, I did it!
"Thank you so much!" I exclaim, "when do I start?"
"Can you come in for training on Saturday?"
"Yeah!" I nod, knowing that he can't see it.
"Awesome! See you then!" The man hangs up before I even have a chance to speak again.
I have a job! I can start saving money! I won't be broke! I do a quick spin, not sure what to do with my excitement, then head into the house.

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