Chapter Eighty Three: Im ok

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"We should do that again sometime!"

The moment I'm seated in my first class, Zack walks in and heads straight toward me.
"You ok?" He asks quietly.
"Mhm!" I nod, hoping it's reassuring enough to fool him; I don't want to upset him or make him feel bad.
"No you're not," Zacks eyes are sympathetic.
Damn, he knows me too well.
"Our lives are so different-" I break off, glancing around as I try to keep from upsetting myself any further.
"I may live in a bigger house and drive a nicer car, but that doesn't mean we aren't good for each other," Zack insists, "my parents haven't had to live in apartments or rented homes, they don't get it, but they do care about you. They don't mean to be insensitive about that stuff."
"I know," I sigh.
Zack continues, "they love you and they've that were together, no amount of money will change that."
"Yeah," I nod.
I avoid his gaze as he leans down and softly kisses my lips before heading to his seat.
I sit there alone for a moment before Kage sits beside me. Kage had moved here just before I'd left and the two of us had become friends then.
"Ready for the lab?" He asks.
I groan, "are you?"

After school I check the mailbox before heading inside. I grab out a small pile of mail and begin flipping through the various envelopes as I walk into the house. I stop when I find one addressed to me and put it in my other hand as I open the door to the house.
"Mail!" I call.
I set the mail on the small wooden table in the entry way then head down the hall and turn left to go up the stairs to my room.
I study the envelope for a second. It's mail from the twins. I carefully open the envelope and slide out the two separate pieces of paper. The papers are thin enough that I can faintly see the writing and doodles all done in colored pencils.
Unfolding the first one I glance to the bottom to see which twin its from; Kelly.

Dear Lana,

I miss you so much!! I know Becca and mom and dad do too and so do Scales and Daisy. I don't know if Belle and Jamie do because they spend most of their time playing with each other so I haven't had time to ask them. Scales sleeps in your bed all the time. Clyde and your friends miss you too. They all asked about you when they we saw them hanging out at the Travis's house last week. The rest of the Travis family asked about you when they Becca and I were over for a movie night last night. We got to meet Clyde's new girlfriend Bailey she's nice!
I hope you come to visit soon! I love you!


Bellow the letter are various drawings; Scales on my bed, Daisy, Jamie and Belle playing, and one of what I'm guessing to be me getting off a plane and my family standing nearby.
I finish looking at Kelly's drawings then begin to unfold the next letter.

Dear Lana,

I hope you're doing good back in Wisconsin. Could you say hi to some of my friends for me? If you want, I can say hi to some of your friends for you. They hang out at Clyde's house sometimes so I'll see them at some point.
Everyone here misses you, especially mom and dad. Scales hangs out in your room a lot and sometimes Daisy does too. Sometimes I go in there to read because it's quieter there without Becca playing with her dolls right next to me. I hope you don't mind.
I bet you know that Clyde has a girlfriend. She's pretty nice and he seems happy. I know he misses you. Sometimes he talks to us over the fence and asks how you're doing even though I'm sure you two still talk all the time. I'd talk to my friends all the time if we had phones.
I love you!


Beccas letter has a few little doodles on the corners; butterflies and flowers. There's a few drawings of Scales and Daisy on the bottom of the page along with our family and what looks to be the Travis', minus Clarrisa, plus Bailey.
I miss them guys too... I guess I should find some paper.

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