Chapter Fourty Two: A Birthday Boy

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"You're old"
"You're only a few days younger"

Zack: THANK YOU!!!
Me: why are you still awake, jeeze, it's midnight there, go to bed
Zack: 😝
Me: ok, well I'm going to bed so have fun with that

I put in my ear buds and turn on YouTube then sit my phone on the table beside my bed and close my eyes.
I drift off to sleep and soon enter a dream.

"I don't want to leave you," I whisper.
He just hugs me a little tighter, I can't even tell if he heard me.
We stand there for a moment before I have to go, my family is all waiting in the car on the curb outside of our house while I stand there on the sidewalk saying goodbye.
"Wait!" My mother calls from the driver's seat as my father rolls down his window, "school doesn't start for a bit, he can come with us and hang out! We just have to send him back before school starts!"
"Ok!" Zack nods.
We both hop into the car next to Jen.
"I'll call and tell your parents," my Father nods, "good to have you here, son."
Within minutes we arrive at the airport and get in line to get onto the huge neon pink plane.
"Would you follow us please? We're boarding first class first," a flight attendant motions toward the plane entrance.
Her plastic doll arms don't bend as she motions.
"Yes," my mother nods.
We all board the plane and as I look around, all of the flight attendants look the same. Their plastic bodies all manufactured to be identical.
As soon as we're buckled in the plane starts moving at full speed.
"All passengers for California may get off now," a flight attendant announces over the intercom.

Eventually we get to our new house, and it's set up about the same. I walk to my room where all of my things are already unpacked and set up.
"I wish I didn't have to leave here," Zack places his hands on my waist as I turn to face him.
"I wish I didn't have to come here," I step closer to him.
"Me too," Zack leans in and begins to kiss me.

As I blink open my eyes I can feel my heart beating fast and my breathing is rapid.
I can still feel him on my lips. I sit up and touch my lips lightly. I'd never kissed anyone before, but if that's what it feels like, I wish more than ever that he were here or I were there.
Up until my mother saying he could come with, the dream had been accurate. What really happened was after our hug, I turned, got into the car, and burst into tears.
I quickly grab my journal from my school backpack.
I begin writing in my journal, starting with the date.


Happy birthday to Zack! I'm next!! Not much really to say since we talk every day but like- idk-

I draw a little birthday cake in the margins beside the entry.
I still can't shake the feeling from my lips and I savor it as I close my notebook and begin getting ready for the day.
I pick out my orange sweater and some black jeans to go with my heeled boots.

"What're you all dressed up for?" Clyde asks as come into the backyard.
"I just really like this sweater," I shrug, "plus, it's new."
Clyde shrugs, "alright."
I wince at the word, thinking of the song I had listened to on repeat when I moved here.
"And why are you out here?" Clyde asks.
"Watering my dads plants," I wave the watering can in my hand.
"Nice," Clyde nods.
"What about you?" I ask as I pour water into the pots.
"Playing Frisbee with Chloe," Clyde shrugs.
"He sucks at it!" Chloe calls.
"Sorry Chloe, I'll leave you two to your game," I laugh.
My phone rings as I walk into the living room. I slide it out of my pocket and smile when I see the name on the screen.
"Happy birthday!" I try to hide the size of my smile as I answer the phone.
"Hey," Zack laughs.
"What are you up to?" I ask.
"Getting ready for a family lunch," he laughs.
"Nice," I nod.
"What about you?" Zack asks.
"Just came inside from watering my dads porch plants," I roll my eyes.
"Cool," Zack laughs.
I nod, "How goes the birthd-"
"Zack!" A voice calls out, "who are you talking to!?"
Zack glances away from the screen, "Lana!"
"Oh really?" Zacks younger brother, James, steps into the doorway of Zacks room, "are you two finally confess-"
"She's about to go! Bye Lana!" Zack hits the decline call button rapidly.
"Ok then," I sigh and open my messages app.

Me: Hey Ash
Ash: hm?
Me: Zacks brother started saying something while Zack and I were on call and Zack hung up
Ash: huh
Ash: what was he saying
Me: idk, something about "are you two finally" something or other
Ash: huh
Ash: I'll ask Jake >:D
Me: Lol ok

I slide my phone back into my pocket as I walk into the kitchen.
"Tell Zack we say happy birthday!" Kelly says as I walk into the room.
"I will," I laugh.
I pull my phone back out of my pocket and send him a message.

Me: my sisters say happy birthday lol
Zack: yeah, probably cause they like me more
Me: my sisters LOVE me
Zack: but they love me more 😎
Me: go fill your face with cake
Zack: I don't like cake
Me: exactly

I hide my smile as I slide my phone back into my pocket.
"He says thanks," I tell them.
"Can we call him later?" Kelly asks.
"He's headed to a birthday lunch right now but maybe when he gets home," I nod.

"Ok, snuggle close!" I plop onto my bed and wait for the twins to come lay beside me.
I open up my phone and go to the call app. Kelly reaches over and clicks call. We wait as the phone rings a couple times before he answers.
"Happy birthday!" The twins chorus.
"Thanks," Zack laughs.
"Did you eat lots of cake?" Becca asks.
"He doesn't like cake-" I pause, realizing that Zack had just said the same thing at the same time.
Zack and I both laugh, red faced.
"Crazy," Becca shakes her head.
"Now I want cake," Kelly furrows her eyebrows, "I'm going to go look for snacks."
"I'll come with!" Becca jumps up.
It only takes a few moments for the twins to scramble out of the room in search of snacks.
I laugh, "ok birthday boy," I shake my head, "it's getting late for you so I imagine your parents are about to come snatch your phone-"
"Birthday," Zack shakes his head.
"Pfft," I scoff, "whatever. I am going to hang up."
"Suit yourself," Zack laughs.
"Happy birthday," I smile.
"Night," Zack smiles back.
I hang up the call and drop my phone on my bed with a sigh.

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