Chapter Sixty Two: Mall Mayhem

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"Is it cold yet in California?"
"Its not as hot as in the summer-"

Me: now I gotta think of ideas for the next chapter 😫
Ash: do you have any ideas so far?
Me: Idk man, imma just go where the music takes me once I turn it on

I sigh and open YouTube to turn on some music, getting distracted for a moment by one of the shorts.
Once I've got my music playing I reopen my drawing app and start getting to work on my writing.

After an hour of writing, only resulting in a surprisingly low amount of four hundred words, I get up out of bed and start getting dressed. Today Clyde and I and our friends had plans to go to the mall together.
I head to the bathroom and throw on my black long sleeve shirt with the see through flower patterned shoulders and tuck it into my black jeans. I put on my belt and slip on my heeled boots and head back to my room to find my wallet.

"You guys are so late," I say jokingly as Rider, Amelia, and Tristan pull into the space beside my car, windows down and music blaring.
"Its three minutes love," Tristan says, a hint of an accent lacing his voice, "no biggie."
I flinch when he calls me love. The only guy I want calling me something cutesie and romantic can't because he's all the way across the country and we aren't even together.
"Let's go," Clyde says, walking around my car to be next to me and the others as they get out of Riders car.
I had seen Parker, Ashley, and Max go inside just moments before Rider and his carmates had pulled into the parking lot and I had received a text from the group chat saying Kevin and Kaitlyn had already gone inside and were headed towards the little candy store so we agreed to meet them there.

"You've all been invited to my house for Halloween," Rider announces as we sit down at the food court.
There's several "Oooo"'s as we nod at him.
I pick up half of my Subway sandwich and start jamming it into my mouth as Rider starts talking again.
"The first floor will be a party, the basement will be the Haunted house," Rider says.
"Cool," Clyde nods, "what time?"
"Eight," Rider takes a bite of the rice in one of the compartments of his to go box.
"I should be able to come after trick or treating with the twins," I nod.
"Cool," Rider nods.

While we're all in one of the little stores, I spot a mostly white pleated skirt. As I walk over closer to it, I notice the light blue plaid pattern.
"Thats cute," Ashley says, coming around the rack from the other side.
I nod and start examining the sizes on the hanger. Small. Small. Extra small- in my dreams I roll my eyes Small. Medium! I grab the medium one from the rack and hold it to my waist.
"What do you think?" I show it to Ashley, still holding it at my waist.
"Price?" Ashley asks.
I fumble for the tag and read it out loud, "thirty-eight ninety-nine," good thing my parents gave me fifty.
"Its cute," Ashley nods, "do they have the white and grey one in a small?"
I move the skirt to my left hand, using my right to help Ashley search for a white and grey version in her size.
Eventually we find it and we both head to the check out stand.
"Your total is fourty-one eighty-two," the person at the register says, looking to me expectantly.
And there goes the whole fifty. Thank God I still had fifty of my own in my wallet, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get this since I bought myself lunch.
I pass the employee the two twenties and the ten my mother had left in a zip lock bag for me and taped to the door.
"Your change is eight eighteen," the employee pauses for a moment ad the recite prints out and hands me my money.
I would've been yelled at for spending this much on a skirt in Wisconson, I take a deep breath, glancing to Rider.
"Thank you, have a nice day!" I wave to the employee and shove my change into my wallet anxiously, "I'll wait outside," I whisper to Ashley as I walk past her.

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