Chapter Thirty Four: Lovey Dovey Day

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"Too much kissing and stuff"

"Happy Valentines day!" Clyde calls as I reach the bus stop.
"Valentines day isnt until Sunday," I say, "but happy Valentines day to you too."
"Well they're passing out the chocolate flowers today so it's like the in school Valentines day," Clyde shrugs.
"I'm sure there will be just as much perfume and kissing as on Valentines day," I sigh, rolling my eyes.

When we get to the school a wave of perfume and cologne hits us as we walk through the doors. The commons are buzzing with thousands of 'I love you's and 'I love you more's.
I head towards the strings classroom to put my violin and have to weave around kissing couples and lunch tables.
As I get close to the strings room I stop in my tracks.
"You guys too?" I groan.
The girl giggles as she detaches from the boy, "Sorry Lana," Amelia faces me, brushing her dawn colored curls out of her face.
"Hey newbie, don't be so bitter," the boy laughs, "you've got Clyde."
"Shut it, Rider," I shake my head and pass Rider and Amelia.

By lunch time my stomach ached. I Hate the smells, watching people kissing is sickening, and I can think of nothing but Zack.
"Someday you two will get together and you," Rider points his fork at me, "won't be so bitter about Valentines day."
I glance to Clyde, "us?"
Rider laughs between chewing.
"No," I say sternly.
Clyde shakes his head, "unlikely."
Amelia giggles and goes back to eating her food.
Since Rider and Amelia went out on their first date- other than Homecoming- Amelia had begun sitting with us at lunch occasionally. Now, it had become a full time thing.
"Someday when you have somebody to be kissing, the holiday won't seem as stupid," Ashley reasons.
I push my mashed potatoes around on my tray, "Maybe," I grumble.

As 6th period comes around, the ASB has started sending out all of the chocolate roses that were purchased. The kids from leadership are the ones in charge of passing them out.
When the door handle begins to jiggle, the kid sitting closest to the door hops up to open it. Once the door is open, in walks Amber holding a bundle of chocolate roses.
I watch as Amber glances around the room, placing chocolate roses on several desks,even as many as four on some desks. She makes small comments to a few of the recipients, some look flattered, others look displeased by her words. As she gets closer to me I'm prepared for her to walk on past, but she sets two of the chocolate flowers on my open notebook.
Amber leans over the desk and sneers, "Who's your date to the dance? Let me guess, Clyde?"
"I'm not going to the dance-" I break off, "and Clyde and I are just friends."
I pick up the chocolate flowers delicately by the stem and begin to examine them as she moves on. I check the cards on each and find scribbles of writing on the green card stock tags.
To: Lana Flame
Hope you like chocolate Newbie
From: Anonymous
I read to myself that one must be from Rider. I set the flower down carefully and begin reading the second one.
To: Lana Flame
Mom gave me money so I could get you and Ashley flowers. I threw in one for Amelia too
From: Clyde


"Happy Valentines day!" My mother exclaims, presenting a small pink bucket to me as I open my bedroom door.
"Thanks," I accept the bucket and begin rummaging through it.
I find various heart shaped chocolates along with a chapstick set and a small single serving bag of Raspberry Mocha coffee.
I give her a quick hug before retreating back to my room to set the bucket down.

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