Chapter Thirty Two: Memories

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Jake: sick Jake go brrrrrrr
Ash: brrrrrrrrrr
Zack: lucky you, no school for you today
Jake: yep

I begin typing my response, briefly forgetting that they're in a different time zone and probably weren't actually up at 4:30 in the morning- or at least not on their phones at that time.

Me: rip dude
Jake: 1 seccond im freezing, 15 secconds later i feel like the sun
Me: sucks for you dude, stay on your own side of the country please
Ash: pfft
Jake: no problem there, I'm not getting out of my bed
Me: I was joking please come get me-

I get dressed and head to the kitchen for breakfast before school.


"Aw, you two are so cute together," Amber says, passing Clyde and I on the bus, going to sit in the seat diagonal from us just slightly back.
I clench my teeth, glance to Clyde and whip my head around, "we are not together," I snap.
Amber flinches and I glance back to Clyde, "I-"
I turn back to face the front of us, ignoring Amber's shocked face as I do.


After hours of school filled with telling people that Clyde and I are I'm fact not in a relationship- which we discovered Amber had said- I was finally home and able to lay down on my bed.
I lay there and let out a sigh, closing my eyes for a moment. Even Rosalyn wasn't this bad. Rosalyn was the Amber type girl back home; she bullied people and spread rumors, but she was usually in a relationship so she didn't have quite the boy following that Amber has- not that she wasn't decent looking. Surprisingly, Rosalyn has only dated three guys during high school, one of which has lasted for over a year now. I can't imagine Amber dating- if she stays single she can have a turn with everyone I roll my eyes.
I sigh again and stand up from my bed. I head over to my closet, inside it I grab the year books from my old school and take them back to my bed with me.
"Have the greatest summer bestie! I'm gonna miss you so much" - Ash my eyes scan the autograph pages I'm the back of the book "H.A.G.S" -Kaylin each scribbled in a different colored pen, some even in colored sharpies "stay cool" -Henry some, like the message from the boy a year ahead of me, even had little doodles beside them. Henry had drawn a few little ice cubes and snowflakes beside his message. My eyes linger on the next one for a moment longer than the rest "we'll all miss you" -Zack.
I finally flip to the front of the book and begin looking through portraits. So many memories with each person that I didn't even know I remembered.
Eventually I pry myself away from the year books and head to the kitchen to make myself and the twins something to eat- our parents are both working late shifts today.

After dinner, the twins and I gathered in the living room to watch TV. Our most recent show was a Medical Drama, one that our Father wouldn't let us watch because it wasn't an accurate description of the real work he and our mother do. Our mother couldn't care less.

Once it's time for the twins to go to bed, I tuck them in and head to my own room.
I sit in bed, scrolling through various posts and articles and I find one about the struggles of a man and his pregnant wife. I click on the post. Its various comic style drawings of their life together and as I scroll I begin to imagine my own future.
I can imagine myself with a huge stomach, my belly the size of a beach ball, as I go about my day to day life. I imagine Zack being the father, teasing me about the belly and the cravings all the time. I would laugh, roll my eyes and he would finish by complimenting me and giving me a kiss on the cheek or forehead.
I think about back home and how he babysits his little sister fairly often and how good he is with her. He has so much love to give and it warms my heart. He'll be an amazing father someday, even if he's not the guy in my future.

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