Chapter Three: I Miss my Home Sweet Home

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"What's it like?"
"Well if you would shut up for a second I would know 😝"

I slide my phone back into my pocket, having taken it out for a moment to respond to Zack.
When we get to the door there's a note attached to a tacky 'Home Sweet Home' door mat welcoming us to the area with a map of the house and all that fun stuff. The note is signed Ben Lawrence. Ben is my mothers boss's name.
"How sweet," Mother shows father and he nods, seemingly unamused by my mother swooning over a dumb note from another guy.
"I think we should let Lana open the door and go in first," Becca says quietly.
"I think that's a great idea," father says.
"Ben said the keys are behind the thermometer-?" My mother glances around the door, "there!" She reaches for the plastic thermometer, picking it up off the screw it was hung on.
In the back of the thermometer is a little key holder.
"Nifty," my father nods.
Mother nods and hands me the keys, placing the thermometer back afterwards.
I look to the door and examine it before I open it. Its a apple red door with a golden, but probably brass, lock and knob.
I slide the key into the lock and it goes in effortlessly. They must be new locks to be this nice.
Everyone holds their breath as I turn the key then put my hand on the knob, ready to turn it.
"Five," Becca prompts.
"Four," Kelly continues.
"Three," I whisper.
"Two," my mother breathes
"One," my father says as I turn the knob and push the door wide open.
Whenever my family has a count down we count in order of age, seeing as there's five of us its perfect- though we had to show Kelly and Becca their birth times in order to decide who says five and who says four. When Persia and Shrek are here they take the places of "two" and "one" and my parents go to "one half" and "one third".
I step into the house, looking around the most noticeable thing is the wild amount of white. The floors are a white and gray quartz tile floor that gives way to gray carpet in the living room. As we walk through the entrance and into the living room we can see that it has entrances to the left and to the right with a wall in between them. Based on the map Ben left on the porch, the entrance to the right was to the kitchen- which also has a second entrance, connected to the entry hall.
The walls are all white. They're rough, not smooth, as I run my hand along them.
Everyone seems to be in awe; we'd never seen a house quite like this except in the movies.
The living room was partially furnished; a gray couch pushed against the back wall, the one in between the entrance and the opening to the kitchen.
The wall opposite of the couch is a dark grey, unlike the rest of the room. The right side of that wall goes further back than the left, making a perfect little space, almost like the tip out on a trailer. The right section of the wall is mostly a big window and a glass door takes up the left part of the wall. There's a wide open space above the windows and door which seems to be a perfect spot for a wall mounted TV if we had one. We didn't even have a regular TV yet, though if we were to get one, it would likely sit on a table in the tip out like section of the room.
My father takes a seat in a gray recliner chair that matches the gray of the couch.
"I could get used to this," he says.
"Good, we live here now," mother says, admiring the view of a grassy back yard through the window.
I look to the right side of the yard and see the edge of the pool. I would have to be out there to see the whole pool.
"Where's our rooms?" I ask, pushing a strand of red hair out of my face.
Mother unfolds the note again to see the map. We didn't get to choose our rooms because moms boss got us bed frames and put them in the rooms that he thought best for each of us.
Even though we have two extra bedrooms Kelly and Becca would still be sharing a room.
"Well, let's start with Becca and Kelly's room," Mother says.
Kelly sighs, "I bet there would be room for our doll houses..." she trails off.
We hadn't brought their doll houses due to lack of space and how much we could afford to bring on the plane. Mother and Father told us that her boss had some form of surprise for us all so I'm wondering if this isn't it. Did he get them doll houses?
I pull out my phone for a moment while I follow Mother to the left side of the house through a hallway, passing a small mini kitchen with a counter separating it and the hallway.
Even though I'm not paying attention I can see that we pass a door on either side of us before reaching a door on the right side of the hallway.
Taped to the door are two keys to the room that Father hands to Becca and Kelly.
Kelly and Becca whisper to each other, deciding Kelly will unlock the door and they'll turn the doorknob together.
Kelly slides her key into the lock and turns it. The two of them put their hands on the knob, nod to each other, and turn it.
They push the door open and gasp in awe. In the room are two beds, one covered in a dark purple blanket and another with a nice red/burgundy colored blanket.
Right in between the to beds are two doll houses, the same ones that Kelly and Becca had owned.
"How-!?" Kelly squeals, running to her doll house and giving it a big hug.
"Did your boss do this!?" Becca asks, running towards her doll house as well.
Mother nods, "he wanted to make sure you had something to cheer you up here."
I peek behind the doll houses and see two boxes, each with one of the twin's names on them.
"Look," I point to the boxes, "I think those are for you."
Their faces light up like its Christmas morning as they tear open the boxes.
The boxes contain more dolls than they'd ever seen in their lives, just for them.
I'm excited to see what my room has in store.
"Why don't you two go get your bags from the car while we show Lana her room?" Mother suggests.
Kelly and Becca nod, both with dolls in their hands admiring them.
Father leads the way out of the room before Mother takes his place in the front and leads us to the right side of the house. We pass three doors on the right side and one on the left before reaching the final door on the left side. My door.
Just like Kelly and Becca's door there is a key taped to the door. My key is different though. Their keys were plain silver keys while mine is a bright red key, a flame pattern on it instead of the silver.
"Wow," I breathe.
At the old apartment my key had just been silver, plain and boring.
Father places his hand on my shoulder as I slide the key into the lock, just as easily as the front door.
I push the door open and I'm greeted not by the white walls of Kelly and Becca's room, but the red, orange, and yellow flames of mine. I walk to the middle of the room, my bed has a lava/ember pattern on the blanket and on the back wall is a wide window with a perfect view of the pool.
Something catches my eye; a closet. My old room didn't have a closet.
I walk over to the closet and open the door to reveal a beautiful red and orange dress- an excellent match with my hair- waiting for me on a silver mannequin, a note attached to the neck.
I take the note and open it and begin reading it aloud;
"I figured you would need something to wear to your first dance at a new school, if you choose to go. I hope it fits! -Ben Lawrence"
"Its amazing!" I gasp.
"Well try it on!" Mother says.
"We'll wait in the living room, come and show us once its on," Father says, walking backwards out of the room.
I nod as I run my fingers along the long sleeves of the dress.
Once I have it on I look at myself in the mirror on the wall of the closet. The dresses sleeves fade to orange and so does the bottom of the dress that is piled on the floor. Its long, but only long enough to trail behind me a few inches.
I place my hands by my side and discover that the dress also has pockets, "awesome," I breathe.
I walk out to the living room, barefooted, feeling the clean, new, carpet on my toes.
I enter the living room where my family is waiting.
"How do I look?" I ask.

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