Chapter Twenty Eight: Raccoon

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Zack and I sit together at a table by the window at Starbucks. We sit side by side.
"Oh shut up!" I shoulder his side.
"Excuse me," a man walks up behind us and places one hand on my shoulder and the other on Zack's
Eyes wide with panic, I try to apologize, "I'm sor-"
"No, no. I have an offer for the two of you," The man laughs, "its ideal for people with tension between them."
Zack and I share a glance.
Zack turns on his stool to face him, "what kind of offer?"
"Perfect for the two of you. How can I contact your parents with the information?" The man removes his hands from our shoulders.

"How about you two pack my clothes? That way you approve of everything I take," I suggest.
"I like that idea," my father nods.
"And if you want, we can all go shopping for more, that way I have some new things too," I suggest again.
"Even better," My mother smiles.

"Excuse me for a moment," I mute my audio and turn to Zack on the treadmill, "could you not?"
"I get to be in here too," he objects.
"Do you want my physical therapist staring at your ass the whole time?" I point to the flat screen with my physical therapists face on it.
"Nope," Zack turns off the treadmill and goes to leave, "I'll be out at the pool for the next hour or so."
"Alright," I turn back to my physical therapist.

"Come on out," Zack insists, his voice soft.
I stand up off the floor, "let me change first. I'll be out in a minute."
I get dressed and then come to the door. I hesitate before opening it.
Zack greets me as I open the door and wraps his arm around my waist, "it's ok," he escorts me to the couch, "What's wrong?"
I lean my head against his shoulder, "homesick."
"I get homesick too," he says quietly, "its alright."

"Good luck," I laugh as Zack stands at the edge of the pool, thinking about jumping in.
Zack flips his hair, "I won't need it."
I push him into the pool, laughing as he begins to resurface.
My laughter turns to squeals as he gets out of the pool, knowing what he's about to do. It takes a moment before he reaches me and when he does he sweeps me off of my feet and carries me to the pool. He stands there for a second before he throws me in.
As soon as I resurface he jumps in, splashing me in the face. I blink for a moment to regain my sight.
He laughs as I try shaking the water from my face and I scrunch up my nose. I start coming towards him, intent on splashing him, but he grabs my wrists.
I wiggle around and manage to tear my wrists from his grip and I proceed to swim around and jump on his back. With my arms over his shoulders, he starts thrashing around but I don't fall of. Then he goes underwater suddenly. I close my mouth and eyes, detaching as I and start kicking him under the water.
After a moment he stands up and so do I. I lunge forward to latch onto him again but he reaches out and grabs my arms so I can't grab him so I resort to kicking. He let's go of my arms for a moment and gets behind me. There he wraps himself around me, his arms entwined with mine, his legs wrapped around mine.
I struggle and eventually wiggle free of his grip and turn on him.
I throw my hands down and splash him, smiling mischievously and it starts a splash war.
We get closer to each other as we splash, laughter being heard over the water. I accidentally hit his hand when I go to splash and we stop. I look him in the eyes and we take a step closer each. Suddenly he's embracing me. He holds me close and then loosens his grip. I hold my head back and he takes it in his hands, pulling it closer to his. We kiss.

Yet another morning I wake up crying.

I turn on my phone, noticing that my cell service isn't all that great I try and find a spot where it is.

Zack: Hey
Zack: guys
Zack: guys guess what
Zack: hello????

He sends about 20 messages to our group chat with Ash and Jake.

Ash: What
Zack: Lana???? Jake?????
Me: What do you want

I get up and head to the bathroom before I start my day.

Once I'm back in my room I check my phone again.

Zack: Jake??
Me: W H A T
Ash: DUDE, spit it out

It takes a moment, but we finally get a response.

Zack: Guess who got a girlfriend!
Ash: Bro- What?

I shatter and drop my phone. My lip begins to quiver as tears begin to stream out of my eyes, wide with panic. I lay down and pull my stuffed Raccoon close to my chest.
I feel my phone vibrate and I reach for it, picking it up.

Ash: Lana
Ash: Have you seen the messages?
Ash: From Zack???

She PMed me.

Me: yep
Ash: Babygirl- are you gonna be ok??
Me: Nope haha
Me: I'm holding the raccoon already

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