Chapter Four

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"What's up fuckers?"

I swear, everytime I hear Cartman's voice, I die a little on the inside. Through my hood, I mumbled a greeting. "Hey, Cartman."

The other boys did the same. The bigger boy started going off on some tangent, but I just tuned him out. I slipped on my headphones and let the music take over.

"Hey asswipe, you still listening?" I faintly heard Cartman say before someone smacked the back of my head. Holding back a growl, I shot him a glare. "What the hell?"

"We're talking about you. I heard yesterday you where talking to him."

It took me a minute to realize he meant Butters. "So?"

"So, we agreed back in sixth grade to never speak to him again."

"Cartman, that was years ago," Kyle stated. "You're starting to act like a girl in a chick flick."

Stan snickered at this before adding on. "Yeah, can't you let that go?"

The big-boned teen gave them a shocked look. "Let it go? After what he did to me?"

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic tone. Thankfully, the bus spared us from any more of his bullshit. I slipped into my usual seat and remembered we had homework. I pulled it out of my book bag and half-assed it. Hey, it's done isn't it?

When we arrived at school, I made sure to distance myself from Cartman. He was being extra bitchy today, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

Before I even reached the cafeteria, I felt a few taps on my arm. Peering over my shoulder, I saw it was Butters.

"Hey there, Ken!" he chirped with a small wave. For some reason, my heartbeat sped up when he did so. "Hi."

"So, for the project-"

I had already started walking off, but the blond chose to follow me. Said something about coming over to work of the project, but I wasn't really listening. If it's not obvious, I have a bad habit of not listening to people. I really need to break it, but I don't know where to start.

I guess Butters could tell I was out of it, because he waved a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Kenny, ya there?" he joked.

"Hm?" I turned to look at him, causing some of my hair to fall into my eyes. "Oh, yeah, I hear you."

The shorter boy crossed his arms and smirked. "Oh yeah? Than what'd I just say?"

I couldn't help but return the smug look. "That you have a majority of the supplies at home and I just need to bring a pencil."

"That was five minutes ago."


The blond laughed quietly, causing my stomach to do a somersault. He shook his head and smiled up at me. "I said we could walk to my place after school. I only live 'bout fifteen minutes away."

I cocked my head slightly. "We can take the bus, y'know."

Fear flashed in his eyes for a brief second. "N... No thanks. It's quicker to walk, anyhow."

He was rubbing his knuckles together at this point and I started feeling doubtful. I opened my mouth to question him, but someone interrupted me before I could.

"Yo! Kenny! You coming or not?" Stan asked from the metal cafeteria doors. His gaze flicked between Butters and I and a curious expression crossed his face. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and instead nodded.

"Be right there," I told him. Glancing back at my lab partner, I gave him a finger gun. "See you then?"

A smile grazed his lips and he waved back sheepishly. "Yeah... Bya, Ken!"

I snickered at his reaction and spun back around, following Stan into the cafeteria.

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