Chapter 2 - December 21'st 1998 (4 days before Christmas) playtime mischief

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Curtis wakes up to a clunking noise.....that was coming from the basement curiosity got the best of him as he got up and investigate the clunking noise...he looked everywhere to see what was that noise and then he heard it down the basement and sees the washing machine on..... he thought, looks like mom and dad forgot to turn it off....*Curtis grabbed a fourth Easter-egg & turned off the washing-machine and to his surprise he sees the Tattletail doll on there as she giggled*...Tattletail? did she get in there?....oh well since she's out I might as well have fun with her....* he grabbed the doll off the washing-machine* Tattletail said while giggling, dizzy hehehehehehe.... Curtis said as he chuckled, well that's what you get for being in the washing-machine....*tgen he noticed Tattletail was low on charge*.....shooot your about to run low on battery....I better...*he noticed the charging station*....I could swear that wasn't there yesterday....well what can you do?..... he walked towards the charging station as Tattletail sang, lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.....*Curtis placed her on the charging station and as she was fully charged she was the same*...lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala....hehehehehehehehehe.... me Tattletail me love you let's play a game. Curtis said, I love you too about we play break the vase...... they wondered around the basement until they saw a green vase with a yellow line..... Curtis grabbed another Easter-egg but as they broke the vase it went dark.... surprised Curtis said, nuts the powers out..... Tattletail screamed and clung to Curtis.... Curtis said, its okay Tattletail...I'll go grab a flashlight...*he spots a flashlight and picks it up as he shook it*.....I wonder if mom forgot to pay the electric bill....I better check outside....*he took Tattletails hand and walked towards the door but then something shocked him when he caught a glimpse of two red eyes as the flashlight gone out*....what the...*gasp*....wh..who's there?.... *then the lights went back on*.... that was weird.....anyway better put you back in your box.... they went to where the present is but as Curtis walked towards it Tattletail said, *yawned* tired....*realized something*...Mama's scary... Curtis said, Mama? in Mama Tattletail? do you think that was her Tattletail?.....if she is scary then it's no wonder she was banned.... *he wrapped her back up in her box and rewrapped the present the way that it was*..... he was on his way to bed when suddenly came a knock..... he ignored it and said as he went to bed, oh man....I gotta bad feeling about that knock on the door....I don't wanna know who it is....but if what Tattletail said was true then it's no wonder Mama-Tattletail was banned from the stores.... but who is Mama-Tattletail.... he went to sleep with an uneasy expression on his face.

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