(Final Chapter) 9 - (The kaleidoscope part 2.) kaleidoscope frenzy and ending

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Curtis entered the Kaleidoscope but as he did....he found it super weird than he thought as he said, whoa....this looks a lot like my home...but really weird... he looked at the other two Tattletails names. Snow-globe and Night-Night... then he sees a note on the VHS....Curtis reads it allowed; I KNEW IT!....this tape is the reason your memories have been rewritten. If you watch it. It's power over you will be destroyed just hope nothing else gets messed up in the process.. Curtis said, alright here we go....

The song plays:

Baby talking Tattletail cause and then you hear him say....you can feed them treats....*Curtis: this sucks.* they really eat....Baby talking Tattletail you can tell that mama's there...she's your best friend....*Curtis: no she's not....* she was never banned...*Curtis: she's never banned?.....that's stupid she's totally banned... it's destroyed....now to think back....

The song ends.

December 20'th 1998 (5 days before Christmas)

Curtis woke up and in the clothes he wore and grabbed the gold flashlight as he went to the basement and took one peek at if of his presents.....when he opened it he was surprised to see a talking-Tattletail doll was wearing bright-purple hair wearing a violet dress and shoes.....with a bright pink bow again he thought: please be normal...please be normal...please be normal....as soon as he picked up the little doll she said, play time for me....big fun.... Curtis was said happily, YES!!..OH TATTLETAIL YOUR BACK!!.... he went up stairs with Tattletail..... Tattletail said as they got towards the upstairs, play time for me big fun.....give me a treat.... Curtis opened the fridge and gave her a cookie.... Tattletail laughed as she ate it.... then as they went up to the living-room she said, hehehe....brush me.... Curtis was surprised to see the brush outta the box and brushed her right away..... then as playtime came to an end Tattletail said, *yawned*....me tired.... that's when Curtis went back down and said, okay I better wrap he back up before my parents....YIKES!!! The basement was dark for 6 seconds as Tattletail said in a fearful tone, ITS DARK!!! She clung to Curtis who blushed....then Tattletail said suddenly, let's tell a joke...knock-knock.... Curtis said, who's there? Tattletail said, orange... Curtis said, orange who? then the lights go out and Mama-Tattletail was scary again and appeared as she said, ORANGE YOU FORGETTING SOMEONE! In fear and anger Curtis said, NO!....NO I'M NOT FORGETTING SOMEONE!! Curtis started to run with Tattletail as she said, MAMA'S COMING!! Curtis said, yeah and I bet she has a really mad upgrade... they ran up the stairs as Mama-Tattletail said, Don't leave me... Curtis said running with Tattletail, don't leave you?....NO WAY YOU'LL SHRED ME TO BITS WE ARE GOINA LEAVE YU WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! Mama-Tattletail said, I love you so much.... Curtis said leaving the kaleidoscope with Tattletail, LIKE HECK YOU DO!!! LETS GET OUTTA HERE TATTLETAIL!! They leave the Kaleidoscope for good.

(December 25'th 1998 Christmas Day)

Curtis woke up, got outta bed and thought as he walked in the living room, thank-god its Christmas today...but are things the way they were he spotted his present as Curtis said, only one way to find out....but had an uneasy feeling as he opened it slowly...he thought for sure Mama was in there*.... but as he opened the box Tattletail smiled and said as she stood on top of the box, you fixed me... happy that his friends back he hugged Tattletail and said, oh Tattletail I'm so glad your fixed... he picked up the last note... Curtis said allowed; wow...Curtis....I'm Impressed you did a lot better than I did. Hopefully your memories didn't get too mixed up down there....never hurts to check if anything is changed...say hi to Tattletail for me.... signed: your brother...Chance O'Malley... Curtis whispered, it really was you....Chance...I miss you so much...thank you.... then Tattletail said, let's tell a joke...knock-knock.... Curtis said eagerly, who's there? Tattletail said, me... Curtis said, me who? He looked closer and closer.... but then Tattletail said as she hugged him, me love you....hehehehehe.... Curtis said hugging her back, aww....I get it....me love you too Tattletail....hahahaa..... they hugged as the giggled and laughed in Christmas Day...


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