Family Problems

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Your p.o.v

You lead him through the park to that one corner were the empty tree with a wonderful night sight. You stopped and he noted the skyline and didn't even notice you moving to the tree. "Wow, when did you find that spot?" He turned to you and you sighed."Fight with my dad escalated. I found it and it gets mostly not visit since its far from the entrance." He nods and leaned against the tree. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you until your phone goes off. You took it and your dad spotted something about being out and not being home for days."Do I wanna know what he said?" You shook your head seeing the worry in his eyes."Just that e won't be home. So at least that's good, even tho he sounded drunk." You felt him eyeing you."Why didn't you reported him?" You looked at the punk with eyes that showed more self-pity then ever."He's paying rent and my whole equipment. I simply got used to it." You laughed softly and looked at the skyline."Did you know that my dad actually was very supportive when I started skating?" He scoffed at you."Nope, can't even imagine an abuser bastard being somehow supportive." You hummed and leaned more against the tree."Was before my mum left us. Never heard a thing from her after that." He sighed."Is your family-" "Fucked up? Yeah, it is. But I do have my freedom." You heard him set down.

You sat there in silents as he must have taken out his phone. "is this why you took the main theme freedom for skating?" You nod and gave him a small smile."Yeah, my last performance was my self-cut version from set free. I wanted to tell that I am free to do whatever I can and want even tho I am bound by something." He nods at that."Yeah, I could tell. But still, you shouldn't let that get you and at least you should get that ended somehow." You sighed and looked at him seeing him totally out of normal character."Did you lost your parents or why are you so involved?"

Yuri p.o.v

He froze as you asked that, he didn't really take in that he got heavily involved with that even tho he didn't get somehow a bit abused or something familiar. He simply sighed,"no, I just didn't have much contact since I only lived with my grandpa in Russia and my mom being nonstop busy. Don't even have contact with her anymore." You looked at him softly and he instantly regretted saying that until you smiled."we are even then." He gave a sound of confusion as you turned and tiled your head to him."I told you a bit about my family and you over yours." He looked at you until he sighed smirking." I see I have to head back since they think stalking is a good idea." You sighed."Sad but understandable. Wanna meet at the rink or rather evening at the park?" He knew you wanted to say'want to meet again' But gave you a smirk."Later~." His smirk vanished as he walked the streets down.

"Why am I so involved..." he muttered and walked into the hotel and took the staircase. He got unnoticed in his room and closed the door. He relaxed and took off his hoody and throw on a sleep shirt and shorts. He was about to call it a night as he heard a knock at the door. He opened it slightly to see Phichit standing there."Victor is searching for you. We planning a tour and would want your input." He noded annoyed,"At this time? I am sooo tired." Stretching Yuri walked over to victors room."Why did you plan something at 11 p.m. idiot" He said annoyed at the action of his rinkmate who simply threw an information paper at him. "We only have three days left before we separate to train for the competition. So we should take the time." Yuri rolled his eyes annoyed and closed the door harshly.

He should ask you for spots tomorrow.

You P.o.v.

You woke up to some women screaming and the door slamming shut.

Jumping up and getting ready you knew it was one of those days when your father screamed for you. You hushed down only to have a sting on your cheek from yesterday. Your father glared you down as you looked at the ground. "Make Breakfast. No training today for you!" He sounded very drunk and you braced yourself as you started making pancakes but frozen once you heard the very familiar sound of the belt getting slid one the ground coming near you.

You swallowed thickly.

Yuri's P.o.v.

He walked up to the tree from last time feeling surprisingly happy to meet up with you. He was about to sit down and wait for you as he saw a role of bandage roll out of the empty caved in a tree and he heard you cursing. He took it and stuck his head inside and you froze like a deer in the headlights. You were covered in red, blue and purple, your eyes were red and puffy and you were shaking violently. you jumped as he crawled into the now more tight place but he managed to sit behind you. You just looked at him over your with tears in your eyes as he inspected the bruises on your arms. "He fucked you up pretty bad..." He mumbled as he treated your injuries softly. He would laugh if it wouldn't mostly scare you.

He, the Russian punk,  patching a hurt girl up.

You must have sat a while here since you started to shiver after he bandaged your right arm. He warped his arms around your wasted and softly pulled you into him, covering you in his jacket after he managed to take it off during patching you up. You pulled it tight around you and him stroke your hair removing knots in it. You stopped shivering and he sighed exhaustedly. "A bad day huh?" You nodded and hide your head face behind your hair. "What did he do, I know it wasn't from training." You flinched and try to get away but he kept you still in his arms.

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