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Your p.o.v

You danced to a shortcut version of set free from Veorra and landed your last jump, a quadruple salchow. You got into your finishing pose and the audience cheered for you.

You relaxed as you got off the ice and put on the covers on the blades from your skates. Your father sat with you in the kiss n Cry corner and anxiousness started to plague your mind. The reason was rather simple, He calls it "Special training".

You call it abuse.

They announced your score and you relaxed visibly. Your performance brought you on first place and even though you knew you did great with your performance the anxiety never left you. You both left after they handed you the gold medal and you wanted to avoid any questions but your father glared at you with a mix of passive aggressive and daring. You put on a neutral face and answered some of the questions before taking your leave. Already feeling better when you sat in the car driving back to your father's house.

Was everything fine now right?

You won so he was satisfied right?

No, he never was.

He would always put the training level above your ability's means he made your life to hell.

"Come on, even the triple toe loop is too much for you. Again till you can do the program perfectly."  he spotted in German at you. You simply nod and repeated your program, your feet hurt and the only sound in the empty rink were your skates gliding along the ice. You finally finished and wanted to get off the ice as your dad slap you. You hold your cheek and looked at the ground thinking what you did wrong until you understand that it was only for his pleasure this time.."Don't think that's all for today! I don't wanna see you at my house until 9 p.m. got it?!" He growled annoyed and you nod again. He lit up a cigarette and left shortly after that. You turned back to the ice ignoring most of the pain by now. Tears started to build up as you repeat your stepsequenz and you exhaled deeply as the cold dried and cool them down. You glide along the ice, totally forgetting your surroundings. And not noticing that someone stood there watching every move.

Yuri's p.o.v

"And why did I have to tag along?" Yuri asked as he followed victor through the streets of Eppelheim in Germany. The silver-haired men laughed."Because Christoph wants all of the skaters which attend this year to meet in Germany. AAAAAAnd maybe because you are too focused on training." The blond on spatted at the remark."And? Whats wrong with that idiot." Victor sighed and both got finally to the local ice rink. Victor got a call and he checked instantly his phone and sighed."You can train alone, The others don't find the way." Yuri gave him a deadly look and stomped off and headed inside. Of course, they wouldn't find it, if that idiot said he want to meet in Swiss then he could at least say he knows where he's going.  After he calmed enough and headed to the ice, he noted someone training already and a man stomping off with a cigarette in hand. He avoided him and he instantly knew that guy was bad news when he saw his face looking at him as if he were some kind of minion of his. He put on his skate as he heard you cursing in pain as you stand the triple Axel. He followed you figure and noted that your landings were somewhat off. He rolled his eyes as he heard Victor coming in with Christoph, Phichit and the other Yuuri. Christoph spotted you and shook his head to yuri's surprise. "I guess the German ice princess booked for today." Yuri stayed silent as you sighed when you turned he saw a red hand imprint decorating your cheek. But your long [F/C] hair hid it quickly and from the surprise at being spotted, he couldn't tell if the others saw it too or if they didn't notice it.

"God Christoph, since when do you visit Germany?"Chris shuddered at that venom in your voice and you rolled your eyes clearly disturbed at his presence. "sorry princess, couldn't know that you train here." Princess? That name fits the attitude. And he thought he was aggressive.

You got off the ice and put your covers on, ignoring the other male skater and headed to the female changing room. Yuri knew that he wasn't the only one who didn't understand that at all.  Christoph relaxed."God, she's exhausting." All looked at him and Phichit crossed his arms. Yuri could already guess that the flirtatious bastard did something to her. "Sounded like you knew each other, considering the annoyed/aggressive voice." He laughed awkwardly and for yuri's surprise, even victor looked at him judging and Christoph scratched his neck. Yuuri looked at him calmly as though the Japanese were the only one "Calm" in that kind of situation. "we know through a meeting at the last competition. Wasn't pleasing because of her coach." All eyed him for a second until they decided to change the subject and train. Yuri rolled his eyes and left while the other changed. He waited outside, not feeling like skate with the other idiots and especially the pig. When he settled against the wall from the rink building he waited to let the autumn wind leading his focus away from the door. He flinched when he saw you and the red imprint on your cheek. You didn't seem to take his presence into account since you looked at the ground, your hoddy covering your hair and ears and it was zipped up til the zipper ends. You had black leggings covering your legs and knee-high boots hugged them.

He didn't exactly know if it was the fact that he was doing the right thing, but he stopped you with a hand on your shoulder. You tensed up in response and That one moment you clearly faked that smile, he knew that he did the right choice to stop you.

Your p.o.v.

You froze as you registered the hand on your shoulder. You turned to the person and smiled at Yuri, the Russian punk. Your dead [F/C] eyes observed his blue-green orbs, making him snapped out of his trance as you spoke up."Something that matters?" You could speak Russian, your simply not confident to talk in that language so you stayed with English at first. He sighed and took his hand and pointed to your cheek on the place your dad slapped you to be exact."I guess that matters? How did ya get that." His Russian accent wasn't strong but present and you raised an eyebrow and brushed it off, a stranger shouldn't get involved in abuse you started getting used to it anyways. "No need to worry about it." he glared at you and crossed his arms, clearly see the lie,"I asked how did you get it. Not for your opinion on it." It was a demand. He was intimidating he was half a head taller than you, making you feel like you talked with your father in a normal conversation You looked at him and gave a small fake smile."My father slapped me when I was slacking off, so don't worry. it's normal for me anyway." And with that, you turned, not even knowing that he was stunned at your action.

You spend your time walking through the city, having your jacket zipped up and pulling the hood from your jacket over your face. You walked through the city enjoining the more busy city and headed to the park nearby, knowing you need to catch up sleep and aiding your feet. You hushed through some bushes until you reached an empty shell of an old tree. The leaves turned red-orange and yellow already making it more comforting and beautiful. It was supposed to get rid of a long time ago but the owner was against it, in the end, saving your secret spot. You were glad that nobody would be around since it was in the farthest corner of the rather large park. You would always hide food, drinks sneaks, power banks, your 3ds and first aid kid there inside a black bag between the roots of the trees. You treated your wounds and relaxed since they weren't as bad as the others before. You drank a bit and focused on [YF/G] and listened to some music.

You had to kill 6 hours since your father gonna be mad one way or another.

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