Dont Forget The Sun :)

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(Listen to the song while reading)

Looking up into the darkened sky as red droplets fall onto midnight hair. Gloved hands tighten on a katana as they point the sword up to the sky. A sickening grin widens on the young females face, as countless bodies fall the the cold concrete ground below her bare feet.

Panicked screams fill the air as she advances on the small group of teenagers. Her jaw dislocates its self as rows of sharp teeth show their selves. A forked tongue tastes the air as the young female approaches the leader of the group.

The teenaged male holds his ground as he fights his instinct to run from the snake hybrid. Opening her jaw she bites his shoulder causing blood to pour from the newly open wound. His screams of pain fill the air as his friends can only watch in horror.

Finally realising the situation the teenaged male tries to fight back but fighting it futile. As she tightens her jaw severing arteries and bone the male let's out a painted scream. With a slight jerk of her head the males inter arm comes off with the sound of skin ripping.

As the young female throws the severed arm away, she stomps her small foot on the ground causing the earth comes up and wraps itself onto the teens. As the earth wraps around the first male he starts to panic, for he knows that with the earth holding him he will surly die. Knowing this the male starts to trash wildly even with his severed limb.

Annoyed with the males useless trashing the young female slices the teenaged males head off with her katana. Not wanting to deal with the others she severs their heads as well causing blood to spray from their dead bodies. The earth returns to its original form as the blood rain dies down.

Looking up to the sky small rays of light peaks through the clouds lightly kissing her blood stained skin. Smiling she raises a hand up to the sky as a gun shot sounds through the air. Blood pours from the small females mouth as she looks down.

Only to see a large hole in her lower torso. As blood dropped onto the green grass she slammed her katana into the ground, as earth shot up piercing the wilder of the gun that shot her. Falling to the ground the small female looked up to the sun.

"Reader-san please don't forget the sun." The small female said as death took her into darkness.




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