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Ok, before I start writing, I just wanted to say thanks to the lovely BSherred and UndyneTheUndying08 for trying to helping me when I had no ideas for this chapter. Go check out their sansxfrisk fan fictions as well, they're really good. Anyway, on with the story *trips over sentences and falls to the bottom of the page* *you hear echoed yells* I'm ok...

Frisk P.O.V
I tell sans everything, from start to finish. It feels as if a huge rock has been lifted off my chest. Sans invites me to sit next to him and we end up watching to for the rest of the night, although sans fell asleep halfway through an episode. Day after day, night after night. I kept getting nightmares, and they were getting to me, in a bad way. I could tell sans had noticed, but he kept it to himself. But even with all this going on, I was still happy. That is until I heard HER. "You KnoW, yoU weRe tHe oNe wHo kIllEd eVerYonE. I onLy cAme To gIve You GuiDanCe." Even though it was an echo, Chara's voice was freaking me out. 'Shut up Chara!' I thought. Then I imagined her falling into one hundred bear traps. That shut her up.
I walked into the lounge room seeing sans on the couch watching T.V. "Hey sans!" I say cheerfully. Sans turns to face me. "Hey kiddo, wanna go to Grillbys?" I nod and run into my room to grab a jacket, racing back out and to the front door. "Ready kiddo?" Sans asks, his hand outstretched. I nod and take his hand, the familiar light blue aura, disappearing to show Grillbys. I walk with sans to our usual spot on the bar. "He'lL neVer ForGivE yoU". Of course, she had to ruin the moment. 'Shut up Chara' i think-say. "WaiT! You HavE feEliNgs For The ComEdiAn, dOn't You? Ha!" I feel my face heat up from blushing. I must've stayed silent for a while now, because as I was having my little 'chat' with Chara, sans waves his hand in front of my face. "Hello... Earth to kiddo? I asked what you want". I snap my head up from daze I was in. "Huh? Oh... I'll just have some fries..." I put my head back on my hands, lost in my trail of thought. "Your acting like a star." I hear sans say. I just look at him confused. He continued. "Your spacing out". I face palm myself and chuckle at his excuse for a joke. "Wow that really tickled my funny bone" I say back. Sans chuckles at my remorse. "Wow kiddo, your getting really Punny". After hours of funny jokes and puns, it was time to go. As we were walking home, sans seamed bothered by something, as his face was a full blown blueberry. He signed so I turned to him. "Hey kiddo..." I look him in the eye sockets. I was curious where he is going with this. "I have something to ask you..."

Sans P.OV
'I'm gonna do it' I tell myself. "I have something to ask you...". I pause, trying to remain calm. "Will you be my girlfriend" I blurt out. I was blushed to perfection. I close my eye sockets and wait for a response, any response. I open my eye sockets to see frisk blushing as hard as mine. But what I didn't expect was for frisk's eyes and to glow with determination. I hear her clear her throat. I immediately regret asking. "I...I'm sorry kiddo, I shouldn't have asked at all. I'm such a bonehead..." I was about to continue when frisk shushed me. "You didn't let me answer sans..." I look at her, a smile on her face. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, bonehead." I smile and give her a kiss, a tear in my eye. Frisk wipes the tear away and giggles. "Come on, we better get home before paps yells at us". Then, we walk home, hand in hand.

This is the happiest I have ever been in a long time

*lands with a thud* Owie. *wipes scraped knee* Anyway, sorry for the late update. My Guinea pig just died and I have had some hard times in school. Well, here it is, again, sorry for how late it is, but I'll try and get more chapters out sooner, rather than later. P.S, remember to leave and idea, if you have any.
~Greatest Craptasticly Out~

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