Chapter 16

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Let me know if you lovelies have any song recommendations :)

8 Letters- Why Don't We


The cries of pain continued on even after I had walked away.

Wiping my hands on a towel that a pack mate handed to me, I glanced back over to the cell where the two rogues were now on the verge of passing out.

A flicker of guilt passed through me at the sight of their bloodied bodies, but I pushed it away.

Normally, I wasn't this rough when it came to rogues passing through my territory, at least, not to ones who didn't deserve it.

But these rogues were different. Their scent mingled with his. They were a part of his makeshift rogue pack, and for anyone associated with him, I wouldn't show mercy.

The rogues has refused to give up any information, which made them completely useless to me, and had merely become my punching bags to release my frustration.

Handing the now-bloodied towel over to another pack member, I made my way over to the utility sink protruding from the wall on the other use of the room.

"Bring me a new set of clothes," I shouted to no one in particular.

"Yes, Alpha," a wolf answered back, then took off.

Stripping out of my stained clothing, I used another towel to scrub off the excess amounts of blood coating me.

I couldn't let Heaven see me like this. I never wanted her to see the darker, violent side of me. She's too good, too innocent in all of this to ever see how animalistic I can truly be.

And this is why she's too good for you, my thoughts whispered.

I shook my head, and scrubbed harsher at my skin, determined to get every last drop of their blood off of me.

I finished cleaning myself just as the wolf came back with a fresh stack of clothes.

He set down the stack, and took off as soon as I dismissed him with a slight nod of my head.

Now, to get back to my mate.

✧ ✧ ✧


"So," I spoke from my position on the couch, where my feet dangled over the armrest, and my head was resting on the seat cushions, "That's the summed up version of my horribly miserable life."

"Damn," Tara responded, sounding dumbfounded by my story.

But it was hard to take her seriously when she was sitting upside down on the couch, her feet up in the air and her head dangling off of the edge.

"Also," Tara said after a moment of silence (which was rare for her), "Your friends sound like real asshats."

"You got that right," I snorted, reaching my spoon back into the gallon of ice cream that laid on my stomach.

"And don't even get me started on your mom," she continued, digging into the ice cream with her own spoon, "What kind of mom leaves her child alone to fend for herself for months on end?"

"A really shitty one," I respond, causing her to crack a smile.

"Still," Tara answered through mouthfuls of ice cream, "No matter what tragedies she went through, I don't think there's any excuse to practically abandon your child."

"Yeah," I responded, absentmindedly rubbing my shoulder blades, where a large scar adorned me, a constant reminder of the night my life was torn to pieces.

"Well, you don't need them anyways," Tara responded, sounding sure of herself, "Because you have me now!"

Not a moment later, she launched herself right on top of me for a bear hug.

"Hey, watch the ice cream!"

"Heaven, Tara? I'm back!"

At the sound of August's voice, Tara immediately got off me and stood up straighter. Her face became serious (well, as serious as she'd ever look with her bright pink attire).

I stood up as well, still clutching my gallon of ice cream in my arms.

"Alpha," Tara greeted, bowing her head down as August entered the room.

"Tara," August nodded in her direction, "Thanks for keeping Heaven company."

As soon as he had properly acknowledged Tara, August wasted no time in scooping me into his arms.

"Hey, my ice cream!" I whined, reaching towards the tub of deliciousness that he had tossed onto the coffee table.

"Would you forget about the ice cream?" August groaned, pulling me closer so that he could rest his chin on my shoulder, which must've been quite uncomfortable, given the height difference.

I merely grumbled a response, giving in to his embrace.

"I missed you," August whispered into my ear.

"You were only gone for like two hours," I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah," he answered, "Way too long."

And with that, he leaned down, pressing his soft lips against mine in a quick kiss.

Reveling in the feeling, I nearly yanked him back to me when he pulled away.

"Aww," Tara cooed at us, "You guys are adorable."

While I was wrapped up in August's arms, I had completely forgotten that Tara was still there.

August merely rolled his eyes at her, turning back to me as I let out a giggle.

"Alright then," Tara drew out her words, awkwardly shuffling towards the front door, "I think I'm gonna head out now."

"Bye Tara!" I shouted out, waving goodbye with the arm that wasn't trapped in August's hug."

"Bye Heaven! We need to hang out again soon!"

And with that, she was out of the house.

"I'm sorry I had to leave earlier," August began, finally releasing me from his arms, "Some pack business came up."

"It's alright," I shrugged, flopping down onto the couch. August quickly followed, seating himself beside me.

"So," I started, snatching the ice cream back from its spot on the coffee table, "Movie marathon?"

August looked down at me with a smile, then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.

After we were comfortable, he grabbed a blanket from on the couch and wrapped it around the both of us.

"Chick flick time!" I screeched, diving to get the remote before August could get his hands on it.

"Nooo," August groaned loudly.

"Please?" I begged, looking at him with wide eyes.

His eyes softened when he saw me, and I immediately knew that he would cave in.

"Fine," August agreed, throwing his hands up defeatedly.

I giggled, and began flicking through movies.

"You can't keep giving me those eyes," August complained, settling back down next to me, "Or else I'll never be able to say no."

"That's what I was going for," I laughed, clicking on Mean Girls.

August's eyes widened at the screen once he saw what I chose.

"This is gonna be a long night," August whined.

I just smiled, scooping out another bite of ice cream.

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