Chapter 21

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Lie to Me- 5 Seconds of Summer
I'm OBSESSED with this song right now

This chapter's longer than usual, so enjoy lovelies :)


It's easy to believe that the world revolves around you.

It may sound selfish to say out loud, but it's often that we begin to only look out for ourselves instead of recognizing other people's feelings.

It's so easy to fall into the trap, and believe that you're the only one that's being affected by something.

It's nothing to be ashamed of; because, truly, who has never been even a little selfish?

Like right now, surrounded by all of my old classmates from before I graduated, I still somehow felt alone.

And I couldn't help but to pity myself a little for it.

You were the one who chose to come here, I scolded myself, You could've just forgiven August. You might've been snuggling with him on the couch right now if it wasn't for your temper.

I knew that it was my actions that brought me to this situation. I was the one to blame.

I knew that I'd hate it here. I knew that my 'friends' weren't really all that friendly.

But still, I came back.

It's selfish of me to pity my situation when I'm the cause of it.

But as I stood among the stumbling teenagers, surrounded by the strong smell of alcohol, I couldn't help but to search for Malia's face in the crowd.

As soon as I spotted her chestnut hair dancing among the chaos, I began to fight my way through the sweaty, crowded teenagers, pushing back a few hands that got a little too grabby.

I made my way to where Malia was dancing all over her boyfriend Eli, while Tasha and Max were nearby, equally as intoxicated and reckless.

The only person that I couldn't spot was Garrett.

Good, I thought, If I ever see that asshat again, I'm gonna kill him.

I still couldn't believe that Garrett had left me in the woods, helpless and injured after my fall.

He claimed that he would get me help, and he never came back.

I hadn't ever liked him in the first place, but his betrayal had fueled my hatred even more.

"Malia!" I called over the headache-inducing music.

She glanced her head up, locking eyes with me.

"Oh, hey Heaven!" she yelled, then turned to resume her dancing.


She really didn't care that I had come.

None of the other members of the group spared me a glance, except for Tasha who flashed me a quick smile.

Rolling my eyes, I went to grab a drink.

"What ya want?" A red headed boy slurred to me, standing near the numerous bottles of alcohol.

"Surprise me," I shrugged.

I watched as he made my drink, making sure nothing was slipped into it.

As I took the red cup from his sweaty hands, he gave me a clumsy wink, and I had to refrain myself from wrinkling my nose.

I gave a tight-lipped smile (which probably looked more like a grimace), and turned to find a place among the outskirts of the crowd to stand quietly.

Just as I found a nice place to settle against the trunk of a large pine tree, I felt a large hand grip my shoulder.

Turning quickly, I had expected to be facing burning amber eyes.

But my hopes were dashed as soon as I saw a pair of deep brown ones staring back at me.

"Garrett," I spat, turning back around and taking a sip of my drink.

The liquid burned its way down my throat, and I scrunched my nose at the taste. But it was better than having to converse with the idiot beside me.

"Please, Heaven," Garrett begged, stepping back in my line of sight, "Can we talk?"

"Make it quick," I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him.

He nodded, then launched into his explanation.

"I didn't mean to leave you out there," he began, "But I passed out before I could go get help. The others found me and took me back to the camp."

"And in the morning you didn't tell them what happened to me?" I questioned, my eyebrow quirking at his stupid explanation.

"W-well," he stuttered, "No. I was scared. Scared that you were dead, or that you would blame me for what had happened."

I felt my rage burn through me, my fists clenching at my sides.

"No one questioned my disappearance?" I asked, grinding my teeth.

"No one asked, so I didn't tell," He confessed.

He continued to talk, only fueling my anger even more.

"I hoped that you'd be okay, you know?" He said nervously, "And it's obvious you are. It's not that big of a deal, right?"

A sickly sweet smile covered my face as I got closer to him.

He looked relieved at my expression, obviously not reading it deeply enough.

When I got into close range, I suddenly swung my knee directly in between his legs.

He doubled over quickly, gagging at the pain.

"Never talk to me again." I hissed in his ear, then turned to walk away.

I downed the rest of my drink in one swift motion, shaking my head as it went down.

This sucks.

The party was a much worse idea than I had originally planned, but I had to hold my ground. I wouldn't allow myself to let August walk all over my trust anymore. I wouldn't forgive him until he started to let me in.

So, I stubbornly decided to stick out for a while longer, refusing to give in to my want to be with him again.

I continued to walk around the party, already tired of the constant noise.

"Heaven!" A feminine voice screamed from the crowd.

Malia and Tasha came rushing out of the crowd, barreling towards me. The three boys walked casually behind them.

I fixed my glare on Garrett, who looked extremely embarrassed and made the intelligent decision to keep a respectful distance from me.

I turned back towards the girls, wanting to see what they rushed to talk to me about.

"You need to see this group of guys that just showed up!" Malia shouted.

"They're sooo hot!" Talia added, "I wonder if I can snag one of them."

I rolled my eyes, watching in amusement as both Max and Eli watched, angry that the girls were talking about other guys.

I knew that Tasha wasn't actually dating Max, but I'm not exactly sure that he saw it that way.

I listened longer to their explanation of the guys.

"This one is so cute with wavy black hair and tan skin," Malia described dreamily.

"Ooo and don't forget about the really tall one with curly brown hair," Tasha gushed, "His eyes were so pretty."

At the mention of pretty eyes, my head shot up in interest.

"What color eyes?" I questioned, nervous.

"Like an amber color, why?" Tasha questioned.

"Shit," I said out loud, looking around for the perfect description of August and Antonio that the girls had just given me.

"Look!" Malia shrieked, pointing into the throng of dancing teenagers, "They're coming this way!"

A moment of panic rushed through me, and I had contemplated on running or hiding. But I knew that it was useless, especially against two werewolves.

August's and Antonio's large bodies made their way through the crowd, pushing the jealous boys and drooling girls out of the way.

August's eyes pinned to me right away, the gorgeous amber flickering with relief.

He moved faster, recklessly shoving his way towards me.

Tasha and Malia watched his movements with anticipation, twirling their hair flirtatiously.

As soon as I was in arms distance of him, he grabbed me, pulling me into his chest.

Once he released me from his hold, I glance my face towards his, and he wasted no time in brining our lips together.

The kiss was urgent, with his arms pressing me directly to him.

I responded with just as much urgency, realizing just how much I had missed him since I had left.

Maybe the mate bond is starting to really leave its effect on me.

Once the kiss ended, he touched our foreheads together, letting out several breaths.

It was then that I had realized the group of people that had watched the entire show.

I turned my face from August's to face them.

All of their jaws seemed to be dropped, while Malia and Talia had a slight bit of jealously flickering through their eyes.

"Come home?" August whispered, pulling my chin so that I was facing him once again.

"Yes," I answered, as he gripped my hand in his.

He pulled me close to his side, Antonio standing at a distance to keep the crowd of sweaty adolescents away from us.

I didn't even spare a glance backwards.

We made our way out of the clearing and back into the woods.

We continued our walk in complete silence, the fading thump of the bass was the only sound between the three of us.

August kept a tight grip on my waist, occasionally leaning over to give me a soft kiss on my head.

I leaned further into him, enjoying his warmth even though the summer night air surrounded us.

This is where I belong.

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