01: The Hobo and First Love Interest Are Introduced

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Third person POV

A 17 year old closed the tall front door of his mansion. He decided to walk to school instead of his chauffeur driving him in his limousine. His dark purple hair, which could easily mistook as black, flowed through the gentle breeze. He wore his school shirt while wearing other items of clothing not part of the uniform.

Grand Prescott Academy is known to be the most prestigious school to attend. It's basically impossible to get into the school without being rich or their parents being wealthy. They're pretty lenient with uniforms and students/parents take advantage of that by showing off fortune through their clothing.

As he walked off his property he looked down to find eleven 100 dollar bills on the foot path. Though he didn't bother to bend down and pick them up. Was he so rich that 1100 dollars means nothing to him? No, he was just used to this.

He continued walking, he reached traffic lights and the lights turned from stop to walk immediately after. He eventually arrived to Prescott and once he walked in it started raining outside.

As you probably already have caught on he has the ability of Extreme luck and later in the story, Pain infliction.


Elliot's POV

"When you stop buying cars, then come back!" My mother roared as she slammed the door in my face.

My family thinks I have an addiction to cars, just because I spent over millions of dollars on cars. My parents claim that they went bankrupt because of me... Which is probably right considering I have a car collection now.

I sighed and walked to the giant garage, opening it up. I started up my car of the day and drove away. Well, I guess I'm going to be living in my car from now on. I brought some of this car with my own money too, well... I robbed a bank with a three other people and used the money I got to buy more cars.

I even hired a hobo to be my chauffeur.

AUTHOR SWITCH aliciacorreia

He may not have known how to drive but he made good company. When asked, he told me in a gruff voice that his name was "Harold," and since then I've referred to him as "Harold The Hobo".

Anywho, I guess it's just Harold and I against the world now. A car enthusiast and an ex-hobo teamed up to fight the adversities of poverty. I'd watch a movie would that plot premise. "10/10 would bang Harold's actor" - says me, reviewing the hypothetical movie on Yelp.

Harold taps his fingers on the wheel and asks me, in the passenger seat, to read some house-listings in his beautifully husky hobo voice.

I absentmindedly read them out and when I was finished, I close my eyes and exhale, slowly. Maybe, just maybe I could get through this. I mean, I may be a wanted criminal but I think this really could be a more fresh, peaceful start for me.

Just me, Harold, and my beautiful car children.


I find Harold sleeping on the floor of my living room with cups of instant noodles surrounding him. I carefully step over his body and make a beeline towards the kitchen. I'd found an apartment relatively fast and it was close to the school I was in, too. I paid for it with my new part-time job as a taxi driver. I'd also managed to Alicia is a poop find the cheapest house among the neighbour of mansions which I was quite proud of. The realtor seemed to agree with everything I said; even when I jokingly told him I'd give him $5 dollars a week for it. I wonder if I knew I was kidding.

Anywho, I'd been accepted into the school on a scholarship a few months back. Y'know, before I was kicked out and disowned by my only remaining family. Ahhh, good times.

The school was next level rich. Like, Ouran High School Host Club rich. And I was broke. Like eating instant noodles every night broke. Sure, being a criminal who robs banks helped with the financials, especially after the last con I pulled, but that all went straight into my car-spending funds.

Hey, shut up the fuck up Judy, I don't have a car problem.

I give Harold a swift kick to the side and he immediately wakes up, hunching over in pain. Through his pained cries he manages a small "g-good morning, Elliot,"

"Get ready, we're leaving for Prescott Academy in negative two minutes," I say, staring down at his uneasy expression.

"S-sure thing. But could you stop kicking me?"

I kick him harder.


I sit in the passenger's seat, reading out the directions to Harold from the GPS he'd given me earlier. "Take a right at your next turn," I tell him, eyes not looking up from the screen.

"My right or your right?" He asks as he pulls to a stop at a red light.

"We have the same rights..." I mutter, sighing, before pointing to the right way.

"Ah, gotcha." he replies, peering down the road I point to. The light turns green and he takes a sharp turn, not bothering to wait for the slow-walking 10 year old that doesn't know how to use their legs and see when the walking sign is no longer on like a fucking dumbass.

The slow bastard gets away, barely. Harold continues down a straight street before being stopped at another light. I groan. "Ugh, I hate city traffic. It always has so many red lights and don't even get me started on the children walking at negative five miles per hour," I complain with a prolonged sigh. Harold glances at me sympathetically before looking back to the road.

Out of boredom, I begin looking around. I spot a cafe further up to my right and a young couple sitting outside. The boy has ash-black hair and a charismatic smile adorning his face. The girl has a love struck expression and wears the crest of Prescott on her jacket. Must be in my class.

I watch their interactions with squinted eyes for a few moments before groaning and looking away. "Ew, they're, like, in love. So unnatural," I say, shaking my head. I look to Harold, folding my arms over my chest, "the only things kids my age should be loving is their cars," I say, matter of fatly.

At my comment, Harold glances up at them as well. He has the same expression as me. He scrunches his hobo nose as he watches the boy spoon feed her a piece of pancake. "Agreed," he says before an evil glint appears in his eye. "We should run over that puddle near them; give them a splash," his smirk is concerning but also thought provoking. As he says this, he points to a large puddle left by the previous shower of rain placed perfectly near the duo.

His words make a lightbulb flick in my head. "Eureka!" I say, clicking my fingers together. "I just got the greatest idea," I say, turning to Harold with an excited grin. The former-hobo gives me an inquisitive look. I continue, "We should splash them with the puddle!"

Harold seems confused, he furrows his eyebrows together. "But I just said that. That was my idea,"

I roll my eyes at his childishness. "Harold, I think I'd know if you just said that. Don't copy the ideas of others. Try to be original for once, geez."

Something seems to click with Harold and his expression changes. "Oh, you're right. That was your idea! I must have forgotten,"

"Know your place," I mutter, half-jokingly.

The light turns green and Harold's and I's conversation quickly seizes. We both know what was happening next. No words need to be exchanged. Harold's foot slams on the accelerator.


Third Person POV

Valentine Kingsley - an aspiring criminal and total rich bitch™ - let's out a low chuckle as he stares into his date's eyes.

Natalie, he's 54% sure her name is. Might also be Nicole or Natasha? Maybe even Yuki. It's hard to tell.

Whatever-the-hell-her-name-is blushes at the teasing suggestion. Embarrassed, she quickly leans forwards and eats from the spoon her offered her.

She's smiling sheepishly after that. Valentine smirks, pleased with her reaction. He opens his mouth to speak again, ready with another one-liner to sweep her off her feet when suddenly a W Motors Lykan Hypersport speeds past the nearby puddle and soaks them both. Valentine stands from his seat, looking at his sullied clothes with disgust. It wasn't anything that wasn't easily fixed, though. Especially with his abilities. So he brushes it off. He glances back up at his partner.

The girl, on the other hand, looks devastated and tears threaten to spill from her eyes. Valentine outstretches a hand, preparing to ask if she was okay, but before he can she turns around runs away. He watches her retreating figure with a sigh. He could have easily stopped her, forcibly, but he didn't how he'd explain that. So he watches her attempt to run down the street in heeled shoes. Impressive or concerning, he can't tell.

A distinctive "fuck yeah!" Can be heard in the distance, followed by a loud whopping noise of celebration. Val turns his heads and finds the car beginning to drive away. Annoyed, the black-haired teen raises his hand, no longer caring who might see him, and stops the car with his ability.

It stops mid traffic and he can hear the noises of an engine revving and tires spinning, despite the car not going anywhere. Valentine begins stomping towards the driver's seat. The windows are tinted, so he can't see the people inside. He irritably knocks on the window.

The window is rolled down excruciatingly slow and reveals a bearded middle aged man dressed like a hobo off the street. "Ye?" The hobo-like man gives him a sound that resembles a question.

"What do you want, kid?" The man continues, narrowing his eyes at him.

"What do I want?" Val repeats, incredulously. He gestures to his soaking wet clothes. "I want justice," he replies bitterly.

The older man is suddenly shoved out the way as an annoyed, "get out the way you damn hobo, I got places to be" can be heard. The man leans back and now Val can see the passenger.

She's young, probably around his age. Young enough to attend his school, at least. "Can I help you, ma'am?" The woman asks.

Val taps on the window sill. "I need to ask you to open the door, I want this conversation to be face-to-face," the boy expects aggressiveness when he asks this but the girl merely shrugs and reaches for the door.

"Sure thing, ma'am,"

Val moves to accommodate the car door but it is futile as it hits him the face anyway. The car was the kind that open doors vertically but this one seemed modified and the doors flew open instead of being steadily raised. Val is hit in the forehead and is knocked back.

"What the actual fu-" he can feel a bruise forming. He rubs his head and glares down at the girl. He prepares to tell her off, challenge her to fisticuffs at dawn, but doesn't. All train of thought leaves him as he looks down at her. He places a hand on the side of the opening and leans forward to stare closer at the girl's face until their noses are almost touching. "Do I know you?" He asks.

The girl seems flustered, not embarrassed-flustered though. He knew that kind of flustered well. She seemed more panicked than anything. "No, you don't," she says, avoiding his gaze.

Val moves his hands and stands back from the car. "Huh," he says. "Guess I don't," he shrugs. "Sorry to waste your time, I guess," he says and releases his ability on the car.

"Don't worry, I'm a forgiving person," she says. She turns to the other man. "Let's ride, Harold," and with that the door closes and they speed away.

Valentine stands there, in the middle of the road, for a few moments, wondering who he could have confused her with.

He walks over to the cafe and sits back down at his seat. He's quiet for a while. "Wait a minute..." He says after some thought. "No, I do know her! She was at the heist! And why did I say thank you and let her drive away?! She was the one that splashed me!" He yells, standing up and slamming his hands in the cafe table. The other customers politely decide not to comment.

"I feel tricked..." He mutters quietly, sitting back down in his seat. "I feel.." He hesitates, holding a hand to his heart dramatically, "... used."

Once finished with his realisation, he takes notice of the clock on the wall and how late he was to school. He grabs his bag and glances down at his clothes. He quickly casts an illusion to make them seem clean again.

"I wonder if she's like me..." He mutters, recalling his abnormalities. His gifts. His abilities: immobilisation and illusions.

Meanwhile, the girl drives away with her hobo companion, thinking of how smoothly her encounter had gone. She remains blissfully unaware of her ability. She had the power of Persuasion.

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