Chapter 5: Dixie

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"WHAT!? How could there be someone inside!?" Branch wanted to investigate.

"I.. don't know.. but I think I can see them!"

"Investigate! Investigate! Investigate! Investigate!" Tatum began to chant.

Poppy and Branch walked over to the rocket, and were about to lift the top off, when it busted off. Branch and Poppy backed away. Just then, a mysterious figure began to step out. They didn't look like a pop, country, rock, funk, techno, or classical troll. 

"Is this.. earth? Or, should I say, TrollsUtopia?" The troll asked.

"Trollstopia. It's just Trollstopia." Poppy corrected.

"Sorry.. And, who are you..?" 

"We should be asking the same thing!" Branch stood in front of Poppy to shield her in case the troll tried attacking.

"Sorry about him! He's just a little cautious, but we love him anyways!"

Branch's face went red. "Uhhh"

"I'm Queen Poppy! And you are?" 

"I'm Dixie"

"Nice to meet you Dixie!"

"Yeah, yeah. Who's the blushie guy and who's the fan girl?"

"This is Branch!" Poppy lifted up Branch's arm and made him wave. Then she zoomed over to Tatum "And this is Tatum!" Tatum waved before Poppy could make her. 

"Poppy, Branch, and Tatum, hm? Okay, okay.."

Branch stopped blushing and got cautious and protective again. "What do you want?" 

"Again, sorry about him.. But what kind of troll are you?" Poppy wanted to know.

"What kind?"

"Yeah! Like, are you rock, country, classical, techno, or funk? Or pop?"

"Uhh.. I'm none of those.."

"Oh! Are you smooth jazz, reggaeton, yodelin, or k-pop?"

"What are those?"

"Oh.. Then what music tribe are you from?"

"Excuse me? Who says I'm from a music tribe at all?"

Poppy gasped. "You.. aren't from a music tribe? Then where are you from!?"

"Can't you tell by just looking at me?!"

"No.. I have no idea.."

"Wait.. don't tell me.. Is this the MILKY WAY GALAXY!?"

"The what?" Poppy was confused.

"Yes. This is the Milky Way galaxy. Why do you want to know?" Branch was still cautious.

"Oh for the love of Queen Marmie.. I'm from the Ring Pop galaxy"

"WHAT!? THAT EXISTS!? Oh my gosh, I've been searching for so many years to find out if that exists! Finally I have proof!" Branch became intrigued.

"The what?" Poppy and Tatum were confused.

"The ring pop galaxy is another galaxy with a bunch of other kinds of trolls!" Branch explained excitedly.

"Ok.. so.. what kind of troll are you?" Tatum barely understood what was going on.

Dixie sighed. "I'm a Wollip troll."

"Hey! That's pillow, but backwards!" This was the first thing Tatum understood.

"Don't wanna be rude, but that's actually highly offensive."


"What is the purpose of a Wollip troll?" Poppy didn't wanna be rude, but she did want to know.

"Ok I lied. We do sing music."

"What kind?"

"Wollip trolls sing par music. Teknalb trolls sing kcor music. Deb trolls sing onhcet music. And Elgguns trolls sing Christian music."

"Wut?" Tatum was confused again.

"I think par music is rap. Kcor music is rock. And Onhect is techno. Right?" Branch hoped he was right.

Dixie looked at him. "Basically."

Branch pounded his fist in the air. "Yes!"

"Well then, lets sing a song!"

🌸 Yo! Turns out we have a secret weapon 🌸

💎 A troll you know and love who's unafraid to step in 💎

🌸 She's constantly confusing, confounding the Unknown Enemies 🌸

💎 Everyone give it up for Trollstopia's favorite Wollip Warrior! 💎

🎵 Dixie! 🎵

💫 I'm taking this horse by the reins 💫

 💫 Making redcoats redder with bloodstains! 💫   

🎵 Dixie! 🎵

💫 And I'm never gonna stop until I make em 💫

💫 Drop and burn em up and scatter their remains, I'm!- 💫

🎵 Dixie! 🎵

💫 Watch me engaging em, escaping em, enraging em, I'm!- 💫

🎵 Dixie! 🎵

💫 Go to Trollstopia for more funds 💫

🎵 Dixie! 🎵

💫 Come back with more guns! And ships, 💫

💫 And so the balance shifts 💫

"Haha, that was fun!" Dixie was overwhelmed by how nice the pop trolls were.

"I know, right!" Poppy was happy to bond with Dixie.

"Hey, guys.." 

"Hold on a second, Branch" Poppy wanted to talk to her new friend.


"What is it, Mr Cautious Blushes-A-Lot!?" Dixie wanted to get to what she had to say.

"Where's Tatum..?"

To be continued..

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