| 3 | First Words

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"Come on Laura, say 'dada' or 'mama', please?" Jim begged as he kneeled in front of his eight-month-old daughter as she gnawed on one of the rubber toys she owned for teething. Laura stopped her gnawing to hold out her toy to her father, a little rubber pink and purple shark that was covered in her drool. Jim gave a small laugh before gently pushing the toy back to her. "No Laura, I can't chew on that. Daddy has big teeth, see?"

Laura let out a gurgle as she tried to reach up to touch her father's tusks before Jim lifted his head up a bit higher, not wanting her to accidentally cut her little fingers. She let out a little protested cry before Jim picked up her blanket that was folded next to him and draped it over his head and horns. He heard Laura stop crying and he gave a little snort.

"Oh no! Where did daddy go?" Jim asked in false panic. "Where's daddy Laura? Where's daddy?" Jim could hear his daughter start to shuffle towards him and held still as her tiny fingers wrapped around the bottom of the blanket and he quickly tossed the blanket off. "Boo!" Laura gave a loud squeal as she toppled backwards onto the pillow she was laying on earlier before she started laughing loudly.

"You found daddy! Yay Laura!" Jim cheered as he leaned forward to sit his daughter up properly. "You found the Trollhunter!"

"Still trying to get her to talk?" Jim heard Claire ask from the doorway of the living room.

"Yeah, but she's having none of it." The Trollhunter replied as their daughter reached up for her mother.

"Give her time Jim, she's still just a baby." Claire chuckled as she bent down to pick up the toddler and placed a kiss on her forehead. "She'll talk when she's ready, right Laura?"

"Blinky thought it'd be funny if she started babbling in Troll."

"Now that'd be hilarious."

Laura gurgled as she grabbed a strand of her mother's hair that had was loose and gave it a little tug, earning a chuckle from her father and immediately grabbed his finger.

"I'm still in shock that she hadn't turned blue yet." Jim mumbled as his daughter held onto his pinkie finger with both hands and started to gnaw on it. "Or grew tusks or horns or fur."

"Well even if she does, we're still going to love her." Claire replied as Jim nuzzled Laura's cheek, earning a little giggle as she released his finger and grabbed his nose.

"Oww." Jim muttered through a plug nose.

"Does this little half troll want to visit her favorite troll relatives?" Claire cooed. Laura's little blue eyes widened and she started squealing excitedly. "Yes she does! "Yes she does want to see Blinky, Aaaarrrggh, and Notenrique! And maybe if she's lucky she can see a certain blue welp!"

"Look at her getting all excited about seeing some trolls who just live next door." Jim chuckled as he went to grab Laura's baby bag. "But she has every right to since they've been pretty busy, especially Aaaarrrggh since he's back in Arcadia with Toby."

"Well let's hope Blinky isn't too busy to see his favorite student." Claire joked.


"Well I always try to spare some time to see my ever so curious student!" Blinky laughed while he bounced Laura in his arms as she squealed and giggled. "You should see her when I'm reading to her, she actually pays attention!"

"Well let's hope that she'll apply that same kind of attention when she goes to human school." Jim chuckled and frowned a bit. "Blinky, has she started talking around you?"

"Hmm? No, I'm afraid not Master Jim. If by speaking, you mean babbling, she does that a lot."

"He really wants to know if Laura started talking." Claire explained. "We speak both English, Spanish and Troll around her, but she hasn't said anything yet. This is sort of the age where babies start saying their first words or even walking."

"She hasn't, though I've seen her babbling rapidly around the gnomes." Blinky answered as he waved one of his free hands in front Laura as she tried grabbing them.

"Ah...ah..." The three adults eyes widened in shock as Laura kept uttering "Ah..."

"What's she saying?" Blinky asked as he held up the toddler.

"Blinky, I think she's trying to say her first word!" Jim exclaimed.

Blinky gave a loud gasp and held up Laura. "You can do it Laura! You can say it! Say what you need to say!"

Laura opened her little mouth before closing it and opening it again. "Ah...aaahh!"

"She just...screamed." Blinky muttered, disappointment lacing his voice. "Oh well..."

"Aahh! Aahh!" Laura screeched, waving her little arms as she tried reaching for her mother.

"Maybe she's trying to say 'Agate'?" Claire suggested as she took her child from Blinky.

"Maybe," Jim murmured and lowered himself to be level with his daughter. "Are you trying to say your best friend in the whole world's name?"

"Aaah! Aaaaah!" Laura yelled, waving her arms, her little blue eyes staring right past her father. Jim glanced back to see what she was looking at and his eyes widened in realization at what she was saying.

"Guys, she...she's calling to him!" Jim exclaimed as Aaaarrrggh came into the library.

"Aaaaah! Aaaah!" Laura shrieked happily as the Kubera troll walked over to the group and gave her a large smile.

"Hi." He greeted as Laura reached out for him.

"Aaaarrrggh! You've arrived just in time!" Blinky exclaimed happily. "Laura had just said her first word and it was your name!"

"Really?" Aaaarrrggh asked in surprise as Claire handed him Laura to hold in his palm.

"Aaaah! Aaaaah!" Laura yelled happily and Aaaarrrggh smiled.

"Isn't it adorable?" Blinky whispered as Aaaarrrggh sat down on the floor of the library while cradling Laura to his chest the way he used to when she was younger. "Who would have thought her first word was an attempt to say Aaaarrrggh's name?"

"No one did, but I'm still happy that her first word was of someone she knew and loved very much." Jim whispered back as he wrapped an arm around Claire's waist.

"Yeah, I actually caught Jim whispering 'crispy' to her very loudly a few times. At least her first word wasn't that." Claire added while looking up at her husband with a frown on her lips.

"Oh come on, she just liked it when I whispered it to her because she'd laugh at the faces I made while saying it!" Jim protested.

"It's a cursed word!"

"Laura doesn't think so."

"Laura isn't even a year old! She still thinks Notenrique is a cat!"

"...good point..."

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