| 8 | Feeling Blue

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"JIM! THE BABY IS BLUE!" Jim snapped awake at the sound of his wife's panicked yells from the nursery. He threw back the covers and practically leapt out of the bed with his phone in hand, prepared to call his mother. Was his son choking on something? Was he having trouble breathing? So many questions went through his mind as he burst out of the room to run down the hall towards his son's nursery. Laura had opened the door of her room rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes and trying to smooth her messy hair.

"Papi? What's wrong?" She asked as he slowed down to approach the nursery door.


"I'm coming Claire!" Jim quickly threw the door open to find his wife holding Jimmy and he was... giggling? What in the world?

"He's turning blue, look at him!" Claire yelled, shoving the toddler towards her husband.

Indeed the baby's skin was looking a bit more blue that it normally was. When Jimmy was born his skin had a strange blue tint that not even his grandmother or Blinky could explain to the bewildered parents. Jim had assumed it was just the light, but as time progressed, the baby looked a little more blue than usual. And now today of all days he looked like someone dropped him in a container of soft blue paint.

"Gosh look at him! He's literally turning into a troll!" Claire groaned as she pulled Jimmy's fingers out of his mouth. "First the thicker hair that started growing on his neck and now the skin! Next thing we know his ears and teeth are growing in like a troll!"

"It's uh...not bad?" Jim tried to assured her as he took his son into his arms. "I mean he can still be in sunlight, right?"

"For now, who knows if his condition is going to look like yours!" Claire moaned and covered her face. "We worried so much with Laura-"

"Who is perfectly fine."

"-but now Jimmy isn't going to be able to live like a normal kid! He's not going to be able to play outdoors with the other kids!"

Jim could see why she was so worried. For months they worried about how Laura was going to be even before she came out of the womb. No matter how many times his mother showed them on the ultrasound that Laura looked perfectly human, they always worried the troll features (unable to eat human food, unable to walk in sunlight, horns, tusks, a possible tail or extra limbs) would come along as she got older. Only trollish feature Laura seemed to have so far was the ability to leave teeth marks on plastic spoons, otherwise she was a perfectly normal child.

"You're going to be fine, I know it." Jim murmured to his son as he tried grabbing at his bottom lip with his chubby little hands. "Sure you now have blue skin like mine and a scruff on the back of your neck, but you're perfectly fine! Mommy is just very worried right now."

"We have to see Blinky, like tonight!" Claire said taking her husband's phone and punching in his mentor's number. "I am not letting my son scum to the life you are forced to now live! And I will not have Merlin experimenting on him either!"

"He's not going to touch him, I'll make sure of it." Jim assured her as the phone rang. "Look, Jimmy is fine so far and he's still drinking milk like a normal baby. He even likes his mashed veggies too!"

"Yeah but for how long? How long can this last?" Claire asked, not even noticing Laura enter the room in her school uniform.

"I'm gonna be late Mami." She announced, earning a startled yelp from Claire.

"Good Lord don't do that Laura!" Claire groaned. "Okay, go eat breakfast-"

"Did that."

"-brush your hair and teeth-"

"Did that too."

"Then wait downstairs for me!"

"I'll do that then. Bye Papi!"

"Bye, behave yourself." Jim said with a wave and chuckled. "Man she's fast, and who knew she could sneak up on a sorceress!"

"Oh hush you!" Claire scolded and swatted his arm. "Please put the baby back to sleep, I have to head to work after dropping off Laura."

"Fine, Jimmy and I get to have quality time then." Jim said as the said baby cooed. "Yes we're gonna have some Daddy and Me time today cuz I've got no work tonight!"

Once Claire and Laura had left, Jim made sure all the windows were covered to keep the sun from coming in before he laid out a blanket with numerous toys for Jimmy. While the baby was grabbing at every little toy on the blanket, Jim was busy reading books on troll history to create a lesson plan for Laura's class. As he was doing so, he heard his phone give a small buzz.

"Well this is surprising." He muttered as he turned his phone on to see it was a message from Notenrique. The message had a photo attached to it with the caption "best show and tell ever" in the text.

The photo showed Laura at her desk with some other students with Notenrique perched at the edge of the desk with a pencil in his mouth. He could see Laura grinning like crazy and waving at the camera with some of her classmates poking their heads into the picture. Guess she went through with bring something "interesting" to class.

"Please tell me the teacher freaked out." Jim murmured to himself with a small laugh as he replied to the changeling.

[Notenrique]: He most certainly did! Never heard a human man scream like that b4 but it was worth sitting in a backpack for a few hours

Jim laughed to himself, already imagining the poor human's reaction to seeing a small green troll pop out of Laura's bright pink and purple backpack probably yelling something like "hiya kiddies!" to make the children laugh. Laura had mentioned a few weeks before that she wanted to bring Notenrique or Strickler to the classroom to show the teacher more trolls, though he wasn't expecting her to do it so soon after getting scolded by the principal for bringing a gnome (that tore a hole in the classroom bean bag chair) and a goblin (that stole all the whiteboard markers and hid in the supply closet until Laura and Steven managed to coax it out with a peanut butter and cheese sandwich the boy had brought for lunch) for show and tell. At least this one ended well and Laura would bring something harmless into the classroom the next Friday.

"Well your sister certainly had fun today." Jim said as he picked Jimmy off the floor to sit him on his lap. The baby babbled, a small rubber toy that looked like a troll in his little grasp and covered in drool. "Let's hope you won't be such a handful, mommy is already getting grey hairs."

After feeding the baby and putting him down for a nap, Jim decided to take one as well since reading and writing notes for that troll history class he was supposed to give his daughter's class every Wednesday made him feel exhausted. The second he laid himself on the couch to take a quick nap, the doorbell rang loudly and Jimmy could be heard crying loudly upstairs.

"I'm coming!" Jim groaned as he reluctantly got off the couch. "I cannot come outside!"

"Jimbo open up! You know I don't have keys to your house!" Jim gave a small sigh of relief, now knowing it was just Toby outside of his house and not one of those annoying salesman trying to sell him something he already had, like a refrigerator or toaster (then again he'd probably take an extra toaster to take it apart and eat it). Jim carefully opened the door, taking care not to let the sun hit him as Toby entered the house and quickly shut the door behind him.

"Hey, how's work?" Jim asked once the door was locked.

"Ah pretty good, though Darcy says I can't bring rock samples into the house anymore." Toby replied with a shrug and noticed the tired look on his friend's face. "Oh were you sleeping?"

"Nah, I was just gonna take a quick nap after putting Jimmy down." Jim said, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Well he's awake." Toby commented, gesturing to the ceiling where they could hear the faint crying of the toddler.

"Oh great...it took me hours to get him to finally sleep!"

"No prob, I know a trick that's worked on Isaac when he was a light sleeper." Toby assured him, following Jim up the stairs. "A simple position to lay him in your arms and a little song should do it. Worked on Steven too, Steve literally cried when I managed to calm the little dude down and he never woke up at the sound of every creak in the house."

Once they reached the upstairs bedrooms and reached the nursery, Jim turned to Toby with a Stern expression. "Now Jimmy is going through some changes at the moment, physical changes to be exact, so please do not scream when you see him."

"What, is he growing a set of tusks nostril or something?" Toby asked making a face. "Jim I know he has always had a blue tint since he popped out of Claire, he's part troll! What am I supposed to expect, a tail?"

"Just don't scream!" Another wail sounded from the other side of the door. "Hang on Jimmy, I'm coming in."

"Holy cow!" Toby exclaimed when he saw the baby. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Jim he's blue! Like like bluer than normal!"

"Yes, I am very well aware of this." Jim muttered as he picked the wailing child out of his crib.

"Does Claire know?"

"Yes, she knows. In fact she woke me up yelling to me about it."

"Dude this...this..." Toby waved his hands towards Jimmy, who stopped crying and was letting out little whimpers. "We cannot let Merlin know! Oh gosh Blinky needs to know about this! A-and Strickler, and your mom!"

"No one is even going to know what to do, not even Merlin!" Jim pointed out as he let his son grab his finger and start to suck on his knuckle. "Also, I don't want to give my mom and Strickler anymore problems, they've already had enough with Zelda getting suspended from school for breaking a textbook on someone."

"First off, your adopted sister's suspension was weeks ago, she already apologized to the guy even though he provoked her in the first place but he got suspended too so that's a plus." Toby pointed out. "And second of all, your mom did tell you she'd do everything in her power as a doctor to take care of her grandchildren if anything troll like happens to them, like Jimbo Jr turning blue."

"I know, I know, but she's got her hands full raising three teenagers, even with Strickler helping her out and adding grandkids to the burden won't be helping." Jim sighed and looked at his friend sadly. "It's what I've always been trying to do Tobes, making sure that she doesn't have to deal with my problems."

"Jim, I'm sure she won't mind. Besides, Walt, Zelda and Petra have been making sure to make things easier at home for her like cooking, cleaning the house, reminding her and Strickler of important things they have to do, just like good siblings."

"I guess I should be glad to have some good siblings like them, would have been nice to have them around when I was younger." Jim chuckled. "But Zelda and Walt were being cared for by goblins in the Darklands and Petra didn't even exist yet."

"Now, shall we put Little Boy Blue to sleep?" Toby asked before chuckling. "Aww he fell asleep on his own."

Jim smiled, looking down to see his son laying against his chest with his little fist close to his mouth. He placed a small kiss on his little forehead before carefully placing Jimmy back into his cradle and placed a blanket over him.

"Know what, I don't think you're going to be a handful. I think you'll be the exact opposite once you get old enough to walk and do things on your own." Jim murmured as he brushed away strands of his son's hair from his forehead. "You'll be helpful for sure."

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