24 - Guardian of Hope

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When I realized it was Prince Richard who was standing in front of me at Princess Ripple's castle, I immediately looked away and saluted the guards standing around him instead. I refused to look at him, and, not surprisingly, he soon lost interest in me. He must not have remembered me or the horrendous day that we had met. He and I had both grown and changed, physically and mentally. Of course he wouldn't recognize me.

Soon after, my group and I were ordered to separate rooms in the east wing of the castle to await the incoming attack from Dark Matter. According to the king, it was bound to happen soon. We had to act as natural as possible so Princess Ripple wouldn't suspect anything, but it was hard to act natural when Prince Richard was there.

I walked into my room and was surprised by the luxurious bed and dresser. The bed was piled high with pillows and blankets, and the dresser had at least twenty drawers. Upon opening them, they were full of extra clothes, blankets, and jewelry. A dark blue dress hung in the walk-in closet for me to wear to a formal dinner I had to attend for the princess. The comfort of the room was strange to me. I was used to the hard cot and plain room of the army.

Flopping face-first down on the bed and throwing my mouth guard onto the pillows, I spent the next few hours imagining what had happened to Prince Richard. After my planet blew up and I joined the GSA, I never learned the real fate of the three princes. I had assumed that they had fled back to their native planets unharmed, but from Richard's condition, I knew something bad had happened. His leg was mangled and useless and he hobbled like an old man despite his age of only twenty-two years old.

His form had changed, too. I remembered him as the short prince with a loud, deep voice and English accent. Now he had grown a foot and had much more hair than the last time I had seen him. What had happened to him? Where were the other princes?

Suddenly, the answer himself knocked on my door. I gasped in surprise, jumped out of bed, threw on my mouth guard, closed my eyes, and settled my energy into the air around me. Almost immediately I saw through Prince Richard's eyes as he stood outside my door, free of any guards, looking nervously around in fear of being caught.

I opened my eyes and returned to my own mind. I thought he didn't remember me. Taking a deep breath, I said, "Come in."

The door opened and he appeared, his cape sweeping around him like a wave in the ocean, and hastily approached me where I stood next to my bed. I remained calm with my hands clasped behind my back as his dark chestnut eyes searched my sea green ones.

Finally, Prince Richard said in the same deep soothing voice, "Princess Nicolette?"

My lips parted under my mouth guard. He remembered my name. I didn't respond.

"Princess, is it you?" he asked again, bending down on his good knee and reaching for my hand. I didn't give it to him. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Ma'am, please answer. I must know if it is you."

My eyes narrowed slightly as I gazed down at him, then I released one of my hands and removed my mouth guard from my face. His face lit up as he recognized me.

"It is you," he whispered, then, leaning on his cane, he stood up and studied my face, especially the scar across my eye. "What has become of you, Princess?" He lifted a hand to touch the scar, but I quickly grabbed his wrist and held it away from me.

"What has become of you, Prince Richard?" I asked, looking him over again. He dropped his arm and didn't answer me.

"So... You became a Galaxy Soldier, hmm?" he asked. I nodded once and looked away.

"It's better than running away from the war." I looked at him out of the corners of my eyes. His face turned red in shame.

"I'm so sorry about-"

"What happened to you?" I interrupted angrily, looking at him with all of the force I could muster. "Where did you go for the past two years? Why did you leave me and my family? Why, I ask you, why?"

He swallowed once and took a step back. That's when I noticed numerous scars along his face.

"I was a coward," he admitted guiltily. Some of my anger subsided, but not all of it. "You are right. I and the other two princes fled as soon as that monster attacked the castle. You rushed to help Sir Meta Knight, and the next thing I knew Bill grabbed my hand and was pulling me out of the room. Diddimus led us. We ran out of the castle to the escape ship."

His face turned red as he leaned on his cane.

"While we ran, we were pursued by monsters. I tripped and the others tried to help me, but a giant lizard with a robotic eye was right behind us. Instead of helping me, the princes picked me up and threw me to the beast to save themselves. They took the escape ship and fled. The giant lizard caught me in its mouth and crushed my right leg from the knee down, then threw me into a house near the castle courtyard. There was a family trying to leave in a personal ship. I flew through the walls, unconscious, and they picked me up and took me with them to the New Arkiva. We barely made it out before the planet was blown up. When I was brought back to health, the people chose me to be their leader. I decided to try to get married again to please your people since they want a royal family so badly, and we need help in defending ourselves since we don't have a very stable army..."

My face remained emotionless as I listened to him. I wanted to feel angry, hurt, or something, but I didn't feel anything. I was, somehow, at peace.

I looked at him as he looked into my eyes and pleaded, "I am so sorry. I'm doing what I can for your people now. I haven't forgotten you, Nicolette. Please find it in your heart to forgive me."

The words jumped out of my mouth. "Apology accepted."

"What?" His mouth hung open in disbelief.

"I forgive you," I said calmly. "I know you messed up. I have too. But I'm glad you had the courage to apologize."

I glanced over at a clock on the dresser, and I saw that it was nearly time for the banquet.

"You're getting married now," I said as I walked over to the closet and swept the dress off of the hangar, "but you must be cursed when it comes to marriage. Don't forsake this princess. Be the protector of her like you should be for your-I mean my kingdom."

"What do you mean?"

"Just do as I say. If you care about me and about her, be Princess Ripple's guardian."

He stood and nodded, confused, then walked towards the door.

"You know, you've grown a great deal, Nicolette," he said, then left.

Trumpets sounded outside my door, and I rushed into my new dress and out onto the balcony. I saw the prince hurrying down to the lobby to meet Ripple. He barely made it to his place among the guards before she appeared and took his hand.

My emotions rose and fell like ocean waves as I watched them perform the royal galactic greetings and walk towards the dining hall. Richard was now an Arkivian Prince?! He was caring after my people? Where was this New Arkiva? Richard still cared about me?

Someone's hand touched my shoulder, and I jumped and saw Ren smiling down at me. He looked handsome in his dark blue tux and white hair falling around his shoulders. My already tumultuous emotions turned to a tidal wave.

"You like nice in blue," he complimented, moving his hand up near my ear and pushing it through my hair. I stood frozen, wanting to move away but at the same time wanting to stay glued to the spot. "Although, you could have done a better job hiding your swords." He moved my long hair and revealed my katanas crossed on my back.

I straightened my back and jerked away from him, and his hand accidentally ripped out a chunk of my hair.

Ignoring his compliment, I walked down the stairs to join the prince and princess. "Dark Matter's going to be here soon. I think it's best to stay on guard." Ren followed me in silence.

When we reached the dining hall, our group was already seated with the king and queen around an oval table as the mouthless animal-like servants brought them food. Princess Ripple sat at the head of the table with Prince Richard beside her.

Instead of joining them at the table, I walked over to a window facing away from the princess and surveyed the kingdom with wariness. That bad feeling I always felt before something horrible happened rolled in my stomach. Ren sensed something and asked if he could be excused from the table, then came and stood by me.

"What's going on?" he asked, crossing his arms. I played with the skirt of my dress.

"Something bad is going to happen," I whispered, crossing one arm across my waist and raising the other to bite on the knuckle of my finger. In between the cracks of my fingers I could see the faded, pink X-shaped scars that Yamikage had given me so long ago. As I looked out across the bright and sunny kingdom, flashes of dark clouds, broken buildings and the dark sunflower beings shooting lasers out of their eye flickered in my vision. "It's going to happen very soon."

"Do you want me to keep watch here with you?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied and took a roll of bread from a servant as it waddled by. Ren nodded once and looked out into the air.

"Tell me if you need anything else," he said quietly. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and pretended not to have heard him. I needed to focus.

Idle talk and chatter continued at the table behind us as the dinner was served and eaten. The images kept flickering in my head. I tried to act as nonchalant as possible so the princess wouldn't suspect anything, but Richard knew something was wrong. I could sense his eyes burning into the back of my head the entire meal.

"Nikki, can I ask you something?" Ren whispered to me after nearly an hour of silence.

"Shoot," I replied, but then the images of destruction stopped flickering. It suddenly was very calm. Too calm. Before he could ask his question, I said too loudly, "Wait, Ren, I think they're here."

"What are you talking about?" he began, but he was interrupted when a shadow came over the sky. A black mass with a single red eye appeared on the horizon.

I turned around to face the table and in the window across the room, I saw a Dark Matter, blurry and oddly opaque, break through and land in a pile of glass shards. It flew across the table, shooting lasers, and hit everyone seated. It came upon Ripple and Richard, and he stood up to defend her, pulling a sword from his cane, but he was quickly shot down. Ripple screamed as it prepared to shoot her when suddenly the vision stopped. Everything and everyone was still seated at the table, nothing out of place, staring out the window behind me.

What in the stars? I thought, but then I saw the Dark Matter flying at the window. Nothing had happened yet. I could still save them.

I sprinted towards the window across the room and drew my katanas from my back. The black and white gems in the hilt swirled with golden chi. Holding my them above my head, I brought them down on the Dark Matter as it flew through the window. Its eye bulged when my blades squished through its back, and it wildly shot lasers at everything around it. Before it could shoot me, Jecra ran in front of me and blocked the Dark Matter's lasers with his shield. The beam shot backward and hit its master, turning it into a pile of black goo. Turning around to the window, I saw more were coming.

"Help the royal family!" Amai yelled and appeared at my side. Her body turned opaque and white as she rose into the air, the blue dress she had on turning into her fighting tunic. "We can handle these guys. You know what's going to happen. Figure this out."

"I will help you, Nicolette," Richard said bravely, pulling his sword out of his cane and moving in front of the princess. I nodded and followed King Ansell towards the secret passage entrance in the back of the dining hall.

"Get us to the castle courtyard!" I yelled as we ran and slid through the muck covered tunnel. The delicate shoes I was made to wear proved to be useless for anything but making me trip, so I kicked them off. Mud and who knows what else splashed up onto the dress.

We quickly arrived at the passage entrance into the garden. Jumping out of the tunnel, the royal family landed in a heap on the ground while I teleported a few feet out. My stomach rolled as I looked around. Dark Matter beings had followed us out and had surrounded us. High above me, silhouetted by the red clouds above us, I saw him. Dark Matter Master Swordsman. Looking down at me, he laughed and teleported away using a pink crystal shard.

He has the celestial crystal, I thought as I gripped my swords. I felt movement and saw Richard standing beside me, sword in hand. We have to get to him.

As if reading my thoughts, the Dark Matter tightened the circle around us. Thinking quickly, I spun my katanas around in the air. Golden chi flew from my swords like dust. Then, sensing danger, the beings rushed in. Right before they hit us, I quickly drew a rectangle in the air with my blades and pointed my katanas at them. Instantly, a golden tidal wave of chi burst from the ground around me and overwhelmed the Dark Matter. I watched through the haze as they immediately evaporated into thin air. Then, as quickly as the chi had come, it disappeared.

Queen Jade turned to me with her mouth open in awe. "How did you do that?"

"Years of practice," I said, then took she and Ripple's hand and ran out of the courtyard. Behind us, I could hear the silky poof sounds of the Dark Matter teleporting behind us. Gathering my energy, I yelled for everyone to grab hands. Groaning with effort, I teleported us into a small fairy house I had seen in a village near the castle.

We slipped into the air and fell into the middle of the house a second later. My muscles and mind ached from the energy expended in teleporting so many people. Richard grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet as the fairies that lived in the home fluttered around us in fear and confusion. Ripple ran to a window and watched as the black cloud of Dark Matter above us used the crystal to teleport millions of its minions down to the ground.

"What is going on?!" she screamed at her parents. King Ansell looked down at the ground, then up at his daughter.

"We're being invaded," he stated.

"On my SUITING DAY?!" she cried, yanking the braids on her head. I rushed over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Princess," I said gently, "I've been through this before, too. I am the ex-princess of a planet called Arkiva. I was supposed to select a suitor when I was seventeen, but the day the three princes showed up at my castle, my kingdom was attacked by monsters."

She turned and stared wide-eyed at Richard as I spoke. He looked at her with a solemn and understanding expression.

"My whole family died and my planet was blown up, but your story can be different. I need you to listen to Richard and me and do exactly what we tell you."

I looked out the window and saw the blurry and opaque figures of Dark Matter as they appeared in the middle of the village square. The figures of fairies flitted around helplessly as they tried to escape. Then the vision disappeared.

"Richard," I said, turning my head to him, "Will you fight with me?"

"Always," he answered, holding his sword with both hands.

"Good," I said, holding my hand up. Thinking of my armor sitting on the bed in my room, I pulled my hand back towards me. The armor appeared on my body a moment later in a burst of golden glitter and replaced my dress. Ripple gasped in amazement. "King Ansell, the Master Swordsman has the celestial crystal. If we don't stop him soon, he will bring the most powerful monsters in NME's possession to your planet. Do you have any kind of secret weapon we can use?"

"Besides our Waddle Dees and spears, no, we do not," he said hopelessly. "As I told you, we are not fighters."

"I might have something," Richard said. "It was originally a wedding gift to Ripple, but it's a special staff with the power to dispel evil using the goodness of your heart. My parents gave it to me, and I thought it would fit in with this planet. It's called the Love-Love stick."

"The Love-Love stick?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Hey! It's powerful, okay? You want it or not?"

"It's our only hope at this point. Where is it?"

"In the ship I arrived in. It's really close to here, a few blocks from the square." Suddenly, I saw the first Dark Matter arriving.

"Dark Matter is attacking. Let's go." Taking Richard's hand, I teleported into the village square.

The dark monsters appeared around us, each holding a tiny pink crystal. Opening one hand to reveal five shurikens, I threw them around us into the monster's eyes. Once they had been hit, they turned into a pile of goo and the crystals flew up into the air into the clouds to be used by another Dark Matter. High above us, floating in the middle of red and black clouds, sat the Master Swordsman.

"Behind you!" Richard yelled, pulling me from my thoughts, and jumped in front of me with his sword in his right hand. Crying out, he swung it across his body and sliced a Dark Matter in two. Then, spinning his sword with one hand, he thrust it in front of him, impaling two more Dark Matter. He pulled his sword back and swung it around his head, killing some more above us. Suddenly, one appeared next to his bad leg. Before it could hurt him, I turned and thrust my katana into it, while he leaned across me and struck one to my right. Smiling at me, he pulled his sword back and wiped the edge of the blade on his cape. I stood up and looked into the sky, but my target had fled.

"The ship's this way," Richard said, pointing his finger to the east, then grabbed my hand and took off. As we ran in between fleeing fairies and spawning Dark Matter, I could see the metal of his ship shining just above a few house rooftops. Seeing more Dark Matter in front of us, I pulled him to a stop and quickly teleported to the ship. Agony filled my body, but I forced every muscle within me to move us to our location. I could hear Richard's scream of boyish glee as we landed with a thud on the top of the ship a second later.

Panting, I heaved myself into a sitting position on the roof as Richard slid down the side and disappeared into the ship. I tumbled down to join him, but I felt something pulling against me. Then my feet came off of the ground.

I squirmed and thrust my body around, but I couldn't move. Panic ensued as I realized my situation. I was trapped in a tractor beam from a monster. Completely helpless. Looking above me, I saw Dark Matter opening a rift to another dimension and pulling hundreds of UFO-type ships down onto Ripple Star. Other fairies were being sucked up as well.

"Nicolette!" Richard yelled. He had reappeared from his ship and was holding a yellow stick with red rings around the pole, and on top was a giant golden heart.

"Toss it! Quickly!" I yelled back as I was pulled up. Swinging the wand, he launched it into the air. I caught it and held it tightly.

"Nicolette, don't use your katanas!" he yelled up to me as I disappeared into the dark clouds. "Use only the wand! It'll be all you need!"

I sighed nervously and clung tightly to the stick as the prince disappeared from view and I was brought up into a blood colored world.

All around me, Dark Matter hovered and watched to see if I would fight. They just sat there, watching my every move. Suddenly, the UFO stopped the tractor beam and disappeared with a zap. Instead of falling, I floated like there was no gravity.

"Why hello there, Lady Nicolette," a deep voice said from behind me. I tried to turn around to face it, but I only succeeded in flipping myself upside down.

"Dark Matter Master Swordsman," I hissed, trying to sound menacing, but I knew it was nearly impossible with the blood rushing to my cheeks. He laughed.

"Remember the last time we met?" He circled around me, waving his sword. I wanted to reach for my katanas, but I remembered Richard's instructions.

"Vaguely," I replied nonchalantly.

"Please. You and I both know the extent of each other's power." He brought his sword close to my neck. "Who wants to make the first move?"

I raised the wand, intending to demolish him for good, but I couldn't do it. Looking at him reminded me of the time I had killed him, and I suddenly felt guilty.

"Well go on! Aren't we going to fight?" he jeered, then I noticed something behind him. A giant white eye with a glowing red iris and black pupil watched me. I blinked at it, and it blinked at me. Suddenly, a name came to mind. Zero.

"Zero?" I whispered out loud. It's pupil dilated in surprise.

"My master," the swordsman explained. "He will destroy you if you do not die fighting me."

Suddenly I couldn't fight. Flipping back upright, I pressed the wand against my heart and observed the two Dark Matter beings. The Master and the Slave. The Ruler and his Servant. But the look in both of their eyes expressed something deeper than hate.

Closing my eyes, I entered Zero's mind and discovered what that feeling was. Longing.

A memory occurred to me. Back when Meta Knight and I had fought these beings to keep them from making a wish on Nova for Nightmare, Meta Knight had told me that Dark Matter wasn't capable of feeling anything other than loneliness or sadness. I had replied that we would never understand the feeling of wanting to be happy or desired because we had it all. I recalled the remorse I felt over killing the Master Swordsman. He had cried telling Meta Knight about his planet. It sounded horrible. I didn't blame them for being jealous of a thriving planet like Ripple Star. I probably would be, too.

A rumbling noise interrupted my thoughts, and I opened my eyes to see Zero floating a few feet away from me. I smiled nervously, realizing I had just shared that memory with him, but he didn't seem angry. If anything, he seemed pleased. Around me, the rest of the Dark Matter had gathered and were looking at me sympathetically. Even the Master Swordsman had lowered his weapon.

If I just shared that with Zero, I wondered, did he just share the memory with all of the other Dark Matter here? Maybe that's what he does. Maybe they all operate under one mind. Like a beehive.

"Do you really feel that way?" the Master Swordsman asked, confirming my thoughts. I decided to tell the truth.

"I feel horrible about what you guys have been through, and I feel worse that you came to NME for help instead of the GSA. What NME does to you isn't right. Giving you a horrible planet and stripping you of your rights doesn't get you what you want. I want to help you, but I don't know how."

Zero blinked at me again, then looked at his minions. They all nodded. I quietly wondered if I had said the right thing. I knew that they were inherently evil. What if they asked me to help conquer Ripple Star?

Before Dark Matter could speak, I added, "The only way I can help you is if you let me. I can get help, but you can't take Ripple Star. That's the deal."

Zero blinked twice, then looked at his minions. They shook their heads. Oh no. My heart beat faster as I gripped the wand, expecting one of them to fry me with a laser, but instead, they bowed their heads and submitted to me. All of them, even Zero and the Swordsman.

"You have our word that we won't harm this place," they promised. I didn't know how valid their word was, but it was all I had.

"Okay," I said, hoping my plan would work. "Put all of the monsters you summoned onto Ripple Star back into their home dimension and take me to Dark Star." Obediently, the Dark Matter holding crystal shards raised them above their heads, 74 in all, and opened one massive rift. On the other side, thousands of NME's legions awaited their chance to attack. But instead of jumping through, they were pushed back by a strong wind. Master Swordsman pulled me out of the way just as hundreds of monsters burst up through the clouds and were sucked back into the dimension. I held onto the Dark Matter being as tightly as I could for fear of being sucked up with the other monsters into NME's home. Once all of the monsters they had summoned were sealed away, they closed the rift and teleported all of us to Dark Star.

We zapped into the dusty air of a dark and desolate planet. Dark Matter was right. There was no vegetation of any kind. Nor was there a moon or sun. Just a red and black landscape with a few hills and valleys stretched out before us all the way to the horizon. Dark Matter Master Swordsman took my hand and gently brought be down to the crimson ground. I coughed when the dust we stirred up filled my eyes and nose. Sad, odd-looking animals moped around us.

"Welcome to our home," he said sadly, his blue eye looking around the sad land. "I don't know what you're going to do about it. One person can't change the world."

I narrowed my eyebrows. "You're right. One person can't change just a world. One person can change a galaxy. An army. A universe." He looked at me with a confused expression.

Then, gathering up my courage, I whispered, "Alright Love-Love stick. I don't know what you can do, but please, fix this place." Waving the wand around me, I thrust it into the air.

A powerful feeling exploded in my veins as red hearts shot up into the sky. A voice seemed to say in my head, "You are worthy. Show them my power." I looked up at the wand and gasped. It was a celestial object.

Suddenly, a bright, shining light filled the sky. The shadow of gray clouds above us disappeared into a blue sky. Off in the distance, I could see the sun. The ground beneath us turned from red to green as flowers and trees sprouted from the ground. Beautiful wild creatures bounded past us.

"How did NME get this place for you guys?" I asked the stunned swordsman next to me.

"H-he didn't exactly make it," he stuttered, looking at the white clouds. "H-he took over this p-planet to make a home for us. I never knew it was this beautiful before we came." His eye glossed over as he looked away. "He corrupted it."

"It's what he does," I replied sympathetically. "But look at what your planet is now! Do you see now why it pays to do good?"

"I didn't do anything but trust you," he whispered.

"And that was a good thing. Trust is a key step in becoming something better."

He looked at me, and I saw something new in his eye. A glint.

"Nicolette...I'm...I'm happy." He smiled and threw his sword into the ground. "Yes! That's it! I'm happy! I never knew it would feel like this!" He bounced around and gave me a big hug. "Thank you so much, you and the Love-Love stick! I won't go back to NME! I'll never work for him again!"

"That's great!" I laughed. The other Dark Matter beings, even Zero, were celebrating like him. Then I saw a strange blue creature with a long, wild tongue hopping around. "What's that?"

Master Swordsman turned towards it. "I'm not entirely sure either."

I looked behind me, and all of the Dark Matter were watching it, too. Then some began to change. One by one, they turned into similar beings, some with bows. One approached me, looking at me with a happily confused expression.

"I'm Gooey!" it said happily.

Strange. They are Dark Matter when they are sad, but when happy, they turn into...Gooey. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a tongue touching me. Resisting the urge to jump back and smack it, I forced my hands behind my back and smiled.

"These are for you," it said, handing me a crystal shard. All around me, Dark Matter offered me their shards. "Take them back to Ripple Star. We have no need for these anymore."

"T-thank you, and I will," I replied, accepting a leaf from Gooey to hold all of the shards in. Once I had them all, I selected one and raised it into the air. A portal appeared above my head. Waving one last time to the Dark Matter, I jumped into it. Their cries of glee and happiness disappeared when the portal closed.

A moment later, I appeared on the balcony of Ripple Star's castle. Looking down, I saw I had all of the crystals. The Love-Love stick was still in my hand. Around me, I was overjoyed to see that the castle wasn't broken. All of the destruction I had seen in my vision earlier in the day had been successfully avoided. In fact, the only damage was to a few homes and villages, and even those were minor. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the castle wall. The planet was safe. We'd done it.

"Nicolette!" someone screamed, and I opened my eyes just in time to see Jecra scooping me up into a big hug. Crystal shards clattered to the floor as everyone joined in. Teasing my hair and rubbing my head with his knuckles, he cried, "We were so worried! Are you okay? Where did Dark Matter take you?"

Letting me stand, I told them the entire story. They were pleased to hear that Dark Matter had left on their own accord.

"We thought they had taken you somewhere to kill you," Garlude said breathlessly. "Richard was sure you were gone. We're so glad you're okay!"

"More than that, you just uncorrupted an entire race of beings," Ren said proudly. "That takes one awesome individual. Only you could have done that." I blushed, disliking all of the attention.

"What about you guys? You were down here in the trenches fighting the enemy. You guys are the ones who saved this place!"

"Oh, stop being humble," Amai snorted.

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed, but we were interrupted by the king, queen, and princess. Richard followed close behind.

"Thank you so much, Star Warriors," King Ansell bellowed, bowing to us. Now that was humbling. "You have saved our kingdom. We couldn't have done it without you."

"Or Prince Richard," I added. He smiled.

"I didn't do much," he said sheepishly.

"He gave me this Love-Love stick to fight Dark Matter," I said, waving it around, "and it actually healed their broken planet. It's more than you thought it was. It's a celestial object."

"And so are the crystals," Falspar said. "And your katanas. Man, Nikki, you get all the good stuff."

I blushed and offered the pile of crystals and the Love-Love stick to the king and queen. "You're going to need these. They'll help you defend your planet from future attacks."

King Ansell bowed his head and touched the crystals, and immediately they combined to form one giant crystal. "We used to be the owners of this crystal," he said. "My father called it the jewel of the kingdom. Then someone came and stole it from us, and when he did, it split into 74 pieces. Thank you for returning it to us."

Amazed, I nodded and watched as they turned to put the crystal away, but in my mind, I had a feeling I knew who had stolen the crystal. A captain who had originally kept the crystal in his office...

While I thought, the Love-Love stick I was holding suddenly burst into a flurry of hearts. They flew out of the windows and beyond the courtyard and castle, settling in the most remote parts of Ripple Star.

"When it's needed again, the Love-Love stick will reassemble," Richard said from behind me. "It always knows when it's needed."

I nodded and smiled, but something was eating me. "What are you going to do now?"

"That's what I was just wondering." He clasped his hands on his cane and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I'm not going to marry Ripple." I gasped, especially since the princess herself was standing right behind him. She caught on and joined us.

"We both decided it would be better that way," she said with a smile. "We hardly know each other, and as excited as I am to be married, I feel as though I should know someone before I wed them."

I giggled. "That's very wise."

"I know. Richard told me the same thing about you." My eyes widened. "He said the last time you guys met, horrible things happened and he thought you had died. I didn't expect to see you here, but I'm glad you came. You saved my family, my kingdom, and my heart. I want time to grow up and enjoy being a child before I pledge my life to anyone." I was amazed at this clumsy princess's sudden outburst of wisdom.

"As for me," Richard said, "I was wondering if I could join the Galaxy Soldier Army." He looked intently at me. "I want to put myself to good use if you'll have me."

"Of course!" Ren yelled, shaking his hand. The rest of my group agreed, but I couldn't bring myself to it. If something happened to Richard because of me...

"I think you should stay here," I blurted. Everyone looked at me. "The GSA isn't the only place you can serve. Ripple Star doesn't have an army except for these...what'd you call them? Waddle Dees? Anyway, they're going to need someone to lead a new army and use the weapons, and I only know one person who knows the secrets of the Love-Love stick." It was his turn to blush.

"Are you saying I should become the Captain of the Guard?" he asked.

"Yes! You'd be perfect for it!" Ripple exclaimed. "Nicolette's right. We do need someone here to train our army of volunteering citizens, not just Waddle Dees." She turned to me. "Would your army be willing to take the Waddle Dees? They don't require much. Just food and shelter. They are very loyal and will stay with whoever will provide that for them."

"We'll talk to our Captain, but I'm sure we can arrange that," Jecra said happily. The Waddle Dees around us hopped in excitement.

"Then I'll stay here and be Captain of the Royal Guard," Richard stated, a little unwillingly, and nodded at me. "I hope we'll meet again someday, Nicolette."

"I as well," I replied, but then I felt vibrating on my waist. It was my radio.

"Nicolette, can I ask you one more thing?" he asked, but I held my hand for him to pause and turned away from the group.

"This is Lady Nicolette, over. Who is speaking, over?"

"Nicolette, thank the stars! We need you back right away!"

"Wait? Who is this?"

"There's something terrible going on at the Enterprise. We don't know our Captain. I just learned about it today - Gordo, I'm such an idiot for not seeing it sooner!"

"What are you talking about? Who are you?!"

"Nic, come back as soon as you can. We need to remove the Captain from power." Then my radio was silent.

Nic. There was only one person in the universe who called me by that name.

I turned back to the group with a pale face.

"We need to go."

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