Chapter 1: Seeing My Mom Again

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Quinn's POV
Why? Just why do I have to move all the way to Seattle? I could just stay with Nana. This is terrible. I don't want to have to adjust to a new school. Plus the name of the school is weird. "Warbury High School". The words echoed in my head. Also, why am I being sent to live with the woman who decided to just leave me behind and take her favorite daughter? It makes no sense. But oh well. I at least get to see Porshia. That's what I call my mom. Not "mom" its Porshia.

Porshia's POV
Here comes the plane. I hope we all can get along. "Sweetheart grab her things when she gets off will ya?" I ask Becka. She nods in agreement and puts her headphones back on. She listens to a lot of rap. I know that Quinn will listen to anything. So as a gift I bought her three new CD's. One Black Veil Brides CD. And two My Chemical Romance CDs. I had no clue who they were but whatever it will do. OH, HERE SHE COMES. "Becka go get her please and help her carry her stuff. I'm going to bring the car around" I said this as I pulled off her headphones so that she could hear me. Becka just nods in agreement. That's all she ever does. I see her run off to go get her sister. Quinn looks so different. She is wearing a black beanie with black combat boots, black leggings, a jean vest with a dark Grey hood on it, and a lot of piercings. She had black bags with one purple one. I just stared for a bit until Becka got to her. Then I casually started jogging to the parking lot to pull the car up to the front.

Quinn's POV
I saw her. I actually saw them both. But my eyes were fixed on my phone so they didn't think I knew. I despised my mother. She left me with that man. He beat me every day. A part of me was glad he was gone. I saw Becka jogging towards me. "Hiya sis long time no see!" she seemed so perky. "Hey Becka!" I said trying to sound as happy as I could. She hugged me and helped me with my bags. We started walking towards the exit. Then something caught my eye. More like someone. I saw a guy in a Black Veil Brides shirt. So I had to say something because I love BVB. "Nice shirt dude!" he turned in my direction and smiled. He was kinda cute. "Thanks! I like your beanie!" I laughed and he laughed with me. Then we both got a dirty look from a guard. I waved goodbye and he waved back. Becka looked at me strangely. "What? I really like Black Veil Brides. I just had to tell him I liked his shirt." She started laughing and I laughed with her. I loved my sister. I loved her so much. It felt really good to see her again after 6 years of living without her. We see Porshia's car pull up. Becka helps me load my stuff and I walk up to the door. "Hello Porshia." I said. She gave me this look. I hated it. "Why dont you call me mom anymore? Im still your mother." I simply sat down and didn't answer. I put my earbuds in and shrugged. She looked at me for a second as if she was expecting some kind of apology. But then she just drove off. The ride wasnt that long. But it felt like forever. My music wasnt playing so I had to pretend to avoid conversation. I just kept glaring out the window. Eventually we pull up to some big house in suburbia. I take a look at it and realize this is Porshia's house. Damn! Its huge. "Damn! This house is yours?!?" she looked at me with caring eyes. It was gross. "Its yours too honey. Welcome home my sweet baby girl." I rolled my eyes and got out. I hated when she pretended to care. It was like she was some con artist or whatever. "Im going to be making dinner while you unpack your stuff into your room. Okay?" I nodded and walked down the stairs. I asked for my room to be a specific way. And I asked that it be the basement. My instructions were clear, I would like the walls black with purple song quotes on the wall across from my bed. Two black lamps in my room. One on each side of my bed. A black light above my bed. Purple sheets with black pillow cases and I would bring my own blanket. It was all perfect. I loved it. For once, Porshia didn't piss me off. I am actually starting to like her. From what Becka has told me, Porshia isn't that strict. She lets us do what we want. I was happy to hear that as well. Becka and I finally finished unpacking my stuff when I heard "Dinner is ready! Go wash up then come eat!" Becka and I looked at each other for a second. "Ok!" we both said in unison. We rushed upstairs and washed up. Then we walked in the kitchen and sat at the table. I grabbed a scoop of mashed potatoes and half a peice of steak. I didn't like eating very much. I ate about half of what was on my plate and threw the rest away. Then I started doing dishes but Porshia stopped me. "Oh honey, you dont have to do the dishes. We have a dish washer." I turned to see a dish washer next to me. I put the dish down and started putting them into the dish washer when Porshia stopped me again. "Honey, stop it ok I will take care of it. Go get a shower and get ready to go to bed. You have school tomorrow. Okay?" I looked at her for a moment. "Okay thanks. Do you mind taking me shopping this weekend? Dad didn't buy me many clothes." A look of sorrow appeared on her face. "Of course honey." I smiled. We hugged and then I went to go take a shower.
*To Be Continued*

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