Chapter 4: Home Then School

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Quinn's POV
I made it home after a long walk. I came in the door to see Porshia making dinner. "Hey, im back." She looked up at me. "Hi sweety, how was your walk with your friend?" I looked up at her and just sat there for a moment. "It-it was good." I said with a smile. "Oh really now? Was it a boy?" I slowly replied, "well yes. But he isn't my boyfriend or whatever. I just met him." She looked at me and smiled. It was a big awkward smile. "Thats so good to hear honey. Im proud of you for making a friend." I scanned the room. Then I looked back at her. "Well thanks I going back into my room. Just call me when dinner is ready. Okay?" I think the words sounded a little harsh but whatever. "Sure sweety. Oh and im taking you shopping Sunday. Okay?" I nodded and ran down to my room. I typed in Justin's number and texted it.
Nm hbu?
Well im sitting on my bed bored asf.
Well anyways, about today. Do u wanna do that again sometime?
Yea that would be
awesome we could
have a picnic.
Omg yes. Hahaha so is it like a date or what?
If you want it to be.
Im not rushing.
Ok yay. Bc I kinda like u.
I kinda like u too.
Yea lol
Ahhhhh. I gtg. But can we talk more tomorrow?
Ok ill tty
tomorrow then.

That was the greatest conversation ever. He likes me back!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!! This is the best day of my fucked up shitty life. His green eyes make me want to melt. His black hair is so soft. And his piercings are so hot. Ugh I have an obsession for this guy. Justin Greene and Quinn Jackson together forever. This echoed in my head. Even while I took a shower. Then it was Quinn Greene. Such a beautiful name. Ugh brain just shut the fuck up! I slept without dinner and just a shower. I was too excited to eat. Over the next few days I want to get to know him better. Then the sleep washed over me. Good night world.

Justin's POV
She likes me. She actually fucking likes me! I rush downstairs to get some food. I eat and quickly take a shower. Then brush my teeth. I go to my room and pick out something to wear. Im thinking that we will go on the picnic Saturday. She might let me kiss her. Maybe. Just maybe. I pick out some clothes and throw them on the computer chair. I clean my room and organize everything. Just in case she wants to come over. Then I softly drift to sleep.

Quinn's POV
I wake up to the sound of my wonderful alarm. Ah what a nice day it is today. I pick out my black and red checkered belt. I grab my marvel shirt and my black and red converse. Then I grab my black beanie with red lines on it. I love to match. So I put my red earnings in and red snake bites. Then im done. I feel so good today. I skip breakfast and I walk with my heels clicking. Im so happy. "What's up sis? You alright?" I smiled. "Im more than alright. Im amazing! I love you Bec." I feel awkward but I shake it off. "Why? And I love you too Q." We had little nicknames for each other. It was funny. "Simply because I have a date. Hopefully for Saturday." She smiled so wide. "Really?!?!?! Yay!! Is it Justin?" I giggled a bit. "Maaaaaybeee." She laughed. "It is Justin. Aw how cute!!" She completely fan-girled. I got into the front doors. And I didn't see him. I didn't really care though. I would see him later. So I begin walking to my locker.

Justin's POV
I get to school and I dont see her. It doesn't really matter though. I will see her in class. So I begin walking to my locker. When my friend Todd stops me. "Hey, have you seen the new girls? That one Quinn is pretty hot." I looked at him stunned. "Watch it. Im going out with her on Saturday." His jaw practically dropped. "Sorry bro I didn't know. The whole football team has a crush on her including your brother." I was ready to slap him. "Trevor isn't my brother. He is a dick that lives with me. And I dont care. I will protect her from all of the idiots." He looked down. Then back up again. "So Becka isn't off limits? Because she is pretty cute." I looked at him for a second thinking. "I dont care. Just dont hurt her. I will have to hurt you." Then I saw Quinn. I tossed my stuff in my locker and ran her way. I hugged her. "You scared me!"
"Sorry I didn't mean to"
"Its ok"
"So about last nights texts, is Saturday a good day?"
"That's the day I wanted to do it"
"Great then its set"
"Yay! Thanks for this. I love that spot. And im so happy I can enjoy it with you"
"Oh dont thank me. I should thank you."
"For what?"
"Being the most beautiful girl in the world"
"Aw thanks Justin"
"No problem I meant it"
She smiled and we walked to class together. We got into art to find we were working in partners. She and I got to a table and listened.

Quinn's POV
We set it for Saturday. Yay! His green eyes stared into mine while we talked. It was so amazing. Now here comes our art teacher. Ms.Black. SHE IS SO PERKY IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN SHE BREATHES. "So you two are working together correct?"
"Yes ma'am" Justin said
"Yea we are"
"Alrighty then. Here is your papers and two art pencils."
I glared at her as she walked away. Ugh so perky. Justin looked at me for a second. Then turned away and started drawing. I turned towards him, "Do you think we could maybe schedule the picnic for today?" I whispered. "Really? Ok yea sure." Great now all I have to do is ask Porshia. Im happy. After school I call Porshia. "Hey......m-m-mom? Can I hang out with Justin?" I forced the words out. I knew she would let me do what I want if I call her mom. "Yea sure honey. Have a nice time!" Justin looked at me.
"What was that?"
"Well if I call her mom like she wants me to she will most definitely let me do what I want"
"Makes sense."
Then we keep walking. This time Justin brought his truck. It was a nice truck. A black Chevy. We got in and he drove to the spot. We got out and sat down on a blanket he got on the way. And pulled out some cheese and crackers. I ate a piece of cheese on a cracker. Then he looked at me. "Is there something wrong?"
"No everything is perfect"
"Then why are you staring at me?"
"Because I can't get enough of your beauty."
"Im not beautiful"
"But you are"
"Ok ok I give in"
He smiled. I looked at him. Then he pulled me closer. I scooted in to make it easy. Then his lips met mine. And his tongue met the inside of my mouth. I kissed back. And we kissed for a while until I needed air. We pulled out and he looked at me. He smiled. I smiled back then I laid at his side. He held me close. "Do you want to come home with me? I can hide you from my mom and Becka" He looked at his truck. "Park it across the street. Its suburbia. Nobody will steal it." Then he looked back at me. "Ok ill come over. And stay the night." Omg he wants to stay the night? "You want to stay the night?" He nodded at me. "I want to hold you and make you feel safe while you sleep." I snuggled further into him. After that we kissed a bit more. Then we drove back to my house. Where he parked his car across the street and snack into my room. "Hey, m-m-mom! Im home!"
"Ok great i will start dinner"
"K. Um pls dont go in my room for tonight. I am rearranging things. People are a distraction"
"Oh ok sweety"
I turned and walked away heading down the stairs. I fell asleep on him. Then I heard, "Becka! Quinn! Come eat!" I jumped up. I went upstairs ate a green bean and snuck the rest downstairs. Justin looked at me for a moment then ate.
<3 *To Be Continued* <3

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