Chapter 6: Wednesday

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Quinn's POV

This time the alarm scared me awake. I saw him jolt up out of bed. He slept in my bed! I had realized that I didn't write the poem as I said I would. But that's okay I will write it in class. I came believe Porshia let him stay the night. For one it was a school night, and for two he is a guy. She left us unsupervised and in my bed. She must really trust me. I spring up out of bed and run to my closet. Justin is still sitting there. "Oh get up ya lazy log!"
"Nah I think im good right here"
"Oh whatever"
"Hey I like watching you"
"Ha stalker!"
He grabs me playfully and pulls me down to the bed. "And if I am a stalker?"
"You would be the hottest!"
"Ha go get dressed you weirdo"
"Okay my little stalker"
I laughed and smiled. I ran into my closet area and picked out some clothes. I grabbed my black pants with holes in them, my red tights, my red torn shirt, my black under shirt, my black and red stripped beanie, my black and red combat boots, and black sunglasses. Then I ran to my jewelry box and opened it. The box had layers to it. And they all could be pulled out. I looked in the section where my lip piercings were, and found my black spiked studs. I looked in the nose ring section to find my red hoop with black jewels on each end. I pulled out my spider earrings and then I was ready. I put all my clothes on along with my boots and walked into the room where my bed was. I saw Justin laying there. God how he looked cute. I walked upstairs and went to go brush my teeth and hair.

Justin's POV

She looked beautiful. It was so crazy how we had only just met. But I felt like I had known her forever. She looked at me with a smile all the time. I looked at her the same way. But her eyes were filled with pain. She smiled but I saw through her smile. I knew exactly when she had a real smile and when it was fake. I hated when the smile was fake it made me feel sad for her. But I knew she hated being pitied. I wish I could change her life for the better.

Quinn's POV

I give Justin my friends shirt that he gave me when I was in Texas and I gave him a pair of skinny jeans that were from the neighbor when I first arrived. He put them on and took care of his hair upstairs. Then when we were ready to go, he grabbed a waffle while I just kept moving. We grabbed our bags and left with Becca. She walked far away from us. She said it was so she didn't intrude. Justin and I didn't mind it and just kept walking together. Then out of nowhere he kisses my cheek.
"What was that for?" I asked. "Oh nothing im just happy I found you" he said with a big big smile. All I could think was that I am pretty sure I'm in love. I'm in love with this sweet emo guy. I could only hope he felt the same way for me. "I'm happy I found you as well Justin." I said it with a smile and my eyes wide. I don't know what I would do or think about everyday if I hadn't met him.
Justin's POV

She smiled at me the whole rest of the way. I loved it. When we got close to the school yard I kissed her and held her hand. I wanted Lainie to know I was interested in Quinn and not her. Lainie had been in love with me for a long time. She and I used to date but she broke my heart too many times for me to fall for it again. Lainie stared at us and all I could think to do was grab Quinn by the waist and pick her up. She smiled and kissed me. Lainie stormed towards us and Quinn stood defensively. Lainie pushed me and Quinn got mad. She told Becka to get to class while she and I dealt with Lainie. "Um excuse me but I would like it if you kept your damn hands off of Justin!" Quinn shouted and Lainie made a face.
"Listen new girl I dont know who you think you are stealing my man like this"
"Um no Lainie I am not yours. I'm Quinn's so long as she wants me around"
"Yea 'Lainie' and just so we are clear i want him around forever so you need to give up"
"Awe Quinn I want you forever too"
"Ha! You think Justin is going to stay with you? He is too good for you. He will come crawling back to me when he realizes you are boring and plain trash."
"Actually Lainie, she is more exciting and uplifting than u ever were. Why in the world would you think I would leave her? When she kisses me I light up and when she talks I am so intent and wish to listen. I love getting to know her and seeing her beautiful face everyday. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this fun and exciting person."
Lainie storms off and Quinn looks at me with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong Quinn?" She wiped the tears from her eyes and opened her mouth to speak "I have never had anyone say anything close to as sweet as what you just said. It makes me feel so special when you are around. I think I love you." All I could do was smile. "I love you too Quinn. So much. You make me feel better than anyone has ever made me feel." She smiled and we kept walking. I walked with her to her locker and kissed her goodbye until I got in art class with her. I met up with my friends. Spencer and Jake were waiting at my locker with surprised looks on their faces when I finally arrived to them. "JUSTIN!" Spencer shouted at me. "You and Quinn hooked up last night?!?!" Jake continued. "No who told you that?"
"Lainie spread the word on Facebook" Spencer said.
"Yea man I saw it and I couldn't help but to think damn boy I can't believe you got her to get down to fuck you"  Jake continued.
"I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH QUINN!!!!!" everyone in the hall at the time stopped and stared. I stormed away to class and made sure to be inseparable from Quinn all day.
<3*To Be Continued*<3

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