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Gokudera hit by the 10year bazooka...

"Oh, we're finally going to see the grown up version of the Smokin' Bomb," Reborn

"Yeah..." Tsuna

Except there was no Gokudera Hayato that exist from the future.


Nana would die saving Ietsuna. She did not make up with Tsuna until the end. She merely see him as other person.


"I won't let my son die!" — Iemitsu. He skipped work to attend to Tsuna's health. He even killed his own men when they tried to retrieve him for work.


"I happened to find an old picture of you...I must say you're quite hot," 27thSky to Reborn.


Iemitsu's coming home is one of the days Tsuna looked out for because Nana treats him nicely.


"Shouldn't you be bedridden right now?"

"Nah, a true love's kiss healed me. Gokudera's lips are sweet too" - Tsuna

(Gokudera mouth feed him the medicine. It's just fever actually)


Sawada Ietsuna is trained by his brother (no one knows). Tsuna at one point just suddenly stop talking to anyone except the guardians if they caught him. He visited vongola when he was sure no one is around. He help designing the base though.


True Sky's ending: Ietsuna as Decimo with his own set of guardians. The other guardians only swore loyalty to Tsuna and was still considered an ally of Vongola. 27thSky is even more feared that he was known as the brother of the Vongola Decimo. He was still accepting jobs but usually they are in favor of the Vongola.


"Papa?" (After TYL Tsuna woke up)


"You really look like a wimp when you were younger"-his daughter


In a true sky when ie haven't change yet, all the guardians have died except chrome, mukuro and hibari


confrontation between the twin would happen in the future..punching each other while breathing out their pain


Hibari was the one that would point out about Ietsuna showing an omnivorous side too.


Tsuna had mental condition that he sometimes created things in his head. He was really crazy. It was only triggered when he was in his most stressed out state. This was revealed when he was taken into custody by the cedef. Before the attack of the Destroyer, this is right after they came back from the future.


He will try to destroy his guardians/friends thinking he only "created" them in his head.(Ran never witness this state before. It was because she keeps Tsuna company when he finally start living on his own).

"Then all of you are lie. How dare you? How dare all of you to play with me?! I'm going to destroy you. All of you should be gone!"(Tsuna started attacking them without listening anymore coz all of them are 'imaginations' to him. The guardian only defend themselves but never really attack him while they are calling his name. Hibari and Mukuro will fight him until he tires out and just 'shut off' and collapse. Hibari and Mukuro are both exhausted when it end and Tsuna barely had a memory of what happen. Tsuna was asleep for three straight days.

Mukuro would come out after Tsuna goes attacking Chrome. She just stood wide eye not really knowing what to do while Tsuna was rushing to her.


Iemitsu statement of Tsuna not being capable of being part of the mafia was because of his mental state. He doesn't know he's strong though. He thought it will just be like the usual him talking to himself and the like. That's why Nana don't like him that much.


Ietsuna was not permitted to see him. He was shipped to Italy to start his training and they promised to send the guardians after him. The guardians refused after witnessing Tsuna's state and Ietsuna don't want them either(not in the bad way). Ie asked for some other else, his own guardians.


Xanxus 'suddenly' decided to backout in his plan to take over Vongola(tsuna's work) but he did not pledge loyalty to the current boss either. Varia is independent from Vongola. They swear to only come in help when an outside force attack or the Decimo is dead.

"The Varia leader ask if you're dead. I told him no and he refuse to offer support. The shark said their boss would only help when the Decimo died as agreed with the brat"

Chapter 23: Ranks [Fuuta came with a confused rank about Tsuna]

Chapter 24: Pineapple Frenzy [Attacks on Nami-chuu, Missing Hibari Kyoya, Pineapple sighting by Tsuna, Mukuro tries to recruit him or rather possess him.]

Chapter 25: [The troops assembled to attack on Kokuyo. Tsuna was caught off gaurd and had been attack by Ken though it was just minor injuries. Gokudera had been roped by Reborn to join since it was for Tsuna's protection too. Reborn convince Yamamoto]

Chapter 2X: A Sky Flame [Dying Will Mode Ietsuna and HDWM 27thSky fights Mukuro]


Hibari as Mama and Mukuro as auntie to Ueda Ran. Their TYL self barely accept, the young version of them almost turn ballistic.


"Ever since Tsuna was born, he was so sickly compared to Ie. There were months when I practically lived in the hospital while Nana had to take care of Ie alone. I can't even go home knowing that any minute something might happen."


Iemitsu would be delayed going home and the twin would go to kokuyo(the amusement park) on their own. The accident will happen.


Giotto disappear because Reborn is coming and he sort of give the right to him to take care of the twins. Giotto meets Tsuna through Vongola Nono when he visit Tsuna in the hospital and the will of the Vongola Ring accompany him.


"Why do I have to have a brother? It would be way better if you didn't exist!" Ietsuna to Tsuna (8 y/o)


Ran would only learn Tsuna's surname if she can kick his ass (she doesn't know why he was helping a bloody bastard boss).


After almost killing his guardians, the vindice detained him for being uncontrolled and dangerous. He was left out soon together with mukuro.


When Takumi was captured, a hacker attacked CEDEF, nothing was lost except all the investigation on 27thSky. Iemitsu actually expected the attack and had the files backed up while a few hackers where on standby and traced the origin of attack to be in China.


Gokudera was forced to take care of lambo by tsuna..he was smiling when Tsuna was looking and tempted to strangle lambo when he is not.


They were my original notes about A True Sky in my google keep. Plans did not keep up. Had to shuffle them so they made some sense.


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