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So another common fanfic topic but I just wanted to make my own.


The Sawada residence is having a peaceful morning until a loud shriek disturbed it followed by heavy footsteps running down the stairs.

"Okaasan, why didn't you wake me up?" the boy with short blond hair and brown eyes asked his mother in the kitchen.

"Ara, Ie-kun gomen. I was just about to wake you up. Here sit down and eat," his mother, Sawada Nana said while placing a plate of pancakes in front of him.

"By the way, could you bring your brother's lunch? He forgets to bring it," she added placing two bento boxes beside him before going back to the kitchen, missing the darkening of his son's expression.

"Tch. That dame again," he murmur to himself but still nodded to his mother.

The boy, Sawada Ietsuna, is a perfect child and student. He's intelligent, athletic, and kind or at least that's what people thought. Everyone looks up at him in school and he's also famous in their town.

One thing however he thinks is tainting his name. It's none other than Sawada Tsunayoshi, his dame younger twin. He really hates the idea that Tsuna is related to him but at least they don't look the same.

Tsuna has a brown gravity defying hair and big doe-like eyes that shouted innocence. He always fails in the class and even has a very poor performance in sports. He's also always asleep in class much to his teachers' hatred that even them are calling him by his famous nickname. Dame Tsuna.

Ietsuna bid goodbye to his mother before running to school. Once he was a good meters away from home, he toss one of the bento box in the nearby bushes and jog happily, giving fake smile to the people he passes by.

He still reaches the school late though and of course had been bitten to death by the skylark Hibari Kyoya. Good thing he managed to slip past him and run away, leaving him only with a few scratches.

"Ie-sama, are you okay?"

"Waa, Ie-sama had been hurt. You should go to the clinic and get checked"

"Ie-san, are you okay?"

Question such as those echoed in the whole room when he came in. Almost every girl was cooing at him checking him for other injuries while the guys were just asking if he was okay. Only four people remain in their seats, the school idol Sasagawa Kyoko, Kurokawa Hana who was glaring at them while muttering 'monkeys', Yamamoto Takeshi who was staring at nothing without his carefree smile and his sleeping brother Dame-Tsuna.

Ie walk to his seat after reassuring his classmates he was okay but didn't miss the chance to kick his brother's table when he walk past him. Tsuna who's having a peaceful sleep was startled and jolted up awake wearing a very serious expression.

Laughter erupted in the class who take the situation as a funny joke while the brunet is still on guard. It was his instinct acting up while he surveys his surroundings. His brain being hazy from sleep didn't immediately catch that he's only in the classroom.

"Are you okay Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko asked him and he seem to finally leave his state of trance.

"I-I'm alright Kyoko-chan," he said while smiling brightly at the girl.

"That's what happen to dame people Dame-Tsuna," one of his classmates said and snicker.

"If you have just seen your face Dame-Tsuna," another one followed.

Tsuna look around and saw his brother laughing with them and was even helping them to think more insult for him while smirking.

"Don't mind them Tsuna-kun," Kyoko assured him.

Tsuna didn't bother to answer and just smile at the girl. No matter what, he will always mind their insults one way or another. Their teacher Nezu-sensei soon came in and started his boring lesson but the brunet just drifted off to another dreamland instead of listening.

"Sawada Dame-Tsuna!" someone shouted right in his ear. He slowly opens his eyes knowing it was his annoying teacher again. He'd been doing that for quite a while now and he wouldn't be surprised if he would be deaf one day.

"Hai sensei?"

"Answer the question at the board. You're not listening to me again, no wonder you're a no good student," Nezu-sensei rants making Tsuna wonder if that's really how an elite teacher should speak though he knows better.

He turns his attention to the board and finds an easy math equation. He wanted to rub on his teacher's face the right answer but he decided against it and gives his usual response instead.

"I don't know"

"Get out of my class now!" his teacher once again shouted while pointing at the door.

Tsuna walks out without a backward glance while forcing himself not to pout. He thought he could have a peaceful sleep but now he was sent out. Last night had been very busy for him and he barely had a sleep.

Dame-Tsuna is everything but what people thought of him. It's already been four years since he started hiding his real self from everyone. Apart from he doesn't want to drag anyone to his chaotic world, his life is also way peaceful being alone.


"You're amazing Tsu-kun, you can already read and speak Italian," Sawada Nana cooed his nine years old son Tsunayoshi while his husband Iemitsu is ruffling his son's hair with Ietsuna on his lap.

"Good job my Tuna-fish. Ie, you should also learn Italian coz you will need it in the future," Iemitsu said missing the glare of his older son to his twin.

Later that night, Ietsuna pay a visit to his twin's room and find him reading again.

"Oi show off Tsuna," he said that startled the other. Tsuna immediately cower at the evil intent in his brother's voice and he was actually right when he punch him in the stomach.


He fell on the floor clutching his stomach but it didn't stop Ie who kick him a few more times. He then turns his attention to his books lying on his table and started ripping them off.

"D-Don't Onii-chan...Otou-san gives them to me..." Tsuna begged but his brother didn't stop destroying his books.

"You dare to show off like that again and I'll make you suffer more than that," Ietsuna said while looking for his other study materials.

Even his school books have not been spared by his twin who then left his room in a mess while he's still rolled on the floor crying and coughing blood.

Tsuna dismisses his brother's threat at first and continues doing well in school and excels in academics but the beating also continues. A few months after, his grade started to go down and he also refuse to join their school activities making him isolated from his classmates.

His mother also starts to worry about him and ask him his problem but he never had the chance to tell her the truth. Besides, it would cause bigger problem to his family. Time passes and everyone forgets his older self replacing it with his dame façade.

However, no one knows that things are different once he locks the door in his room.


Tsuna sigh before walking away. He wasn't told to stay put anyway. He started his directionless walk until he finds himself at the door of the rooftop.

He slowly opens the door and can't help but smile at the gust of wind that hit his face. He has never really tried going to the rooftop since it was rumored to be the haven of the scary skylark.

"Herbivore, you should be in the class now." Speaking of the devil.

He throw him a glance before looking for a good spot to sit on but the other take it as an offence and attack him. He quickly duck and jump to the right avoiding the pair of tonfa while Hibari just glare at him.

"I see you're not an ordinary herbivore," the black haired kid said while his steel blue eyes have an unusual glint knowing he's having a nice prey.

"Come on Kyoya, don't be so riled up," he said being a little daredevil to the prefect.


Hibari lunged for another attack but his prey dodges everything and even manages to land a hit on his arm to diverge his tonfa.

After a few minutes of dodging, the skylark seems to lost interest and hid his weapon much to the brunet's relief. Tsuna let out a sigh finally be able to rest now that the other's bloodlust have subsided.

"I'm going to keep an eye on you Omnivore"

"Suit yourself. Can I stay here by the way? I don't feel like going back to class now"


Hibari leave him alone and go back to his spot while he strolls to the nearby shade and lie down. He could have a good sleep there since he has no lunch anyway. Knowing his brother, he probably has thrown it away again.

He had to meet someone so he left home earlier than usual leaving him no time to prepare his own bento but his mom promised him one and that she will ask Ie to give it to him at school.

Ietsuna bringing his lunch for him sounded like a miracle since he himself is taking away his lunch instead.

Clearing away his thoughts, he could feel his eyes getting heavy and he willing gives in to sleep drifting off to his favorite dreamland.

"Omnivore," a cold voice disrupt Tsuna's peaceful sleep and being the light sleeper he is, he open his eyes and stare back at the steel blue orbs.

"Lunch is almost over. I won't allow you to skip more classes"

"Time really fly so fast. I'm going then Hibari-san," he replied in his usual soft, calm but indifferent voice that he uses to other people.

"Where did your carnivorous side go?"

"Sleeping I guess," Tsuna said before moving away from him to the door.

Tsuna went back to class and though he did not sleep again, he stares up at the sky instead. It always mesmerized him and makes him want to reach for it. He likes how it remains a sky and glows beautifully despite the storm, rain, lightning, mist, and even if the sun is blazing hot or the cloud is covering it away. But he knows, the sky alone isn't all pretty.

The class goes on and on leaving him alone in his own world. Some teachers have already given up to make him listen since they have already decided themselves that he would be nothing in the future so his education will just be wasted. One even suggests him to just drop out.


I hope you like it. Leave me a COMMENT or some VOTE too.


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