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“Damn it!” a blond cursed loudly while running through the empty streets of Namimori. He’s going to be late, that’s for sure if he couldn’t reach the school in the next minute. It was all that hitman’s tutor fault. His body already got used to being awaken by pain and now that he isn’t here, he overslept. He definitely did not miss the torture but having a live alarm clock was helpful, sometimes.

Muttering a curse one more time, he summoned every bits of his strength and surge through the streets with his eyes locked on his destination—Namimori Middle, ignoring the people he passed by.

The bell rang just as he stepped inside the gate. “Yatta!” he cheered after avoiding a certain dangerous situation against the prefect. He really isn’t in the mood to get beaten in his rarely acquired painless day.

“That was an EXTREME run, to the EXTREME!” A shout right beside his ear makes him jump out of his skin. He turn to his left and found a white-haired boy with a bandage on his nose beaming at him. He tried to jog his memory to match a name to the face but failed. His mind was focused on his still ringing ears. All he knew was he is a senior.

“You are much better than what I have heard. A really talented guy who can only be found once in a hundred years,” the boy continue rambling.

“Who are you?”

“I’m the captain of the boxing club, Sasagawa Ryohei! My motto is EXTREME! I’m also looking for extreme men like you to join my club”

“Join the boxing club?” he asked and the man nodded enthusiastically. Ha! Like hell he would. He’d rather join the tree planting club than goes boxing. That club was one of the unpopular clubs of the school and barely had members.

He was about to decline the man when the school bell rang again, cutting him off.

“I should get to class to the EXTREME! I’ll see you in the gym after class, Sawada,” Ryohei shouted while running away leaving a gaping Ietsuna still by the gate.

“Herbivore, you’re going to be late to class,” a menacing voice behind him forcefully pull him out of shock.

“Damn it!” he cursed loudly while running through the now empty hallways of the school.

The teacher was already calling the roll when he arrived causing all eyes to fall on him the moment he open the door. To say it was awkward was an understatement. He’d never been in that situation before, it was Tsuna’s job to be in embarrassing position, not his.

“Ah, Sawada-kun, we’re just about to start, please take your seat,” Nezu-sensei said, smiling at his favorite student. Ietsuna’s attention immediately shift to his brother to see his reaction and caught him making a face to their teacher. Probably jealous that he was always scolded when he was late.

He had the sudden urge to laugh but it vanish when his eyes fall on the raven purposely not looking at him. He wasn’t an idiot to believe there is nothing going on the easy-go-lucky jock. Just looking at clenching and unclenching of his fist, he knows his face is probably on the line of being bashed. His eyes linger a bit longer on his injured arm, the sling was gone but it was not being moved either. Just lying idly on his lap.

He clicked his tongue before going to his seat. It was not his problem anymore, he was alive, no further damage done. Whatever miracle he pulled off to be saved from falling down the roof was not his concern. Besides, he did not tell to jump off the roof. It was his fault for being an idiot.

He scanned the class one more time and noticed that the delinquent puppy was actually absent. He was a bit curious but that was it, he isn’t that interested with other people’s lives.


“Ie-san, maybe you should uhm…apologize to Yamamoto-san…” one of his friend, Shiro, said while they were lounging on their usual spot during lunch. Ietsuna turns to him and stare for a while. Things had been going on he knew it, after the bathroom incident he started avoiding trouble at all cost. They repeatedly tried him to make him spill who was it that attack him yet all he replied was no one attacked him but ‘he’ was watching.

“I thinks so too, Ie-san,” another said and he could see the rest of his group nodded.

He sighed seeing really no escape against it. “Fine.”

The baseball team was in a buzz, their practice had been double for the upcoming tournament. People were running left and right, the balls shoot out from the pitching machine are being hit accurately and their pitchers were currently throwing ball at the net.

A raven wearing the team uniform however remain seated and was just watching the team from a far. He had his other hand unconsciously rubbing his right arm, a contemplative look on his face.

“Don’t worry about it Yamamoto. You could play again right after your arm was good,” the baseball team captain said when he reached him on his spot. He give him a pat on the back before adding a light-hearted joke. “It will be our chance to show off now without you hogging all the fans.” He just give him a sincere smile.

Yamamoto decided to left and wander around the school seeing he really can’t play or he’ll injure his arm for good. He went back to their classroom on a mission to hunt a certain person. He was actually excited but it died down when he did not find who he was looking for and meet someone else by the door instead.

The blond meet his eyes for a second before it darted somewhere else and mumbled a quiet “sorry”. Truth to be told, he had no ill feeling to harbor against him but he doesn’t have a pleasant feeling either. The words he said was kind of unacceptable for him. He just nodded his response before they go on their own way. His real forgiveness would just come sooner or later when the bitter after taste of their previous encounter fades.


It turn into Yamamoto chapter but I just thought maybe I should do this first or it may hinder my plans for my characters if those two remains cold to each other. Well, Bitchy-Ie is back.

Another chapter coming up soon…probably, hopefully. See yah! (⌒ω⌒)ノ


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