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This will be long but just this time lemme~

Ok first, I wanted to say my THANK YOU again to everyone that reads, votes and comments in this story. Ah, every reaction from you sends me over the moon. See that screenshot over there? I don't know how did that happen..XD

I know it's just temporary or maybe even glitch but f-ck if it did not make me happy.

I don't actually have the energy left to write after my computer won't open last night. All my files, stories and everything else, is there and now I can't access it. Just thinking about the completed two chapters of Reunion pt2 that have no back up makes me want to kill.🔫🔪💣😡😠

That screenshots were taken earlier after I decided (the app doesn't load 😑) to open my account in the browser. It cheered me up even just for a bit. So thus I decided to start typing the next update on my phone (so hard though. This message alone numb my fingers).


I'm still hopeful I could recover my files.🙏🙏

(August 29, 2016 | 5:26 PM)



I did not delete that one 🔝 to share it anyway. I almost had a heart attack after those instructions worked. I actually feel like 27thSky even though I just run the safe mode and regedit. XD


A tail sticks out from a random luggage followed by a small butt wiggling out. Its body slowly slither outside the bag until a lump of hair appears. He looks around noting that it was quite dark from where he is. The floor is moving too.

There was a light from the other end and thinking it was the exit, he runs to it jumping from bag to bag until he reached the opening.

His eyes lit up after seeing where he is.

"Gyahaha! Lambo-san reached Giappone!" he shouted earning the nearby people's attentions.

He run out of the airport going to the lined up waiting cab and jump inside the open door. Another man was also inside but he ignore him and he crawl to the driver's head instead.

"Bring me to Reborn! Hayaku! Hayaku!"

"Get off me brat," The older man replied while pulling the kid away from him. His passenger only laugh at the scene in front of him before helping in prying the kid off him.

"Now, now kid, where are you even heading? And where are your parents?"

"Lambo-san's boss is in Italy and I'm going to Reborn to kill him," Lambo replied, picking his nose. He was leaning back on the seats lazily while retelling the order his boss gave him.

"Kids this day. When I'm leaving Japan the other day, I met a kid in the airport saying he's the number one hitman. I think he's from Namimori too"

"That's Reborn! Bring me to him," he ordered. The driver just click his tongue before hitting the road.

Reborn press the doorbell of the Sawada Residence thrice before the door finally opens revealing his blond student. Ietsuna tried to close the door again but Leon turn into a doorstopper and latch on the doorframe before the other could shut it all the way.

"Ciaosu, Baka-Ietsuna"

"Why did you come back, you damn demon? You should just rot in wherever hell you came from!" Ietsuna shouted causing an irk mark to appear on the hitman's face. Reborn kicked the door open hitting the blond standing behind it at the same time.

"You're supposed to say 'welcome home'. Have no one thought you manners?" the Arcobaleno said then paused with a childish glee. "Well since I'm your tutor, let's add Manners in our lessons."

"I don't want to learn manners from a baby!" Ietsuna protested but was ignored when the hitman's stomach grumble.

"But I'm hungry, so... Mama, I'm home!"

"Ah, welcome back, Reborn-kun," Nana called back when the hitman reached the kitchen.

Ietsuna who was left by the door decided to walk around the neighborhood. He wanted to avoid as much further encounter with the devil as possible. He just recently got used to have his peaceful life back yet the spawn of Satan decided to come back that very moment.

"I'm going out!"

"Take care Ie-kun," his mother replied.

His directionless walk ended up in a park where he lounge on one of the bench to pass some time. He was actually tempted to fall asleep if not only because of the kids running around noisily.

"Geh. Left and right are all annoyance," he muttered.

Meanwhile, Lambo was playing 'ready, go' around a tree when a blond plop down on the bench beside his while muttering to himself. He must be an idiot. Only idiot talk to themselves, Lambo decided. Lambo was planning to ignore him but the idiot talk again that caught his attention.

"Stupid Reborn. What does he teach anyway?"

Ietsuna stays in the park for half an hour before going home. They already had an annoying baby in their house, he can't stand watching more brat that can't stay still. Unknown to him, a cow decided to tail him.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome home Ie-kun," Nana respond.

"And that's what you call manners. Let's start our lesson idiot student of mine," Reborn added.

"I told you I don't want to learn manners from a baby!"

"You are not allowed to protest. Besides you need to study too for your upcoming test. Though your grades are above average, I cannot accept anything less than perfect," the hitman tutor said while going up the stairs, a protesting Ietsuna behind him.

Lambo after hearing the conversation loud and clear decided to climb the tree. He's going to assassinate Reborn from the window, he's boss is going to be proud, the kid thought. Of course since is the great Lambo-san, he hide himself first. His target should be in the right position before he kill him. He can't see them from his hiding place though.

The kid listens carefully to all noise and when he heard the door shut close, he jump down to the branch right in front of the window.

"Die, Reborn!"

"Wrong window," someone answered him.


He peeked inside the room and see a brunet typing away on his laptop. Lambo watched the guy for a second before said man stopped typing and turned to him. Hmm, the guy looks weird.

"Reborn's in the next window"

They had a stare down contest for a moment until the kid pull off a bored face and lower his gun.

"Of course Lambo-san knows that. I'm just practicing."

"Sure," the weird older person said before turning back on his work.

"Lambo-san's telling the truth! How dare you not believe me? I, Lambo-san, five years old hitman of Bovino Familia from Italy, is telling the truth!"

The brunet, Tsuna, turn his full attention to the Bovino hitman. He was still bawling about how he is telling the truth. Tsuna can't understand though what the connection of grape candy in telling the truth.

"You're noisy, you know?" Tsuna said and the kid shut up in an instant. He was ready to sigh in relief and go back to his work only for the cow to start shouting again.

"Lambo-san is not noisy!"

"You are," he replied while shutting his computer down. By the looks of it, he can't finish his work anytime soon.

"Lambo-san is not!"

"You are"

"I am not!"

"You are. Here catch!" The brunet throw a piece of candy he 'miraculously' found on his table. He really need to clean his room, he forgot to check though if the candy is still safe to eat.

"Gyahaha! Grape candy~" the kid sings while unwrapping the sweets. "After I kill Reborn, I'm going to make you my slave!" he declared pointing at the brunet.

"By now, he probably have already run away," Tsuna said snapping the kid back to his mission.

"Lambo-san will not let him!"

The Bovino hitman jumped to the next tree right in front of the second window. Lambo laughed on his head. This time he won't miss.

Lambo just landed on the branch when a crack and a loud snap echoed and the branch he was standing on falls down.

"Gupyah!" Lambo stood up from his fall while holding in the tears. "To-le-rate..."

He climbed up of the first tree again and stood in front of the window of the weird person.

"You know Reborn's on the other room," Tsuna said to the kid while working on his assignment this time.

"T-There's no branch..." the kid mumbled while sniffling.


"T-Too high..."

"I mean jump inside my room. Then go to theirs," the brunet explained.

Not waiting for the second instruction, Lambo jump through the window into the weird person's room.

"The door to the left," Tsuna add without lifting his head from his notebook.

Lambo perked up knowing he was closer now to his target. Without wasting another second. The kid run out of the room going to the next.

"Long time no see, Reborn! It's me Lambo!"

"Shut up!" two voices duet.

Tsuna could only look when a white cow suit was flung outside the other window and exploded. The brunet shrugged. Not his problem...

"And why are you in my window again?"

...but the burnt brat showed up on the branch in front of his window. If only he is not using that tree when he was sneaking out of the house, he would have cut it down by now.

The kid only sniffled before he burst into full blown crying.

Tsuna stare at him debating what to do. He should probably quiet him down but no more candy showed up on his table. Maybe sleeping pills would work, he remember seeing a whole bottle on his drawer together with those bottles of poison pills. Or maybe he shouldn't. He don't think he remember which of them is just for temporary sleep.

"Get in," Tsuna sighed and the kid jump inside his room again. He don't actually know why he was bothering with this kid. It's not like he had a good relation with the Bovino's either. That familia is cheap. They never agreed on his price so he don't take a job from them.

"Y-You're Lambo-san's slave. I order you to get me food first," the kid muttered in between his hiccups.

"You should wait for the call first..."

"Lunch is ready!" Nana called from downstairs.

"...something like that," Tsuna finished.

"Gyahaha! I'm going to eat Reborn's food!" Lambo shouted his energy back full force. Tsuna just shake his head. He planned to return to his work but the kid stop from going downstairs.

"As Lambo-san's slave, bring me to the kitchen!" Lambo jumped on Tsuna's head and pulled on his hair like he was holding on a rein. "Hurry! Hurry!"

Tsuna decided to humor the brat and followed his order. They reached the dining room and find it empty except for the hitman tutor.

"Where's the others?" Tsuna asked him.

"Maman said she's going to take a nap. Ietsuna is still in his room," Reborn replied not paying attention to the cow pulling on the brunet's hair.

"I see. I'm going to get extra plate."

"Ne, ne, slave~ you should help me kill Reborn," Lambo whispered when they were a little farther from the greatest hitman.

"And how should I do that?" the brunet ask sounding interested.

The kid looked around until he spotted a bowl of hot noodles. The kid laughed again. He is a genius.

"Lambo-san knows~"

Reborn jumped from his seat to the next chair, bringing the rice with him. He landed with one foot at the top of the back rest then stare at his attacker.

"What are you doing Dame-Tsuna?" he asked, eyeing the wet spot on his former seat together with a few soggy noodles.

The brunet just stare up at him innocently, empty bowl on his hand.

"Gyahaha! Dame-Tsuna is Lambo-san's henchman now," the cow kid that crawl up the brunet's head answered instead. "Hora! That one too. He's a meanie to Lambo-san. Attack him!" the kid shouted while pointing at the clueless blond that enter the dining room.

A mischievous glint sparked in the brunet's eye while a sadistic smirk surfaced in his face. Oh how he already love this game.

Tsuna picked up the plate of egg in front of him and throw its content to his twin who got smack square in the face. Reborn could only face palm. What a sorry excuse of a future mafia boss.

"What the hell! Who throw that?!" Ietsuna shouted brushing the egg off his face. Oil still smeared his face and he just fume even more.

"The idiot looks more idiot," Lambo taunted while picking up more food.

"Oi stop-" Reborn was about to lash out on the cow when he caught something green from the corner of his eyes. Reborn flick his chopsticks and caught the thing, a broccoli. He turn his attention to the brunet and found him holding another vegetable ready to be thrown.

"Stop this nonsense food fight, Tsuna!" Reborn ordered but the cheeky brat just smile at him.

"It's not food fight Reborn-san...this is food ambush!" and random foods flew to the two's direction. Ietsuna successfully scurried out of the room but the hitman remains and becomes the sole target.

"There! Take that Reborn!" Lambo shouted with a serving of cake in hand. Leon turns into a baseball bat and hit the cake going back to the cow. He did not expect though when a glass of juice rain on him.

The hitman shadowed his eyes with his fedora while his partner shift into a gun. Tsuna seeing the change, picked up the cow kid who was preparing for another throw and ducked under the table just in time before bullets rain on them in return.

"Tch!" the hitman mumble before leaving the kitchen.

"Move! Lambo-san has no space!" the cow whined in the middle of the night. Tsuna groan then roll over. He don't know how he ended up in that situation though. All he knows is they started a ruckus in the kitchen, pissed Reborn off then run away. Or at least he thought so. Turns out the cow remains in the kitchen and Nana found him there. The woman found him adorable and offered him to stay. And now he was stuck sharing his bed with the brat.

"Moooove!" the kid whined again pushing him even farther.

"Oi, you're so small. Why do you need that lot of space? You could fit in a box you know," Tsuna answered. He was wide awake by now staring down at the brat occupying more than half of his bed.

"You're Lambo-san's slave. Slave should sleep on the floor!"

"Why you? This is my room!"

"It's Lambo-san's now!" Lambo shouted back before pushing the brunet off the bed.

Tsuna got up. He's going to look for a box and he's going to ship this brat back to Italy.


The whole chapter is in a mess. But...but, I really wanted to update. I didn't think it would take lots of time though.

Moving on, I think all Guardians had been gathered now. Only one more is missing. Yeah, it was the great pineapple's turn soon.

By the way, who have seen Kuma-chan's arm? I'm looking for it...XD


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