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That night, Tsuna sneaks out like how he usually does but this time he was extra careful since a much sensitive person is in his house.

After jumping down his window, he casually walk on the street though he's face is still hidden. Someone like him hiding in a hoodie is normal for the others since there are really people that are doing it as a fashion statement or some sort, hence they simply ignore him.

Tsuna reach their designated meeting place and stay up the tree to wait. Going out with no job to do is just his petty excuse to stay away from his former home. He already gives up trying to fit since he knows it wouldn't change anything.

"What an odd time to think about family?" he asked out loud.

"Omnivore," someone called that startles him, making him lost balance and falls off the tree. His credibility would surely be questioned if someone that knew his reputation saw how pathetically he falls down.

"Don't do that again Kyoya," he said pouting while picking himself up and dusting off his pants.

"Show your face Omnivore," the other demanded. Tsuna could see his tonfa out but in his left hand is an out of place pink plastic bag. The Hibari Kyoya carrying pink is just extremely weird.

"If I remember, I'm an herbivore yesterday so why did I suddenly turn into omnivore. Besides, I thought that's only for that boy in your school. I'm jealous, give me a unique nickname too," he whines but didn't miss the dark aura forming around Hibari.

"You want nickname? Fine I'll call you Usagi," Hibari said barely getting out the words through his clench teeth.

"That's for a girl. And to think you're also bringing me cake in the middle of the night. Ne Kyoya, are we dating?"

"Fight me" the prefect said instead trying to ignore what he says.

Tsuna jump to take his cake away at the millisecond of Hibari's distraction, slipping the bag off the prefect's hand and ducking at the coming tonfa.

He stays a good distance away from the fuming man who already had his other tonfa out too. Fighting him could destroy his cake so nope, he wouldn't fight.

"Usagi will be devoured by a carnivore so I don't want to fight you. Wanna join me for the cake? It's sad to eat alone you know"

"You're a very weird Usagi. Fight me," the prefect still insists but didn't attack the guy like how he usually does.

"I said I don't want to"

"Tell me, are you really the 27thSky or just an ordinary strawberry-cake obsessed psycho?"

"Oh I'm both, I think minus the psycho. I'm just an ordinary guy you know," he answered while opening one of the cakes then sniffs.

"I said fight me"

"So persistent. I'm going now." Tsuna said while putting the sweets back in the box after he confirmed Hibari got him the right cake. "It's nice doing business with 'ya," he continued, his voice fading as he blend in the dark.

Hibari did not make an attempt to follow the man, boy rather, but just kept his tonfa instead. He stare at the spot the hacker disappear into before walking away.

"Family huh? You're really an omnivore, Usagi Sawada Tsunayoshi."

The brunet reaches home safely and eats his cake in the room while smiling. He actually diagnosed himself before as bipolar and by the looks of it, his poles have even widened. Or maybe he's just really a strawberry shortcake obsessed psycho.

His smile though instantly drop when his business phone vibrates flashing a new email for him. A new job from his high paying clients, since they were the only one who has his contact number, it seems.

[Good day 27thSky. We would like you to gather some information for us. Call us for the details. Aria Giglionero]

The call has to wait tomorrow. He isn't fond of talking business when someone's eavesdropping on his door.

Tsuna woke up to nothing but pitch black. He feels himself floating in a void and he couldn't figure out anything. His intuition is always acting up if he is in a dire situation but he couldn't feel it today.

It was until an orange flame lit up a few feet away from him that he understands what's happening.

"Tsunayoshi-kun," a soft male voice called him. He always had the calming effect that Tsuna love every time he heard his voice.

"Giotto-niisan," he called back unable to hold the smile he had for the blue-eyed blond in front of him.

He runs to the man to hug him only to pass through his body. Something is wrong. That never happened before. Everything in that void is possible. He should be able to touch him.

"I'm starting to fade away Tsunayoshi-kun. As my deemed heir, I'm leaving the Vongola in your hands"

"No, no, no. Please don't leave me Giotto-nii. Besides, aniki is the chosen Decimo so there's no reason to leave it my hands. Stay with me Giotto-niisan," he pleaded.

He always disregard the thought that a day will come that he will no longer see Giotto. That one day he have no next time to anticipate when he will see him again. He is his only family. He is the only one that gives him courage to continue living in a place he is obviously unwanted.

"You know your brother more than I do Tsunayoshi. Do you think he is the one that could bring back the Familia to its original path?"

"The more reason why you should stay. Your family needs you, I need you..." Tsuna said, desperation in his voice as tears freely fall from his eyes. He can't have him leaving. He don't want to be alone again. Even if he can't interact with him in reality, at least he knows he was there. If he's leaving then he's...

"It will happen, one way or another Tsunayoshi-kun. Carry my will..."

Giotto started to get more transparent by seconds and before Tsuna could reach for him, he was nothing but a fading outline.


The brunet wake up with tear-stained face while new ones are still falling down his eyes. He was completely alone now. Giotto was gone. His Giotto-nii...

Reborn was waiting by the dining table when he heard someone going downstairs. It's still five in the morning so he already had an idea who was it, just the person he is waiting.

He's expecting a confident Tsuna but what enters the kitchen is a crestfallen kid with eyes swollen and red from what he could guess is crying. He was the complete opposite of the boy yesterday that openly declares his knowledge about the mafia with no fear even if he was facing him, a known hitman.

"What happen to you Dame-Tsuna?" he asked but the boy just throw him a glance and a bitter smile. It couldn't be about what Ietsuna said yesterday, right?

"Ohayou Reborn-san. I'm going to school," the brunet said after drinking a glass of water. Even his voice lacks the playfulness in it that always seems to send a challenge. The younger twin indeed is a mystery while the older he was supposed to be training is a hopeless arrogant brat.

Tsuna was gone but Reborn remain in his seat. He was itching to inform Nono about the situation but he remembers his offered alliance. He has to gather information all by himself to know his identity. Somehow he could feel that the kid is hiding far bigger things than his knowledge in the mafia.
Just then his own phone rings showing Vongola Nono's contact.

"Ciaosu Nono"

"Reborn, how are you?" the old man on the other line greeted.

"I'm sure you didn't call just to ask that," the hitman deadpanned.

"Well you see, I was able to get connected with 27thSky the other day and offer him an alliance but just like the rumors of him not wanting to be allied, he reject my proposal. I want you to convince him personally since he's in Japan"

"Who is him exactly?" Reborn asked and pause. After a long silence, he stood up and left, taking the same path the brunet take earlier. "Hai," he told Nono then end the call.

Time to hunt a bunny for prey.


Um, thoughts?

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